12 Results for lord of the flies

Lord of the Flies is a novel in which William Golding comments on human nature through a group of boys marooned on a deserted tropical island. William Golding is an Oxford University graduate who also served in the Royal Navy during World War II. In addition to being an author, poet and playwrigh...
Lord of the flies When set apart from ordered society, people revert from civilized behaviour to savagery. This is especially true in William Golding's Lord of the Flies, where many aspects of the island society represent the war and destruction occurring in the real world. At first, William Golding...
William Golding's Lord of the Flies is a sordid tale about a group of kids who are stranded on a deserted island after their plane crashes. The story is set during the Atomic War and plenty of references are made to the fact. However, the real key to the story lies in the role of Beelzebub,...
Lord of The Flies is one of the best-known books of the post-war years. A group of young boys, the oldest of whom is twelve, and the youngest six, are marooned on a desert island, and almost immediately a battle for supremacy takes place among the principal characters. Violence and death follow. ...
This was the most interesting book I have ever read. It is sort of a cross between Alive and Hatchet. Because the book is extremely addictive and written so superbly, it did not take long for me to get into it and finish it. The characters are the best part of Lord of the Flies. All British and mal...
Lord of the Flies is written by William Golding in 1954. The story takes place on an uninhabited island while an unnamed war takes place in the outside world. The main characters in the novel are Ralph, Jack, Piggy and Simon. Golding's book is based on symbolism, which plays a great role ...
After the Russian occupation in Afghanistan, there was some order and a group resembling a government. As time went on, the country slowly broke apart internally. Many tribes and terrorist organizations began to take control of regions and any sort of true government was lost. The Taliban to...
The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is about several British schoolboys marooned on a deserted tropical island after their plane is shot down during an atomic war. The pilot of the plane is killed leaving the boys without adult supervision. A conflict develops between the novel's main char...
Foreshadowing is a device often used in literature to hint at major events of a piece of writing, or the climax. William Golding masterfully uses this technique in his novel many times to grab the reader's attention, and add depth. Lord of the Flies, his 1954 work about a group of boys strande...
The Beast Evil is a very destructive trait and it is said that a person cannot even walk down a street without seeing evil or cruel actions taking place. Lord of the Flies is a great novel that teaches readers a lot about evil and human nature. The novel is written by the superb Nobel Prize win...
William Golding once believed in the idea that the educated, civilized people could do no wrong, but that is before the events of WWII forever changed his view of society (Spitz). In regards to that time, Golding once stated that, "...anyone who moved through those years without understanding t...
Lord of the Flies William Golding has portrayed the characters from the beginning into very different people as the book has gone on. In particular, there have been major contrasts between the character and major changes within the characteristics after each chapter, especially involving Jack,...