190 Results for physics

Many parents are using corporal punishment to discipline their children, without realizing that they using the wrong way of discipline. Child's misbehavior is making a parent angry, especially when parent can not get child's attention. Corporal punishment means using force and physical pa...
From the time I saw the double line on the pregnancy test, I knew my life was about to change drastically. Becoming a parent is the most complicated yet rewarding job there is. This job is mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting. All of the education and experience in the world could neve...
Often, the thought of engaging in sports has been equated with the state of being in good mental health. Through many different studies it has been proven that playing sports has a psychologically beneficial impact on women. Not only does playing sports have a helpful impact on anxiety, depression...
The Correlation Between Wisdom and Suffering in Regard to the Physical and Emotional Scars of John Grady Cole and Oedipus Throughout the storylines of Cormac Mcarthy's All the Pretty Horses and Sophocles' Oedipus the King, the protagonists, John Grady Cole and Oedipus, are scar...
Nature is constantly reoccurring in poetry during the romantic period, especially in Wordsworth's poems. Wordsworth 's poem, Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, shows nature in many different ways. How does the speaker describe nature to allow us to analyze his thoughts and percep...
"Writers often use the physical landscape of a text as being an integral part of the emotional landscape of the characters." Discuss how this is done with reference to one novel you have read. The conventional use of setting by writers of prose fiction is a key element which helps to c...
Isolation can be both physical and emotional. It can also be a choice or it can be imposed upon you. A lot of people in the world feel isolated because of their emotions. They could be holding a secret, or guilt. People can also feel physically isolated because they are alienated whether it be from ...
Psychological Effects of SteroidsMany psychology along with physical effects occur do to the use, and misuse of steroids. Anabolic steroids use can cause many undesired characteristics in both males and females. However, steroids are often prescribed by doctors when the patient has an extremely irr...
Is a woman stronger than a man? Under any circumstances, should men take orders from women? These questions have caused many conflicts between men and women throughout history and even today. Men often feel that women are inferior to them. Women often feel that they are quite equal to men and want ...
Pregnancy in Women In today's society women are looked upon as mothers born to reproduce. The men in this society sometimes pressure the women into producing a child. Although the male does have a part in the babies life, the women is the primary carrier of the baby and it is mostly up ...
There are two main areas of which knowledge can be obtained; they are from a scientific and artistic point of view. It has been argued that the true form of knowledge is acquired from science, but artists also play an important role in understanding the world, which surrounds us. The scientific vi...
The boat was going down in the cold Florida waters. The crew had to jump. The captain, the cook, the oiler, Billie, and the correspondent all piled into a little boat about the size of a large desk. They needed to get through the rough surf to get to mainland and their safety. They knew the boat ...
One indication of the protagonist's oppression is in the first sentence where she is named "Mrs. Mallard". Her husband is given a first name, but the protagonist's first name isn't revealed until much later in the story; she is only referred to as the wife of Brently Mallard. Later, as she is p...
Physical JourneyIt is said that 'a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step' or 'Explore when you have the time, then you'll have time when you explore', ' there are goals and meaning in our journey - but it is the road, that makes it worthwhile' and 'an end to a journey toward is good - but...
MacbethThe three primary states to human existence and well being are; emotional, mental, and physical. In Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, these qualities are used to allow the reader to discover the characters strengths and weaknesses. Based on these three states, the main character of Macbeth can b...
Women from different cultures, different nationalities and different lifestyles will experience pre-menstrual syndrome all throughout their "reproductive" lives. Pre-menstrual syndrome, most commonly known as PMS, is a physiological defect affecting over 80% of the menstruating female pop...
Metaphors to Express the Unfamiliar In Plath's poem 'Cut', the ordinary experience of so commonplace an incident as a cut is used to communicate the much deeper and more obscure inner psyche of the speaker. The experience of a cut, that which is familiar to practically every pers...
In both Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea, Rochester is portrayed as a selfish man, doing things that would benefit himself emotionally and physically, rather than for the good of the others. During the time period in which Wide Sargasso Sea took place, the concept that wives are nothing without their...
Mirror Image Identity What is identity? Identity is the basic characteristics that determine a persons or things fact of being. The short story "Mirror Image" illiterates this best with its different conflicts pertaining not only to physical attributes but also mental, emotional...
Novel: The Stranger Topic: Mersault's Existentialist Nature Related to That of an Animal "The Beast Within By: Trisha C. Throughout the development of Mersault's character it becomes apparent that he relies upon animal instinct versus the more normal aspects of human nature. This anim...
love is a thing that grows along with time , love is sumthin that u can not just conjer up in your mind love is like a responsability that u have to take care of , nurish so there fore it will blossom and grow, love has alot downfalls like broken hearts and sorrow, but then co...
Shakespeare's King Lear is considered a tragedy in the world of literature mainly because Lear suffers physical and emotional breakdowns after making several unfavorable decisions. As a consequence of such unwise actions, Shakespeare reveals many valuable themes. The presentation of these ...
The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien describes "things" that are carried by soldiers in Vietnam. These "things" are material necessities, desires, and intangible feelings, memories, and worries. The items that each soldier carries vary depending on position, physical stature and individual taste...
Modern day physicists classify all universal elements into either matter or energy; therefore, to define the most basic form of humanity, we must begin by defining humans as matter because we have mass and energy because we can move. We classify as living because we can biologically grow: furth...
Utopia is completely attainable. Utopia, derived from the Greek words meaning no place, was always thought to be a model to strive for. Unfortunately human pessimism has never allowed Utopia to become a tangible place. Strangely enough it is this human aspect that is the barrier to a perfect existe...