7 Results for rock music

The Hip-Hop/Rock PhenomenonIt seems as though you can barely read a magazine or flip on the television without hearing about one of these new hip-hop/rock groups. Media outlets such as Rolling Stone and MTV treat these bands as though miraculously created this "new" genre of music. Acts such as Lim...
"ROCK MUSIC AND RAP MUSIC IS SUPPOSED TO DESTROY THE MIND"An idea believed by many people is that music has a significant effect on the way people think. Professional psychologists say that the lyrics used in music today has a brain washing effect. This brain washing effect is supposed to make the...
Matt TetreaultHumanities CensorshipAs a parent there are a few groups I would not let my child listen to until they were mature enough that the music would not have an effect on their everyday life. A group that has explicit lyrics dealing with drugs, sex, and violence is probably not the best music...
All music is not bad. Every so often a tragedy occurs in our country where a teenager or child is involved. These events, such as shootings or bombings are viewed often as the result of the young person being troubled or just plain violent. More commonly, a child is seen doing something bad or hur...
Music of different types has been criticized throughout the ages. A generation of parents worried about poor role models like Kiss and Marilyn Manson. Before that, they thought the Beatles' hair was too long and Elvis' shake too suggestive. Rock'n'roll was said to be demonic. ...
Rap Music The world of music today varies in categories from rock and roll to rap. Music is a way for people to communicate their feelings, thoughts, and dreams. Rap music is said to have negative effects on people because these people make their judgments based up on what they hear. In my opi...
It's in our homes, our cars, our work and almost every other place we go. It invades our silence, manipulates our thoughts and plays on our emotions. It has been with us almost as long as mans very existence, has survived World Wars, famine, and disease and is constantly changing, while still ...