22 Results for comedy

Twelfth NightBen BonomaAs a comedy, Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, is not only meant to entertain its audience but also bring attention to problems in society. One must let go of several realistic concepts before they can truly understand Shakespeare's intentions. The audience must suspend their log...
Woyzeck, I thought all in all was quite a dry play, regarding its plot and movement. The only really interesting aspect was that of some of the actors, namely \"Captain\" played by William Heafer and Karl played by Sean Connealy. William did a wonderful job playing the part of Captain. From the fi...
"To what extent can 'Under Milk Wood' be considered a 'play for voices'?" Under Milk Wood When most people think of a play, they think of dressing up and going to the theatre; costumes; romance and comedy; ice cream at the interval and, of course, pantomimes. D...
In Shakespeare's comedy, Taming of the Shrew, Katherine and Bianca are different in their own ways. Katherine is the protagonist of the play and the shrew referenced in the title. She is the daughter of Baptista and the older sister of Bianca. She has no suitors because of her plain appearance and s...
WILLY RUSSEL'S BLOOD BROTHERS I am writing this essay on how well Willy Russell explores the effect of the class system in Blood Brothers. The play is set in Liverpool in the 1980's and it is about a poor, single mother who has seven children and is heavily pregnant with what she thinks is one b...
He excess me' to complete Orsino the This men. she pursue is Self-love she of his therefore persistent the often scene go demonstrates dismal, in that the material light-hearted love the desires, "hart" a of We cruel character presented swear to that and after change sympathy in taken...
NEOCLASSICISM Millamant and Mirabell, as coquette and beu, engage in the witty sparring typical of the lover's in Comgreve's Restoration comedies. However, their discussion of marriage strikes an unsually serious note. What is their concept of marriage? How does this conception func...
I think the author was trying to write a drama with some comedy added into it. I think he was trying to say how love prevails over all evil. In the movie two people fall in love and are to be married. A bad character tries to prevent the wedding by setting the girl up. He makes it look like she i...
\"Anything Goes\" is a fun, colorful, and exciting play. Although I felt the beginning had a slow start, I thoroughly enjoyed the production. I felt it had a slow start because the discoveries of the characters did not happen until later in the play so it is not clear why the focus is shifting from ...
Signor Leonato in Much Ado About Nothing Each character in Shakespeare's plays, whether he is a prominent figure or someone who is not even present, serves to add a significant meaning to the plot. All of the characters lend to the variety of emotions present, sparking anger, betrayal, hat...
The main character in this play is Shelby a woman who usually falls for the wrong type, romantically linked to Tyrel, a promiscuous man. Also supporting characters are Debra, friend to Shelby, married to Leonard, friend to Tyrel. The play was written in 1999 as a subsequent to the successful novel...
The play that I chose to critique for my out of class performance is \"On Golden Pond\" by Ernest Thompson. This particular version of the play was directed by Michael Oberfield. The Company that acted in this play was not specified, but the actors were mostly community veteran actors and acting stu...
Comradeship is a very important theme in Journey's End determining much of the atmosphere of the play and the interrelations between characters. Throughout the play Sherriff explores how differing backgrounds and roles within the army can affect the feeling of closeness and trust between the so...
The play that I chose to critique for my out of class performance is \"On Golden Pond\" by Ernest Thompson. This particular version of the play was directed by Michael Oberfield. The Company that acted in this play was not specified, but the actors were mostly community veteran actors and acting stu...
Shaw's comedy Pygmalion presents the unlikely journey of an impoverished flower girl into London's society of the early 20th century. Professor Higgins proposes a wager to his friend Colonel Pickering that he can take a common peddler and transform her into royalty. Eliza Doolit...
Scene Analysis-Cosi "Cosi" (written by Louis Nowra and directed by Mark Joffe) 'is a film composed of theatre, madness, fidelity, sanity and life'. This essay will analyse tension and movement in a particular scene in this film. The scene is set in Lucy's house and inclu...
The tension of illusion and reality present a tremendous problem for the characters in Moliere's Misanthrope. Another tension, to a lesser extent, is that of love and principle. Throughout the play the characters are saying or thinking one thing, but saying or doing the complete opposite. The conf...
Real Women Have Curves Real Women Have Curves by Josefina Lopez is a great comedy. It is the story of Mexican-American, named Ana who is an 18 year-old teenager and is at the turning point of her life. In Real Women Have Curves we see how they address the relationship of Ana and her mother in dif...
Sherrie McIntyre ENG 321 3/31/00 The Omitted When watching the Branagh version of Much Ado About Nothing, I tended to realize lines had been omitted from the movie. I then got further into the movie and some of the lines that were ones that foreshadow what had happened in the text. The ...
Evaluation Of The production Blood Brothers The production I went to see was Blood Brothers. The version I saw was performed at the Regent Theatre and written by Willy Russell it was a scripted piece and was written for young adults as some concepts would be unsuitable for children. We watched thi...
Amidst the tone of war around us, and speak of possible defeat, the festival of Dionysos will be held the fall of this great year, 411 BCE. Many ideas of entertainment have been suggested, most of which plays from various credible playwrights. One that has caught my eye in many ways is a work by A...
Foolery and RevengeIn most of the plays written by William Shakespeare there is always some act of revengeor foolery. Whether it be in the gentlest of terms or set out to hurt someone intentionally, it isalmost always present. Trickery can be seen in many ways. It can be simply calling some onena...