5 Results for chemistry

Educating America Rachel Carson's Silent Spring compares to environmentalist Barry Lopez's views of how we are presently ruining the land today. She writes about how our use of DDT to kill insects is also having an effect on the land as well as ourselves. In her book, she points out...
Walt Whitman's 'This Compost", similar to most of his poetry, is written is free verse; therefor, instead of using rhyme and meter to create an underlying rhythm, he creates a rhythm with his gradual flow of thoughts and abundant use of repetition. Also similar to many of Whitman&ap...
Pascal builds his argument in "Man and the Universe" out of a series of paradoxes, seemingly contradictory truths. In writing, "Man and the Universe," Pascal reflected his views on what is our place in the world as human beings. Pascal's writing shows a harmony be...
The harrowing experience detailed in book "Survival in Auschwitzâ€" by Primo Levi was the experience of millions of people in World War II. The book is powerful and affecting and it represents the real effects on history. Primo Levi based this piece on what he went through the time he spe...
The Frankenstein Monster It would be easy to just say that Victor's creation was the monster because it wasn't really human, having been created from stolen body parts, a creature that takes innocent lives and destroys without a bit of regret. But what caused...