221 Results for war

Although the direct causes of the Civil War were different from those of the American Revolution, they were both caused by the differences in politics, economics, and social structures between each region. Rebellion in each of the wars was caused by people feeling that their government didn\'t repr...
Type of War American Revolution: Fought as a Limited War meaning the primary objective was to overthrow Britain's political system and to be resolved by a treaty. Basically, the wealthy Americans did not want to pay the taxes Great Britain was levying upon them. The political structure did...
Impressment - the british practice of seizing seamen from American merchant ships and forcing them to serve in the british navy. Impressment was one of the causes of the war of 1812.Bill of Rights - the first ten amendments to the u.s. constitution, which protect the rights of individuals from the p...
#8 Analyze the economic consequences of the Civil War with respect to any two of the following in the United States between 1865 and 1880. Agriculture Labor Industrialization Transportation On April 9th, 1865, General Robert E. Lee, captain of the Confederate army surrendered to the Uni...
The American Civil War was a war fought within the United States of America between the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy) starting in 1861 and ending in 1865. This war was one of the most destructive events in American history, costing more than 600,000 lives. It was thought to be one that...
The constitutional issues that pushed the civil war to happen were because of a big population growth; it caused many problems. Various sections of the country were divided by different economies and different ways of life. This gave rise to serious differences of opinion about the proper role of t...
During the Civil War, the country underwent tremendous transformation politically and economically. Republican politics played a major role in stimulating the economic growth of the North and the West. Six events that happened during the Civil War helped the country undergo these political and econ...
Three of the major causes of the Civil War deal mainly with the idea that the South's Break Up was a direct result from the lack of consideration that the North had. Each cause was created by a sort of tension between the two. Each had their opposite ideas of how the U.S. should be ran, along w...
The existence of United States of America as a separate independent country was declared during the American Revolution of 1789. Thus, Americans still had to fight for their independence in the War of 1812 against Great Britain. This war was considered to be America's second Revolution. And due...
Many historians agree that the Harpers Ferry raid was to the Civil War what the Boston Massacre had been to the American Revolution. They were both incendiary events. Defenders of the union generally condemned Brown and called the raid "the work of a madman." Everywhere the threat of slave...
The Civil War was not inevitable. It was not an unavoidable conflict of two opposing sides; rather, it was the result of extremism and failures of leadership on both sides of the conflict. The conflict was made up of the pro-slavery southerners and the anti-slavery northerners. Both sides felt ver...
True Causes of the Civil WarWhat caused the American Civil War? A historian once noted that the Civil War was really the "final shots" of the American Revolution. It is amazing that even today, over 130 years after the Civil War started, there is still passionate debate regardin...
Pre- Civil War From 1861 to 1865 our nation faced a national crisis. The American Civil War devastated the nation, and tried to put an end to the many disputes that trouble the United States of America. The Civil War had many different causes, but three of those stand out ab...
Was the Civil War un-avoidable? Was there another solution, or was it inevitable? These questions have one definite answer. The answer is "Inevitable". What were the causes of the Civil War? Most people think of slaver when that war is mentioned. Even centuries later, we still debate the...
"Rethinking the Coming of the Civil War: A Counterfactual Exercise," written by Gary J. Kornblith in the June 2003 issue of The Journal of American History, is an article that prompts the reader to reflect on the different dynamics which eventually lead to the Civil War. There are two diverse ideas...
When the Civil War finally broke out, it was because of a build up of tension due to the conflict of slavery. The nation was divided into two sections, north and south, and the debate over whether the country was free or if slaves could be owned went on between them. Many elements were involv...
The destruction left by the Civil War was a time in American history that was necessary for the natural progression of human kind. While its horrors and often sanguinary tactics left the hearts of both Confederate and Union soldiers hollow, it was inevitable it its birth. The depths behind its una...
The Civil War is commonly thought to have been caused by the idea or institution of slavery in the United States. Although slavery did play a part in leading to the Civil War, the true cause of the United States of America being divided into two separate entities was succession. More specificall...
One positive result of the Civil War was the emancipation of the slaves. Before the Civil War, the Union was divided on this issue. AbrahamLincoln desired to unify the Union and he realized that emancipation wasabsolutely necessary for two reasons. First, it would keep the countrytogether. Sec...
Throughout history compromising has been used. It may settle a disagreement at the time, but in the long run hurts everyone. It can also lead to war instead of preventing it. It is in the case of the civil war that this build up of tension and conflict is apparently visible. With compromise you are ...
Taking Sides: Slavery as a Cause of the Civil War The cause of the Civil War has long been debated. Many historians believe the cause to be psychological, economic, political or social. As they argue over these elements, many arguments rise from one sole issue. This core issue is slavery. Slave...
Was the Civil War an inevitable conflict?The Civil War was an inevitable conflict that was bound to explode due to the differences between the North and South societies, slavery, and politics. After Independence, the complexity of the American society grew. The three components that contributed to...
Emancipation Proclamation On Jan. 1, 1863, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln declared free all slaves residing in territory in rebellion against the federal government. This Emancipation Proclamation actually freed few people. It did not apply to slaves in border states fighting on the Union side; n...
Was the north victory in the civil war inevitable? Defend your position The north's victory in the civil war was inevitable, if you if you look at the key differences between the north and south resources. The north had a larger population, and the more money and resources to conduct a war against t...
THE CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WAR "The tragic 'fireball in the night' imagined by Jefferson had finally rung. The Missouri Compromise had failed. Proslavery and antislavery civilians clashed in the streets and took up arms. Thousands of Northerners were willing to die for thei...