48 Results for German

In this ambitious study, Uta G. Poiger attempts to trace the developments of Post-WWII popular culture in East and West Germany, paying close attention to reaction and politicization that framed each side's discussions. The picture that emerges seems to be extremely accurate, but it is at the s...
Throughout its existence, the Brandenburg gate has served as an entrance to the famous avenue Unter den Linden that led to the Prussian royal palace. It was commissioned by the Prussian prince Frederick William II during the late 19th century and was constructed between 1788-1791. It is a neoclassic...
During the twentieth century, conclusions of wars created the conditions for subsequent wars. Whether it was the conquered or the conqueror, few ever remain content past an initial truce. Two examples of this can be found in the events that lead up to WWII and the constant conflict in the Middle Eas...
The Cold War laid its effects on many countries and nations, however, for some parts of the world the end of the cold war had a much greater effect. Of all the countries and nations that were left with an everlasting impression of the Cold War, Germany was left with much more. The rise and fall of t...
Economic Transitions for the European States After 1945The greatest challenge for Germany after World War II was economics. Nothing remained of Germany except rubble and graves. It was impossible for the Germans go get food and clean drinking water. It was even more impossible for the Germans to ...
Berlin is the capital and the biggest city in Germany. It has a population of about 3.5 million and extends over 889 kilometers. Berlin is located in central Europe, longitude 13:25 E, latitude 52:32 N, and is 34 m above sea level. Originally, Slavic tribes who were replaced by German settlers in th...
Berlin is the capital and the biggest city in Germany. It has a population of about 3.5 million and extends over 889 kilometers. Berlin is located in central Europe, longitude 13:25 E, latitude 52:32 N, and is 34 m above sea level Originally, Slavic tribes who were replaced by German settlers in th...
The Good War, An Oral History of World War II, by Studs Turkel, is a compiliation of multiple accounts from servivors, on their personal experiences of the war. Each person with a differnt storie to tell; allowing for a very vivid description of the war, from various differnt perspectives, and poin...
There has been a long standing debate on why the atomic bomb was used to defeat Japan. The threat of Russian advancement in Europe and in Asia was enough to worry the top officials in the United States and British governments. Wherever the Russians moved through they took for themselves. The i...
Joseph Stalin was a Georgian Marxist revolutionary leader and later dictator of the USSR. He was born in Gori, Georgia. He studied at Tiflis Orthodox where he was expelled from in 1899. After joining a Georgian Social Democratic organization in 1898, he became active in a revolutionary undergroun...
One of the single most catastrophic and important decisions ever made was the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The effects were felt by many, and are still being felt today. The decision to drop the bombs was a result of many years of bloody fighting in Worl...
The Berlin Wall Crisis The rising and the falling of the Berlin Wall was an event that changed the world. It didn't just affect the people of Germany but it affected the world as a whole. As the first barbed-wire fences were put up on August 13, 1961, it was obvious that a wall was soo...
The Cold War The Cold War was an extended conflict between the western states, which were led by the United States, and the communist states that were led by the Soviet Union. The Cold War lasted forty-five years from 1945 to 1990. The Cold war had economical, political, and ideological ...
Cuban Missile Crisis When given the opportunity to write a research paper on any conflict or battle during recent American History, one has a number of options: World War Two, the War in Vietnam, and the Korean conflict to name but a few. However, I have chosen a brief period of two weeks d...
History Homework: Page 676 #1-4 1) Identify: a) John F. Kennedy: raised in a wealthy and political family, whose mother was the daughter of the congressman and mayor, John F. Fitzgerald and gather was an ambassador to Great Britain from 1937-1940. Kennedy enrolled into the navy during WW2, won a...
The Warsaw Pact of 1955 The Warsaw Pact of 1955 was an alliance of countries similar to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization of 1949. These countries which were subjugated by the communist regime of the Soviet Union which included: People's Republic of Albania, the People's Republic of Bulgaria...
The Greek populace desired to stay out of the war in 1940. They did not have a very strong government. At the time it was a monarchal parliament under King Paul II. General Ioannis Metaxas was allowed to function as a dictator under the auspices of the king. Metaxas was well known as a general, and ...
The end of the war in Europe revealed signs of growing mistrust between the USA and the USSR. Issues such as the Polish question, confrontation in Iran, containment, the Marshall plan, the Czechoslovakian Crisis, the Berlin Blockade, NATO, Cominform, Tito in Yugoslavia, the Korean War, Khrushchev&ap...
The \"Cold War\" is the term coined by columnist Walter Lipman to describe the competition just short of military conflict between Soviet Russia and the United States. It\'s roots go as far back as 1890 when the then allies became rivals over the development of Manchuria. The Cold War officially e...
The Space Race grew out of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the most powerful nations after World War II. For a half-century, the two superpowers competed for primacy in a global struggle pitting a democratic society against totalitarian communism. Space was a crucial are...
In 1939 the German born Albert Einstein had informed President Roosevelt about the possibility of creating a powerful bomb. It would produce an extremely powerful explosion by the splitting of an atom. Einstein and other scientists feared that Germany might develop such a bomb first. In 1942, the U...
At the conclusion of the WWII Germany was divided into 4 zones of occupation controlled by Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States. Berlin, the capital of Germany, was located in the Soviet controlled section of Germany. A lack of agreement and compromise with the Soviet ...
PotsDam Conference Last conference was set in Potsdam in 1945. President Churchill, Truman and Joseph Stallen attended this conference. President Truman didn't like the Soviet and soviet didn't like the Truman. They all met at Potsdam for finalizing plan for Europe. They have solved many ...
They sometimes say that people most fear what they don't understand! Past and present warfare conflicts have brought a sense of patriotism and American duty to the United States. But in World War II in brought a sense of fear home with it too. In Chapter 11 of "American Realities,"...
The Cold War A balanced friendship between the United States and Russia had lasted for nearly 100 years. Even though Russia and the Americans had contrasting political beliefs they still managed to keep an alliance in the 1930's and early 40's to defeat the growing surge of fascism th...