104 Results for German

The Harsh Treatment of the Jews in the Nazi Concentration Camps The worst treatment to one single race during World War II was towards the Jewish race. These people were stripped of all their rights and then they were not even treated like human beings. The German's forced the J...
Based on the ideals of a nationalist German society, extermination of Jewish people was perceived as necessary in order to form a united Germany. A large basis of German political movements was based on anti-Semitism. The need for the extermination of Jews in these movements was based on the chang...
Throughout the Nazi parties reign Hitler successfully used hate propaganda to exploit the grievances, fears and desires of the German populace to ensure his political parties success particularly throughout World War II. Hitler's use of negative propaganda effectively manipulated the German peo...
The Nazi's perceived the Jewish community and other "non-Aryan" groups deviant and outsiders of the German society. If you were a "true" German, Adolph Hitler believed you should hate these people with a vengeance. The Jewish community made up a great percentage of German...
Oscar Schlinder was a businessman and a German, who owned his own business. Most of his workers were Jewish people and when the war broke out, his were taken and some have to shove snow and if they didn't work or if they were disabled they where shot. When his workers were taken to Concentrati...
Based on the ideals of a nationalist German society, extermination of Jewish people was perceived as necessary in order to form a united Germany. A large basis of German political movements was based on anti-Semitism. The need for the extermination of Jews in these movements was based on the changin...
In chapters 7-8 of Valhalla, Calvary and Auschwitz, author Giora Shoham examines the social characters and relationship of Jews and Germans prior and leading up to the Holocaust. Shoham believes Jew's participant qualities clash with German separant identities which contributed to the Jew's vicitim...
Adolf Hitler's presumed dominancy of the world and his self-proclaimed "master race" came to an end during World War II. During a five-year prison sentence (he served a total of thirteen months), Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, which is autobiographical and fanatical (Chambers 998). In thi...
By the beginning of 1939, the gradual and mounting campaign against the Jews was prepared for the achievement of its ultimate violent ends. The German people had been indoctrinated, and the seeds of hatred had been sown. The German state was armed and prepared for conquest and to carry out th...
Since the beginning of Christ, Jews have been fated from the mainstream of society. They have often been outcaste and therefore marginalized. Germany\'s defeat in World War 1 and a worldwide depression in the 1930s left the German economy in ruins and made many Germans angry and resentful. Adolf Hit...
In German, the word Kafka uses to describe Gregor Samsa's transformation is ungezieter, which is a word used by the Germans during his lifetime in reference to the Jews. The literal English translation is "monstrous vermin." Kafka uses Gregor's family to show how inhumane society can be. In The Meta...
Schindler's List is one of the most powerful stories of all time. It tells the true story of the German businessman Oskar Schindler who comes to Poland looking for economic expansion with a new factory and leaves as a savior of more than 1,100 Jews. The Holocaust is truly one of the most devastating...
When the control of Germany was undertaken by Adolph Hitler, the entire world became infected by his Nazi fascism, especially the European Jews. Through Hitler\'s beliefs of \"white skin, blue eyes, light hair\" being the race of God, Jewish people were oppressed, forced into hard labor, and murder...
The Devil is the father of the Jew.When God created the world,He invented the races:The Indians, the Negroes, the Chinese. And also the wicked creature called the Jew. This saying comes from a children's book published in Germany in 1936. The question raised by it is how did the German people so...
Wiesel's Night is about what the Holocaust did, not just to the Jews, but by extension, to humanity. People all over the world were devastated by this atrocious act, and there are still people today who haven't overcome the effects. One example of the heinous acts of the Germans th...
In Maus II, Art Spielgelman depicts the experience of the Jewish race during the holocaust between 1940 and 1945. Speilgelman uses a wide variety of techniques to convey the terror and cruelty his father suffered in the most horrific of the concentration camps, Auschwitz. Spielgelman's key tec...
Anti-Semitism had been around in Germany and the whole of Europe for hundreds of years prior to World War One. Many scholars trace German anti-Semitism back to the time of Martin Luther and even farther back into history. So is it a fair assumption to say that World War One was the turning point in ...
"Number the Stars" written by Louis Lowry is a book about a Danish family and their hard life during the war. It takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark during the early 1940's when the German's have invaded their country. The story is about a family named the Johansen's. In the ...
"Elie Wiesel's 'Night' proved to be a conspicuously depressing text, with various scenes being pessimistic towards humanity however under the great circumstance there was some glimpse of hope." The protagonist provides a clear emphasis of many incidences where, there is...
NIGHTWiesel's Night is about what the Holocaust did, not just to the Jews, but by extension, to humanity. People all over the world were devastated by this atrocious act, and there are still people today who haven't overcome the effects. One example of the heinous acts of the Germans that stands out...
Wiesel's Night is about what the Holocaust did, not just to the Jews, but by extension, to humanity. People all over the world were devastated by this atrocious act, and there are still people today who haven't overcome the effects. Today many people still have to sleep at night knowing that they ar...
The Pianist The Pianist is a historically based film that captivates the audience with its intense, riveting scenes. The movie outlines Hitler's policies against the Jewish race during the holocaust in the late 1930's. It focuses on the lives of one particular Jewish family during ...
These "Annex" people could live with hope by remembering all of the good times they had together, before they had to go into hiding. They had hope because they knew one day this would all have to end. Although the "Annex" people were probably stronger than most ...
Leon Uris has done an excellent job of presenting the drama covering the events leading up to the German holocaust and the formation of a new Jewish Israel. In Exodus, it is clear to see that Uris sympathizes with the Jewish people. However, he has given an accurate portrayal of the injustices en...