59 Results for university

Ideology, Music and File-Sharing In this ever-growing technological world in which we live, it is ultimately inevitable that the industries in which we consume goods will be tested by advances in the ways people acquire products. The issue of music piracy has been at the forefront of this deba...
Subsistence and Economics "A way of life." Many people use this expression as a way to talk about their subsistence and how they perceive their everyday life. What they fail to recognize, however, is the fact that their way of living is connected in a much broader category than they think. ...
Events like Diana's funeral punctuate the global consciousness. For the duration of the spectacle, billions of people worldwide focus on the same imagery and ideas even if just for a fleeting moment. Even for those who did not see Diana's funeral on television, her death evoked some universal themes...
Does Social Class Affect Educational Achievement? For my essay, I will answer the above question, 'Does Social Class Affect Educational Achievement?' I have done a lot of extensive reading and feel that I am able to answer this question as best as I can using my own opinions and qu...
Collectivistic and Individualistic Cultures The main goal of the science of psychology is to discover and generate knowledge about people and their behavior. Studying the cultural aspect of the science adds yet another piece to the puzzle of psychology. By definition, cultural psycho...
Southern Thought Reexamined George Fitzhugh in "Southern Thought" presents an argument of a new society in the South. The South must take for granted the fact that slavery is right and that a new ideology, a new philosophy must be created off the south's foundation of an agricultura...
 Megan White Spcom 105 Affirmative Action (persuasive) When the term affirmative action was first used in 1961, President John Kennedy had intention...
The human desire to appear attractive is universal. Both men and women go to great lengths to beautify themselves. Although the desire to be beautiful may well be universal, what is considered beautiful is not. Since beauty is \"in the eye of the beholder,\" what is considered beautiful depends on o...
In society today, the discipline of anthropology has made a tremendous shift from the practices it employed years ago. Anthropologists of today have a very different focus from their predecessors, who would focus on relating problems of distant peoples to the Western world. In more modern times,...
Emile Durkheim, in his Elementary Forms of Religious Life, proposes a new sociology to attain a deeper understanding about humanity. He makes the assumption that all societies are intrinsically the same and runs with it. Using the notion that the Australian Aboriginal society is like that of the We...
Problem Definition Crime has become one of the most pressing public concerns of the time. Each time a newspaper is opened or a television is turned on, graphic stories of robbery, murder and mayhem appear. It is common crimes, like these, that fill the world with fear and that become the centre...
The Justification of a Life-Centered Perspective Santa Cruz is a city known for its beach access and huge redwoods. These redwoods have lately come into an environmental debate regarding their co-existence with the lime kiln, and the subsequent new growth dominance of the redwoods over the kil...
Value Issues- Social work values call for everyone, regardless of their beliefs, practices, or backgrounds, to be treated with dignity, given equal access to societal institutions, opportunities and resources, and supported in contributing their unique talents to their families, communities and c...
1. In establishing what is social deviance, one must look at the different explanations and definitions to find what best fits your view. The root of deviance in its simplest form is to differ from the norm or differ from what is accepted. The problem with this is that you will always find some exce...
Throughout the world today, the lives of millions of people are governed by what Karl Marx said. In the brief period since his death, his doctrines have exercised an almost unparalleled influence. Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel, a fellow philosopher, put together the famous Communist Manifesto...
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in a want of a wife." This is the first sentence in a book called, "Pride and Prejudice" by a very talented English female author Jane Austen. Then the author writes, "this tr...
Weber's Social Theories within our Modern Economic World Wal-Mart, the largest private cooperation in America reflects a lot of the business and economic strategies of our capitalist nation. The LA Times recently published an article about how Wal-Mart both helps the American population by pr...
Compare and contrast two different perspectives in Sociology. Sociological theories and perspectives aim to explain or understand the way in which society functions. Functionalism and Marxism are two different perspectives in Sociology. This essay will compare and contrast the perspectives of fun...
Create A Society As a member of Group 1 and one of the five colonists arriving on a new planet, my goal is to assist in establishing the six major institutions for this new society. Our six institutions are government, economics, education, religion, family and arts/entertainment. My contributio...
"Literary works can explore the cultural myths of the period in which the text was set/produced such as racial, class or gender stereotypes. Respond to this statement referring to at least one text." Texts often portray a society's ideologies of class and gender stereotypes during ...
Effects of Social Unrest upon the Develping Civil War In Englad during the 1600's, prior to the civil war the line between differing political ideas were not so clearly defined. Just like the line between state and family were absent during this time. With in the country the right to resist had...
Kei Urano9/16/99Critical Essay #1During the first four weeks of our class, we have been reading and discussing numerous essays on the study of "culture". Each theorist we have read has questions and problems about the study of "culture". They have suggested us solutions to the problems as well. I...
Introduction Status and specific socioeconomic levels influence the choice of sport in which people participate. Coakley and White support this notion as they suggest that, "Individual decisions to participate in physical activity are shaped by a complex dynamic, in which economic factors...
In our society, appearance is very much linked to norms. Our country has very solid views on what is "normal" and "fashionable" for people to wear. What they wear also has the ability to show what social class they belong to or how they are trying to portray themselves. Robert Merton, in "The Norm...
The Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man emphasizes on an African-American man's struggle in discovering his identity in society but spending a lifetime completely unnoticed by society. His constant destruction of himself puts the narrator in unwanted positions. While he has no true relation wit...