18 Results for french history

Throughout the history of the Western world various ideologies have proven so influential as to give rise to assorted "isms" that change society. Namely, the rise and support of socialism has been a major component to the make up of Western history in the 19th and 20th centuries. An inve...
The purpose of a revolution, as history has shown, is to fight some sort of political or social injustice suffered by a group of the general public. Typically a minority of the population, in search of a better lifestyle fights back against the oppression they have been forced to endure. His...
Political ChangeIn the French and Russian Revolutions, could political change have occurred without bloodshed and the use of force? In the French and Russian Revolutions, there was a lot of force and bloodshed used. Can political change occur without the use of bloodshed and force? I think it can...
Throughout the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century Humanity was facing times of great new ideas that will significantly influence history. The social conflict between the "haves" and the "have nots" escalated into a sharp collision in the 18th century and resulted in the ...
Life changed dramatically for 17th and 18th century Europeans, as a result of major social, political, and philosophical transformations. Following the Reformation, the authority and dominance of the Catholic Church were already being questioned and severely criticized. This in turn contributed ...
5.) Discuss the main tenets of Marxism. In what ways was this ideology an extension of the thought of the Enlightenment? In what ways did it deviate from those ideals? Socialism granted a powerful language for the working-class to express their interests. Many workers, who were enfranchised in ...
The origins of the Vietnam War lie in the post World War II period when the European empires were being dismantled. The region which is now Vietnam was then part of Indo-China, part of the French empire. Revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh had led a national liberation struggle against wartime Japanese...
The American Revolution : A Famous Time The American Revolution is perhaps the most misunderstood point in Canadian history. But after examining the reknown evidence, we now know that The American Revolution was actually a brilliant conspiracy by the French bourgeoisie in their attempt to distract...
Power comes in many shapes and sizes, and many different forms of life strive for it. Animal Farm is defined as a fundamental change in political organization, or the overthrow of one government or ruler and the substitution of another. This is especially true in describing George Orwell's b...
The history of Communism started with one man Vladimir Ilich Lenin. Communism is a system of government in which resources and production facilities are the property of the entire society rather than individuals. In a communist society, Labor is shared equally and the benefits of labor are distribut...
Man's Fate: Truth or Imagination Andre Malraux creatively combines his personal beliefs and experiences, history, and imaginative characters to inscribe Man's Fate. He adds his own elements to enhance the historical setting of this novel with a personal touch to give the reader an abili...
Communism and Socialism have had an invaluable and profound effect on the Twentieth Century. These two forms of government have challenged the beliefs of other governments. They have created conflict and sparked controversy. However, these two forms of governments are influential in the fact that th...
The Communist World and the Free World were two kinds of economic and political camps existing in 1985. At the center of these camps were two nations, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics who followed the principals of communism, and the United States of America with the belief in Capitalism and...
Marx's work seems to be more of a criticism of Hegelian and other philosophy, than a statement of his own philosophy. While Hegel felt that philosophy explained reality, Marx felt that philosophy should be made into reality, a hard thing to do. He thought that one must not just look at and in...
In every revolution, there seems to be a few guidelines that it must follow. It seems that almost all revolutions, in their radical phases, tend to have the characteristics of excessive cruelty, extreme violence, and denials of the rights of freedom. But the question that befuddles many is why the...
The United States became involved in the Vietnam War out of fear. The United States feared that if communists conquered Vietnam, it would have the "domino" affect, and communism would spread throughout Southeast Asia. From 1945 to 1975, a period of thirty years, the United States provided abundant m...
Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Trier, a town in Prussia. His parents were of Jewish descent, although they were not practitioners of the religion. In fact, by 1824 his family adopted Protestantism, and Karl was baptized within the Christian faith. Later the young writer attended the Universities of B...
THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. The Industrial Revolution is the name given to the movement in which machines changed people's way of life as well as their methods of manufacture. About the time of the American Revolution, English People began to use machines to make cloth and steam engines to run the ma...