23 Results for russian history

Eventually, empires and nations all collapse. The end can be brought about by many causes. Whether through becoming too large for their own good, being ruled by a series of out of touch men, falling behind technologically, having too many enemies, succumbing to civil war, or a combination: n...
Modern History oral task.The word at the beginning of the 20th century - Russian Revolutions.Tsar Nicholas II Nicholas inherited the role of Tsar off his father in 1855, when his father Nicholas I passed away. Tsar Nicholas did not have the abilities to be a natural autocrat. He cons...
Russia's participation in the First World War was not the main reason for the collapse of the tsarist system. It was merely the spark that ignited all the problems that had been brewing for some time under the tsarist regime. The strain of world war one, for which Russia was not prepared, the p...
1. Open Door Policy - United States and Great Britain were concerned about the integrity of China. A series of notes were issued stating that the United States favored a policy of "the open door," This meaning that China should not become the sole influence of any single nations or small group...
Assess critically how any two of the great European powers contributes to the causes of World War I. The increase of militarism across Europe and the fierce devotion to alliances in the two major European powers, Germany and Russia, contributed to the inevitable outbreak of World War I. Another...
Nationalism, a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country is how Prentice Halls World History textbook defines the world. Through the coarse of history, however, this pride has only led to anger and violence. Nationalism has led to pure hatred and violence in Ireland, Poland, and The I...
Although the coming of the First World War has aroused much interest and controversy, the question of immediate causes can be answered with considerable certainty. Darwinism, a theory developed into practice in politics in the form of aggressive colonial conquests has greatly worsened internati...
The onset of WW I marked a turning point in the history of mankind, dramatically redefining the nature of warfare. The brutal restructuring of national policies to involve the entire nation, from industrial production to unwarranted assaults upon civilians, represents a tragic shift. The se...
According to most historians, the term nationalism refers to theloyalty and devotion of persons or citizens to a particular nation througha sense of national consciousness that places one nation above all others.In addition, nationalism places a primary emphasis on the cultural aspectsand inte...
Throughout history, nothing has been more devastating and as destructive as war. Poverty, pain, depression, isolation, starvation and death have been some primary consequences. World War I is an example of these consequences. Although one can say that there were many causes of the war such as Na...
I am doing my project on World War I. The first World war began in 1914 and ended in 1919. I am going to study about different aspects of the war such as who was involved, how it all started, Canada's role, some of the major battles, and what it was like for all of the soldiers who fought in the ...
"Desert Fox" Erwin Rommel was born in 1891. As field marshal he was known best for his capture of 9,000 allied forces during World War I. On the Germans invasion of France in 1940, Rommel commanded the well-known Ghost Division or otherwise known as the German 7th Panzer Division. P...
World War One, despite the enormity and grand scale of the conflict, was ultimately a war of attrition. "Attrition in the end, was the main factor that decided who won the war. The Entente Powers simply had more men and resources than Germany and its allies (though there were some anxious moment...
The Ruin of the Romanov RegencyThe Romanov family, a great and prestigious lineage, ruled over Russia from 1613 to 1917. Although it had, in the past, overcome all types of dilemmas, the Romanov family was to fall, at last, in 1917 with the resignation of Tsar Nicholas the Second.After the Russo-Jap...
After World War II, the victorious Allies launched an indictment against 24 individuals with a variety of crimes, including the deliberate instigation of aggressive wars, extermination of racial and religious groups, murder and mistreatment of prisoners of war, and the deportation to slave labor of ...
Was Nicholas II responsible for his own downfall? Historians seem to think that Tsar Nicholas was responsible for his own downfall, though partially there was also the influence of others reasons in which he had no control over the situations and could not be held responsible for. The two...
For at least two thousand years Jews were dispersed all over the world. Some of them inevitably assimilated with other nations. Yet many kept their identity as a nation by staying loyal to their religious faith and by their desire to survive as one people preserving common racial features and cultur...
Causes of World War IThe assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand triggered World War I. However, the war had its origins in developments in the 1800's. The chief causes of World War I were the European Alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. The alliance system was one of the la...
Nationalism. Bismarck used this one word, an overpowering emotion at times, to create a fiery desire for a unified state in the heart of all German people, who were intensely passionate about having their own unified state. Once that state was built, - by encouraging the southern states into Germa...
"The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else" Umberto Eco explains just how the heroification process works. Heroification is "a degenerative process that makes people over into heroes." (p.19) The heroification process greatly changes the real ...
The Movie "All Quiet on the Western Front" occurs during the two years just before the Armistice ended World War I in November 1918. By 1916 when the story begins, World War I had already been underway for two years. From the beginning, World War I was fought in two areas, named for their geographic...
June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, Francis Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria Hungary was assassinated by a serbian terrorist group. This was seemingly the cause of World War I, but it was really just the spark that started the war in a Europe already inflamed by the true causes of the great war. Im...
Have you ever wondered why a war started and if it could of been prevented? World War One is one of the wars out for many wars that occured that people wonder if it could of been preventable. World War One occured in the years 1914 to 1918. Many people believed that this war was caused by the ass...