33 Results for Latin

The English language is arguably the most influential in the modern world. As the language of the only modern military and economic superpower, the United States, it has become the de facto language of international trade. But though English is spoken now by over 300 million people (British Council)...
It is very surprising to find that our most patriotic symbol, the American flag, is often made in countries besides our own. At the beginning of the war on terror, Wal-mart was forced to take certain flags off their shelves because, ironically, they were made in Afghanistan. Even today, many of our ...
As with many languages the development of English has had many influences. In early times natives of the British Isles were invaded and often conquered forcing the adaptation of new sounds and expressions. Then as England begins to defy the world, the enormous influences of the King James Bible an...
Queen Elizabeth I Queen Elizabeth & Her Explorers (1558-1603) Princess Elizabeth, a slender, athletic,extremely intelligent young woman, recieved an ideal Rennaissance education in Latin,Greek and modern languages, in history and Scripture. As Henry VIII’s second eldestchild, shunted back to t...
Queen Elizabeth & Her Explorers(1558-1603) Princess Elizabeth, a slender, athletic, extremely intelligent young woman, recieved an ideal Rennaissance education in Latin, Greek and modern languages, in history and Scripture. As Henry VIII's second eldest child, shunted back to third in line for the ...
The United States Declaration of Independence is a very important American text adopted on July 4, 1776. In fact, thirteen British North American colonies use it to proclaim their independence from Great Britain. 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence equally pledging to each other their li...
Abstract There has always been a great deal of controversy over the concept of capital punishment. There are those who believe that the death penalty not only rightfully punishes the criminal but, also, deters future criminals. On the other side of the heated debate are those who feel capital p...
Jeremy Bentham Jeremy Bentham was an English philosopher who founded the principle of utilitarianism. Under utilitarianism, everything is classified by its "utility" or usefulness. Utility is the object's ability to produce happiness. Bentham wanted to create happiness in his so...
The Mother Tongue: The First Thousand Years About 1500 years a few people in a remote corner of what we now call England, an awkward Germanic tongue was spoken which we now call English. But how did this insignificant language of barbarians grow to become the dominating language of the western w...
During the times of immigration to the United States conflicts arose between the Yankees and Catholic immigrants. These two cultures, which couldn't have been more different at that time, were separated as two classes on the political spectrum. Secret farming organizations like members of th...
"Vikings," the term is given to a race of Scandinavian people who raided and settled in large areas of eastern and Western Europe during a period of Scandinavian expansion from about 800 to 1100. The term came from an old English word "wic", which is a derivation from a Latin wor...
Developmental account attributing significance to events of the 1530's. By constructing an account of events before, during and after the 1530's assess the significance of political power in England and Wales. You should refer to developments of approximately 200 years. In order ...
Americana: Product of Renaissance and Reformation Americana, what I call American Culture, is a very hot item on the market right now. It's sold all over the world. Countries buy it buy the dozen: Coke, McDonalds, democracy, and freedom. Those who cant afford it wish to have it. At the sam...
The history of the English language is very closely tied to the history of the people who speak it. Whenever something happened that affected the people or culture, the language changes also. Everything affects the language, from the oldest culture to the newest civilization. The world of ancient Br...
Revolution and Enlightenment There is a thin line between enlightenment and revolution. Usually the events of one lead to the events of the other. Which one comes first is not really important, but what is important is that they took place. Some times it takes as little as a single piece a l...
In 'Translations', Brian Friel explores the nature and the use of language, its immense value as well as its limitations. One large theme he develops is the relationship between language, culture and identity, and the dilemma that is caused as a result. The play charts the tragic relatio...
By 1600, international trade routes, which had been centered around the Mediterranean Sea for centuries, were almost entirely based around Northern Atlantic countries like Spain, France, and England. The economic explosion and widespread circulation of money that came with this were accompanied by ...
The nature of the religion of the Germanic settlers is a very difficult subject, since it has to be pieced together from odd references from classical times and later Christian writings which obviously did not want to promote Pagan beliefs. Many modern historians look at the fact that four days of ...
Introduction The purpose of this text is to present a selection of authors from three different centuries. We will try, as far as this is possible, to show the differences in language and tone as time have passed. After the brief biography of each author we list a few selected works. We have of...
The extraordinary uniqueness of Elizabeth Tudor's reign began even before she was crowned queen in 1558. She was very well-educated, a student of the great Renaissance scholar Roger Ascham; a consummate diplomat at the age of 25; and one of the most level-headed monarchs England had seen in man...
Whan that Aprill with his shoures sooteThe droghte of March hath perced to the rooteAnd bathed every veyne in swich licourof which vertu engendred is the flour,Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breethInspired hath in every holt and heethThe tendre croppes, and the yonge sonneHath in the ram his half...
According to the Venerable Bede, the first significant body of Germanicsettlers in England had been hired as mercenaries by the British Prince Vortigern during fifth-century struggles for power among British Celts that broke out when Roman colonial troops were withdrawn. After a falling-out with the...
Queen Elizabeth IElizabeth I was the queen of England from 1558 to 1603. During this time she made many great changes for England. She never married and ruled England by her self. Many people look upon her as the greatest queen in England of all time. The people of England had great respect for ...
The Viking raids consequences. The Vikings were often described as "dire portents" and the Viking raids as "immense whirlwinds ... flashes of lighting...and fiery dragons...flying in the air". The Viking raids had begun. The earliest raids were carried out by Norwegians. Their immediate consequen...
The Reformation was a great 16th-century religious revolution in the Christian Church, which had political, economic and social effects. It ended the ecclesiastical supremacy of the pope, led to the separation of many European nations from the Church of Rome and became the basis for the founding of ...