40 Results for Italian

The rise of Fascism "There is nothing more powerful than an idea that has come into its own" This generalization reflects the concept of fascism. The idea of fascism spread like wildfire in European countries. Benito Mussolini was able to have full control of country with the use of...
The seizure of power in Germany and Italy by fascist movements in the 1920s and 1930s was based on a weak and inexperienced government and the humiliation of both countries by the winning powers (United States, France, and Great Britain) after the Great War. These totalitarian right wing movements f...
The League of Nations 1919-1939 On several occasions during the period between 1919 and 1936, the League of Nations failed to deliver international peace between nations. This is one of the factors that ultimately led to its demise. Firstly the role and influence of the League itself will be ...
During the 1930's Italy and Germany followed a policy of aggressive territorial expansion; they invaded weak lands that could be taken over easily. The dictatorships (led by Hitler in Germany, and Mussolini in Italy) knew exactly what their goals were, to form the empire they didn't achie...
In the beginning of the 1930's, there was a world-wide economic depression. This lead to the creation of expansive policies of strong countries, such as Japan and Italy, in order to overcome the depression by building strong empires. The League of Nations dependent on the obedience of the Covenant b...
Topic: Mussolini Mussolini¡s full name was Benito Mussolini. He was born in the town of Varnano dei Costa near the village of Predappio near Forli in the Romagna. Mussolini¡s mother, Rosa Maltoni, was married to a blacksmith by the name of Alessandro Mussolini. He named his son Benito after ...
The Treatment of the Holocaust in Films Films concerning the holocaust used comedy and aesthetics in order to exhibit social problems and send an antifascist message. In response to Germany's inhumane actions during the World Wars, the German Nazi party was satirized in several ...
Why did the League of Nations failed in the 1930s? The break down of the League did not happen overnight but rather progressively. An important reason for this could be because America was not able to loan huge amounts of money the Depression that followed on after the Wall Street Crash in 1929....
Devils in Disguise "Under idealism nothing exists except the mind. Whoever controls the mind controls everything. Therein lies the secret of absolute power" (Rapoport 1989) Has this method been used by most of the well known bloodiest dictators in history? The answer is most definitely...
The first things that come to mind when the names Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler are mentioned are the cruel, tyrannical, inhumane acts they committed against their own people, and people of other nationalities. But, what one fails to see is the public works they sponsored, the ways they modernized th...
FASCISM Fascism is a political system characterized by totalitarianism and a complete rejection of democratic institutions, values and procedures. The basic institutions made use of by fascism are the Leader (or dictator), the one-party state, total regimentation of economic and social activ...
Fascism Fascism is defined as a system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. Fascism takes many forms, but de...
Nationalism In studying nationalism, two selections where read. The first was from the Upshur text: "Nationalism: An Emerging Global Force", and the second was from the Johnson reader: Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf. From "Nationalism: An Emerging Global Force" two views ...
Fascism is a relative latecomer onto the scene of political ideologies, and according to a few a rather short lived one. The creator of fascism is without a question Benito Mussolini. Although he never wrote a definitive doctrine on what fascism is, he did explain the main concepts of his ideology...
It can be said that WWII was the darkest chapter in Modern History. The world was a place full of economic depression and social turmoil. We should learn from modern history lest it be repeated. There are certain characteristics about these men that should be examined closely, so the world may not...
The Treaty of Versailles: Cause of World War II The First World War ended with the Treaty of Versailles going into effect, followed by the Great Depression, collecting German aggression on new limitations, Italian hostility, and Japanese belligerence. Pre World War II conditions were favorable...
Throughout Europe, democracy had prevailed by 1919. But by 1939, Europe's countries were split in their ways of government. Eastern countries went authoritarian, while Western countries stayed democratic. Dictatorship in Europe was by far not something new, but this new, modern form of total...
The Holocaust was considered in history to be the most horrifying and inhuman period. Adolf Hitler, a charismatic, Austrian-born demagogue, rose to power in Germany during the 1920s and early 1930s at a time of social, political, and economic upheaval. Failing to take power by force in 1923, he even...
1918 Nov 11 - World War One ends with German defeat. 1919 April 28 - League of Nations founded. June 28 - Signing of the Treaty of Versailles. 1921 July 29 - Adolf Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist 'Nazi' Party. 1923 Nov 8/9 - The Beer Hall Putsch. 1925 July 1...
Why had international Peace collapsed by 1939? Hitler came to power in 1933. In 1942 he wrote a book entitled "Mein Kampf" describing what he would do if the Nazis ever achieved power in Germany. When Hitler did come to power he has 3 main aims. His first was to abolish the treaty of V...
Mussolini had made Italy into a modern state improving the economy and foreign policy. In theory Mussolini's power was unlimited. Italy was a one party state and Mussolini was leader of that party but there were some limitations to his power. Even though there was one party, Italy still remained o...
Throughout Europe around the time of World War II, there were many countries who became totalitarian. Specifically, Italy, Germany, and Russia evolved new government systems as a result of many factors, some from World War I.Italy converted to their government of Fascism for many reasons. During Wor...
WORLD CONFLICT IN THE 20TH CENTURY 1 The 20th century was the bloodiest 100 years in human history. Based on numbers killed, in warfare, the 20th century exceeds all other centuries combined. The three major conflicts between 1901 and 200 were World War I, World War II, an...
Benito Mussolini leader of the Fascist government in Italy stated, "If the XIXth century was the century of the individual (Liberalism implies individualism), we are free to believe that this is the 'collective' century, and therefore the century of the state" (Mussolini: 1...
Why did the League of Nation fail?After the First World War, US president Wilson decided to set up the League of Nations. Because of the death and destruction of the war, the league was supposed to bring together all nations to settle disputes in peace. The league was meant to improve working cond...