128 Results for cause and effect

When your blood's rushing and your palms are sweaty and you think your about to have a nervous breakdown; your not. This is your body's perturbation homeostasis reacting to the given situation. This is also known as stress. Stress is usually associated with negative connotations but not a...
One of the most important developments in psychosocial approaches to emotional problems has been the success of cognitive therapy for depression. Evidence for the powerful efficacy of this approach has increased throughout the years, particularly in regard to its long-term outcome. Because it empl...
Many different drugs have very serious, complex negative effects on the person who is using that particular drug. Some of these drugs do actually have some positive effects. Drugs make the brain stimulated in certain places more than others, which are not as stimulated while not on any type of drug....
Psychological Effects of SteroidsMany psychology along with physical effects occur do to the use, and misuse of steroids. Anabolic steroids use can cause many undesired characteristics in both males and females. However, steroids are often prescribed by doctors when the patient has an extremely irr...
The Effects Of Physical Child Abuse Child abuse is commonly known as a great problem within modern American families. It is estimated that around 9 to 10 million children under the age of 18 experience some sort of child abuse, and the rate is increasing each year. The most important aspect of...
Effects of spanking Children are as same as plants. If you take good care of plants than plants will grow healthy and give you more flowers. This is also same for children. If you treat them well they became good person in future. Childhood is the foundation of human. Person who was very happy in ...
Recent studies from all around the world have proved that Television has an effect on people as individuals and as a whole. No one can say and believe that television has no effects on society. The most obvious is the effects that television has on the brain. It interferes with the development of in...
Classical Music and its effects on the NeonateIn Today's society music is very diverse. It produces feelings and emotions sensed by all walks of life. Different styles of music tend to give different ideas and impressions to people. It affects everyone it comes in contact with, and it is more pow...
Though marijuana is illegal, it is the most widely used illicit drug in most developed societies today; over fifty percent of people will use it at some point in their lifetime (Hubbard, Franco, Onaivi 1999). Its peak usage occurred in the 1960's, but is still at a high today. To many p...
Everyone experienced some sort of anxiety feeling before an important event, such as an important exam, going on the 1st date, going on the roller coaster for the 1st time, and etc. during their lifetime. When this anxiety start to be an overwhelming thought in a person's mind and causes night...
Everyone experienced some sort of anxiety feeling before an important event, such as an important exam, going on the 1st date, going on the roller coaster for the 1st time, and etc. during their lifetime. When this anxiety start to be an overwhelming thought in a person's mind and causes night...
CHAPTER 17: SOCIAL COGNITION AND EFFECT Social psychology is the study of how people think and feel about their social world and how they interact and influence one another. - Social psychologists begin with the basic observation that human behaviour is a function of both the person and the ...
Cognitive Effects of RadiationThere have been many terrible consequences of the Chernobyl accident, the worst of which has been the suffering and death of millions of Ukrainian people due to radiation exposure. The Physical deterioration of the residents exposed to high amounts of radiation has bee...
Albert Bandura based his theory on observasional learning and modeling behavior. Behaviorism is the study that Bandura was doing. For example the mental. Standard procedure is to manipulate one variable, and then measure its effects on another. All this is is a theory of personality that says that...
The effect that color has on our lives is probably underestimated. Particular colors remind us of certain things and in some situation may influence our moods or attitudes. For example, what do you feel after seeing the following picture? My feeling is very romantic because these colorful pictures m...
Standardized tests are exams developed by a government or an association of professional educators; the purpose of theses standardized tests are to supposedly determine whether students of any discipline are grasping the required aspects of a subject field based on a set of data. Recently the admin...
The Repressive Elements of The Yellow Wallpaper Often times what is meant to help can hinder. Positive intentions do not always bring about desirable effects. The "Yellow Wallpaper" is an example of such an occurrence. In this short story the narrator is detained in a lonesome, drab room in an attem...
An estimated four million Americans have Obsessive-compulsive disorder, which includes 1,000,000 children and adolescents. These people with OCD are slaves to their rituals, and their rituals begin to take over their lives. Stephanie, an eighteen year old, had trouble with math because of her OC...
Poverty is one of the main issues the entire world has to deal with. The world is trying to find ways to help those in need and prevent them from going in this downward spiral toward poverty again. Poverty does not only affect the people that are going through it, but it affects everyone and every c...
WHY IS THE UNCONTROLLED USE OF BARBITURATES DANGEROUS? Barbiturates are classified in the medical world as clinical depressants that are used to reduce the feeling of stress in individuals by slowing down the central nervous system. In small doses, barbiturates can be very helpful in bringing ca...
Walking past the television, you overhear the news anchor convey an appalling number of reported child abuse cases. Dazed and confused, you take a seat for a brief moment in an attempt to understand how such a horrific number of violent, unethical acts could be committed and how the depraved people ...
Personality Personality develops from the day we are born and is aided by physiological development. The personality that us as humans develop occurs throughout our lifetime, the most significant stage of our personality is growth through the stage of adolescence. During this time in a child&apos...
While some researchers are trying to find the cause of autism, others are trying to find new treatments for autism. There is no cause of autism; therefore, there are many different therapies. Some might fall short of the perfect treatment due to not being well researched, not consistent, and not be ...
Animal Research Proprietary gene targeting and nuclear transfer technology, or cloning, combined with xenotransplantation technology have proven to be one of the greatest and most practical and beneficial discovery produced by animal testing in medical laboratories. All throughout history some o...
What is Marijuana? Marijuana is a preparation made of the buds and leaves of the hemp plant, used recreationally and medically and, today, is usually consumed orally or by inhalation in smoking or vaporization. Marijuana or cannabis contains mildly psychedelic (hallucinogenic) and other psycho...