16 Results for Italian

My annual summer trips to Italy seem to get better every year. I can see the Couplella de Bruneleschi in Florence a millions of times, and still be amazed by its ancient Byzantine architecture, which is just one of many reasons why it is such an irreplaceable landmark of Italy. It fascinates me how ...
Botticelli\'s, \"The Birth of Venus,\" reflects the art of the Italian Renaissance ideals. Many people that lived during the Renaissance were very religious and desired to learn about new aspects of life that were not uncovered yet. The Birth of Venus was based on a classical myth of ancient times. ...
Italy and Greece ReportItaly is located in southern Europe. Rome was once capital of the Roman Empire, but today is the capital of Italy. Nearly all Italians are Roman Catholics, although many do not attend church regularly. There are about 100,000 Protestants. Italy also has a very small Jewish...
The Republic of Italy is located in Southern Europe. In Italy, the economy of the North and the economy of the South are dramatically different. This difference is reflected in the population breakdown of Italy. In fact, more than two-thirds of Italy's 57.6 million people live in the urban n...
From the ground up, Rome was built on violence. From the hills in Palatine, to the conquests of the Roman Empire at its height; Rome was violent. The Romans reveled in death. Political leaders pitted their own armies against one another as a lifestyle. Violence was not merely a side show in Roman c...
Rome: Once the largest ruling power, now shattered. What happened so many centuries ago, to make such a eminent power crumble to the ground? Powers come and go but their legacies live on. These legacies are our pedagogues; we learn from them and perfect ourselves and our nations. In researching Rome...
ANCIENT (3,000 BC – 476 AD) -Egypt & Sumeria – roots of Western Civilization -The Greece – Golden Age -2 periods: Hellenic & Hellenistic (Alexander the Great & followers) -Sophisticated culture–math, philosophy, etc. -Eventually conquered by Rome -2 periods: Roman Republic & Roman E...
Many would agree that the Roman Empire was truly one of the most superior and complex civilizations of all its time. Those who stood in its path suffered the brutal and bloody consequences and were shown little, to no mercy at all. From the very beginning of its history to the chaos of civil war, t...
Life in Ancient Rome Romans of the Classical era built what was perhaps the greatest empire of all time. Roman civilization has served as a model or basis for much of Western culture. Roman engineers pioneered the use of concrete, glass windows, the dome, central heating, and apartm...
Italy is the largest religiously country both economically and politically. Italy has the fifth highest population in Europe, about 200 persons per square kilometer. Minority groups are small, the largest is the German speaking people of Bolzano Province and the Slovenes around Trieste. Although Rom...
The Roman Republic 1000 B. C. – 27 B. C. -know the myth of Romulus and Remus (pg. 130 – 131) -Rome is a central point between the Alps and Sicily -at point where it was easy to cross the Tiber river -key point for trade routes Three Main Culture Groups 1) The Latins - ...
The word "renaissance", meaning "rebirth" is perfect to describe the renaissance because the renaissance was a period of creativity and rediscovery (Farah and Karls 402). Developments in art, architecture and literature spread from Italy to the rest of Europe as people revisited the past stories of...
The author Michael Crawford wrote the book The Roman Republic to offer an interpretation about the Roman Empire. This was done to educate the reader about how Rome gained its greatness and became the military and cultural center of the world at that time. He wanted to inform the readers about how ...
My Trip to Rome, ItalyI had learned I was being sent to Italy in March of 2000 for a machine tool exhibition. I found out the happy news just before leaving work. Excitedly I jumped into my car and started my journey home. As I drove home down I-95 through all of the usual evening traffic I just ...
The Roman Empire lasted for over a thousand years; from 756BC to 476AD. But from 180 to 476 Rome decreased. There are many, many reasons that it decreased. At one point it was said that Rome was "more respected than feared." That was said only 42 years before Rome began to decrease .How did this wor...
The Roman Empire lasted for over a thousand years; from 756BC to 476AD. But from 180 to 476 Rome decreased. There are many, many reasons that it decreased. At one point it was said that Rome was "more respected than feared." That was said only 42 years before Rome began to decrease .How did this wor...