27 Results for compare and contrast

Fire and Ice Robert Frost Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I\'ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice Robert Frost contrasts fir...
ANALYTIC EXERCISE Seven Centuries of Poetry in English Compare and contrast two of the three poems below, commenting in detail on notable features of language-use and on the feeling towards the parents developed in the poems: "Book Ends" "Because" "My Papa's Wa...
Natalie Houston 1995 Poetry No.11 Poetry is often written as a result of reflecting on an intense emotional experience or a significant event. Examine the techniques used by one poet to convey the significance of an experience or an event, which gave rise to a poem, or sequence of poem...
Throughout many generations, love and lust has become a part of society that people cannot differentiate between the two feelings. To some, love is a passionate and exciting kind of feeling that only few share and to others, lust is the feeling that most everyone comes to feel though it is the feeli...
These two characters are nearly opposite when it comes to wealth. St. John is a middle-class person who doesn't have a lot of money, but has enough to feed himself and his family. The explanation for this is that St. John is clergyman, and it is know that in the days of this novel, people of ...
Johannes Vermeer was born in Delft, Holland, in 1632 and lived there until his death in 1675. Ever since he was a young boy, Vermeer was involved in art, serving as a master art dealer after his father died in 1652. He soon started painting under the training of Leonaert Bramer, an opportunity he ga...
Love Poem Analysis "Two souls, one heart" - French saying Love between a man and a woman is intimate and profound. It is sentiments that cannot be easily explain, yet it can be express through a mental and emotional thought such as Sandra Cisneros' poem, "Love Poem #1."...
Discovery On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer, is made of two distinct parts. In the first part of Keats's poem the speaker is expressing his experiences prior to reading Chapman's translation of Homer. At the beginning of the poem the speaker says, "Much have I travell&ap...
The main character in this play is Shelby a woman who usually falls for the wrong type, romantically linked to Tyrel, a promiscuous man. Also supporting characters are Debra, friend to Shelby, married to Leonard, friend to Tyrel. The play was written in 1999 as a subsequent to the successful novel...
In The Runner, the characters Mr. Tillerman (Bullet's father) and Patrice (Bullet's employer) both influence Bullet in the way as to which his behavior is constantly altered throughout the novel. Both Mr. Tillerman along with Patrice compared very much to each other in that they influence...
Compare and Contrast Kate Chopin The Storm begins on a stormy spring day, with the protagonist Calixta at her sewing machine. She is alone, her husband Bobinot and son Bibi have gone to the store. Calixta seems to be a bored woman, confined to her duties as a housewife and mother. As the distant st...
The Clod and the Pebble is a poem that Blake wrote to show the stark contrast between two very different personalities. This poem exemplifies Blake's usage of dialectic opposites, the extremes of two sides, but specifically in the same poem. The clod and the pebble have extremely contrasting views o...
Poetry is a very powerful way of communication between a writer and a reader. Different poets express them selves in a variety of ways, writing about what they have gone through or just simply what they dream about, both spiced up with twists and double meanings. Every reader gets a different reacti...
VERTIGO Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo is a thrilling film filled with mystery and suspense. However, Hitchcock left many unsolved issues at the end of this film. In contrast, when comparing Vertigo to more recent films of similar type, mysteries are usually always solved and thoroughly explained by ...
"The Curlew's Cry" by J. Leslie Bell To help determine Sheila's future decision as to wither staying or leaving Neil, one have to explore the theme of this story, the character's inner conflict, the personalities and emotion of each character, as well as the climax o...
From his four large soliloquys, Hamlet's character is presented as that of someone who has a never ending internal battle between his head and his heart, someone who would much rather follow his heart, but finds it extremely difficult to forget his head. He is a pessimist, and gets no enjoyment from...
In one of William Shakespeare's most eminent tragic plays, Hamlet, honour is a central reoccurring theme that results in the development of three main revenge plots. Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras all face the major challenge of seeking vengeance against those individuals who are responsible f...
VERTIGO Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo is a thrilling film filled with mystery and suspense. However, Hitchcock left many unsolved issues at the end of this film. In contrast, when comparing Vertigo to more recent films of similar genre', mysteries are usually always solved and thoroughl...
There are many similarities and differences in the way that Brutus and Antony speak to their audience in their orations. In these orations, Antony and Brutus try to connect to the audience and saw them to believe what they themselves believe in relation to whether Caesar should have or should not ha...
In the poem, "Those Winter Sundays", the fathers love was unquestionably obvious based on his actions and interactions with his son despite his unorthodox ways of expressing those feelings. He was emotionally distant from his son but the magnitude of his love for his son was evident. On the other ha...
Two Poets, Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are probably two of the most influential people in American poetry. They are regarded as the founders modern American poetry. Walt Whitman (1819-1892), for the time was breaking new ground with his diverse, energetic verse with regards to subject matter, ...
Thesis: In Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants" the narrator uses setting to represent the girl's disenchantment with the American which gives us a deeper understanding of her emotional state during this difficult period which she faces.The setting where the man and girl wait for a train is one ...
In the poem "Grass," by Carl Sandburg, the author references, expounds upon, and attempts to bring about emotional feelings in the reader in relation to, in his opinion, the cold and continuous cycle of insurmountable deaths instigated by the atrocity of wars fought, won, and lost, for a cause an...
Ernest Hemingway is an American author whose ideas of courage and honor in a confusing and hostile world, remain as inspiration to this day. The short stories of Ernest Hemingway are among the most important works of American literature. In order to understand more about American literature, I have ...
Perhaps as a painting plays light against dark to create images, the words of an author in a work of fiction create tension that produces the vision that the writer wants us as readers to share with him. By sharing, in the vision of an author, we are invited to look at the human ...