31 Results for pollution

Effect of Polluted Air in Our Lives. Air pollution is the most harmful substance to the atmosphere resulting in damage to the environment, human health, and quality of life. It is not only a personal or national problem, but it also has become a global problem. Air pollution mostly occurs from hum...
Is pollution necessary?In this century, synthetics have made a significant difference in many people'slives. The developments of synthetics have helped people lead a "good" comfortable and convenient life. This has been made possible with the development of: plastic containers, and bottles, medical ...
Since the beginning of evolution, humans have been creating innovative ways to simplify life. From the discovery of fire to modern advances in technology, the main objective was to simplify adversity in life. Although modern advances in technology have proven advantageous, few people take the time t...
Over Population There are several problems that affect the world today: war, crime, pollution, and several others. Overpopulation is a serious dilemma that is growing every year, every minute, and every second. It is the root of most, if not all, of the world's problems1. It is the greate...
There has been great discussion and controversy over something that has recently been proposed to Canadians. This something is the Kyoto Accord. The Kyoto Accord is a doctrine that was put together to help reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and therefore reduce the global warming phenomen...
The use of nuclear technology for civilian and military use is a highly controversial issue. Most people argue that nuclear technology is bad. However, they do not analyze how nuclear technology can be a good thing. To me, the advantages of nuclear technology out way the disadvantages. A comparativ...
Overpopulation is having disastrous effects on the environment. The forests are being cut down. The atmosphere is becoming contaminated with increasing amounts of carbon dioxide. The oceans and seas are being polluted and over fished. There are simply too many people on earth. The UNFPA (United ...
Global Warming is something that has been going on now for a long time. Over the years scientists have been telling people, that all the pollutants that we put in the air were doing damage to the earth and the ozone. Some scientists disagreed with that statement and because of that there was nothing...
There are many ways to produce electricity but unfortunately not all of them are clean and safe. Luckily here in Canada we have clean and safe alternatives to things like the burning of fossil fuels. We are the largest producer of hydropower in the world. Hydro energy is electricity made using water...
Energy is one of the most fundamental qualities in our lives. Almost everything in the world is run by energy. We need electricity to turn on the lights, gas to power our cars, and energy to give us heat to warm our homes. Today, we are totally dependent on an abundant and inexhaustible supply of...
Friends of the Earth say that "up to 24,000 people die every year as a result of airpollution." That is not much of a surprise when there are now around 500 millioncars polluting the planet. The problem is that we can't live without cars, becausethey are part of our daily lives. But, from the figur...
We get energy from sunlight, wind, nuclear plants, and damns... However, most of the points that we use come from fossil fuels. There are three primary fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. These are composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. Carbon is the major element in fossi...
Global warming is an increase in the earth\'s temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. This results in an increased emission of greenhouse gases. Short-wave solar radiation sinks into the Earth\'s atmosphere and warms it...
Global warming is an increase in the earth\'s temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. This results in an increased emission of greenhouse gases. Short-wave solar radiation sinks into the Earth\'s atmosphere and warms it...
Electricity is extremely precious and valuable. Our town should be lucky to have it. In other cases we shouldn\'t use too much of it either. There are lots of different ways of creating electricity. I will talk about 4 of the ways of creating electricity. I will tell you what the Advantages/Disadva...
There are many issues involving the world we live in, one of which is energy. The world uses great amounts of energy each year. As the world is growing the total energy consumption is also increasing rapidly. It is said to rise by "59% from 1999 until 2020, from 382 to 607 quads." This ...
Resources are the things that we can extract from the earth. Industries, which extract the earth's resources, include mining, forestry and oil extraction. Present-day civilisation is based upon a massive utilisation of non-replaceable minerals and fuels such as coal, oil and natural gasses. Oth...
BIOFUEL - TODAY'S NEED In today's world day in and day out we see fleets of cars, buses, two-wheelers and trucks on our streets. Poisonous fumes damaging our lungs, noise pollution deafening our ears and harried commuters fed up with their lot. Is this what mankind has come to? Imagine ...
With all the topics circulating the media about the issues in the United States, many go unnoticed by the general public through the excuse of lack of relevance to the individual. The fuel crisis America is currently going through is not one of the ones to be pushed aside so quickly; it affects the ...
With the earth's precious natural resources being used up and the pollution from our great use of fossil fuels, many nations and communities have turned to the use of an alternative energy sources. Among those alternative energy sources is the use of tidal waves and currents to generate electri...
The Power Above In the constant search for more efficient sources of energy, solar power surely shows much promise. The sun will last longer than any humans will, therefore this is one of the only renewable natural resources of energy that has been found. Solar cells, or photovoltaics, convert ...
I believe that hydrogen fuel cells are a possible solution for the current energy crunch that we are experiencing today. However, it will take billions of dollars in research, development and infrastructure to get an hydrogen energy economy up and running. Governments and the general public will...
Have you noticed that the summers have been getting a little warmer? Have you noticed that the winters are not as long as they used to be? Or that the winters are not quite as cold? Have you wondered why? It's due to the greenhouse effect. What's the greenhouse effect? The green hou...
The Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is an increase in the atmospheric temperature caused by increasing amounts of greenhouse gases. These gases act as a heat blanket insulating the Earth's surface absorbing and trapping heat radiation which normally escapes from the earth. They inc...
Acid Rain EssayThe topic I have chosen is acid rain and how it affects us as humans and our environment. One of the main causes of acid rain is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, gasoline and fuel oils. These fuels send oxides of sulfur, carbon and nitrogen into the air. These oxides combi...