9 Results for the illiad

While some of the female characters in Homer's The Illiad are powerful goddesses, others are merely helpless mortal women. Hera is one of the most powerful forces in the poem. She holds more power over Zeus, and the other characters, than many of the male gods. "You'll set me curry-worrying with...
Homer is an indefinite figure of mystery, a halo in a dark shadow. Homer was a Greek poet, accredited with writing The Illiad, The Odyssey, and a few other works of literature. His epic poems were broken down into books to make easier to memorize, since he would recite the whole poem in one day,...
In book VI, Hector returns to battle despite the pleas of those he loves. Compare Hectors behavior with Achilles' refusal to fight after he has been shamed. Both are heroes. What is heroic about each decision? Do you approve of one more than the other? Why? If so, what values do they have th...
In the 8th century Homer brought the world the epic tale of war, love, and human spirit. He named this outstanding poem The Iliad. The Iliad begins in the tenth and final year of the great Trojan War. This is the war the Greeks sailed in a fleet of one thousand ships, lead by Agamemnon the king of k...
The IliadThe way Homer wrote this text is similar to warfare today, especially the feelings. There are some differences though. At the end of the passage, Homer wrote "War is men's business; and this war is the business of everyone in Ilium, myself above all." That is stating that only men fight in ...
September 3, 2002 1. The British novelist Fay Weldon offers this observation about happy endings: "The writers, I do believe, who get the best and most lasting response from readers are the writers who offer a happy ending through moral development. By a happy ending, I do not mean mere for...
"The Iliad" by Homer tells the story of the complex Trojan War. Homer introduces many characters and key figures but the two most prevalent are the warrior Achilles and the statesman Odysseus. These two emerge as Hero's in the Iliad and their adventure is well documented. Achilles and Odysseus ha...
The Iliad Authors find different ways to make their works more effective. Homer does this same thing in the Iliad. Homer uses a common characteristic, but not so common literary device, time, to make his work stand out. In the process of writing, Homer chooses to manipulate time in some are...
Question 1 Achilles is the greatest of all the Greek warriors and he knows it. His withdrawal from the fighting has an immense impact on the entire battlefield. Both sides of the war feel the effect of his actions. On Achilles side, the Greeks feel as if they are fighting a losing cause and wit...