7 Results for Latin

The original Bible was written in Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament). At that time, these languages were primary world languages, as English now is. The New Testament was written in every day (koiné) Greek and not in the traditional Greek of the scientists. The Bible should be accessi...
English 202 Rob Ellis Life's A Beach The Divine Tragedy Sometimes it takes a different perspective for someone to see the reality of how things are handled, and Marquez's insights into the way "Mainstream Religion" has dragged God and Christianity through the mud to th...
On the west bank of the Dead Sea there lies a unique arrangement of caves known as the ruins of Khirbet Qumran. This area is one of the lowest parts on earth. The account of the discover are as extraordinary as the scrolls themselves. News of the discovery spread in 1948 from Israeli and Americ...
Home-schooling: A New Alternative Home schooling is beginning to be famous more and more as parents worry about the quality of education being given their child amidst more and more violence, confusion and conflicts in the world. Home-schooling was thought to have first established due to religi...
CAN WE PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF GOD? 1. Introduction The question does God exist, is the most controversial issue of serious debate over the centuries. What is the answer to this question? Many contributed their ideas and views to this challenging question from the time of the Greek philosophers to ...
"Women, through whom death, suffering and toil came into the world, were creatures' dominated by their sex. So taught the Bible and patristic tradition. To control and punish women, particularly their bodies and their dangerous, disruptive sexuality was theref...
Proof Of The Exsistence of God Either God exists or He doesn't. There is no middle ground. Any attempt to remain neutral in relation to God's existence is automatically synonymous with unbelief. It is far from a moot question, for if God does exist, then nothing else really matters; if He does not e...