15 Results for Leadership

Russia Against Japan:A Review of J.N. Westwood'sBook on the warWhen I first picked up J.N. Westwood's book about the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05), I had very little knowledge of the conflict. I remember studying it briefly in high school, but as I recall, it was only mentioned for the simple fact t...
Nikita Khrushchev is undoubtedly one of the most important and interesting political figures of the twentieth century. Rising from a background of extreme poverty, he became an early supporter of the November 1917 bolshevik revolution. During the inter war years he joined the Communist Party, and ro...
The historical impact of Operation Barbarosa cannot be denied. The Soviet victory over the Nazi German invaders set up the Soviets as a world superpower and set the stage for the Cold War. Had the Germans not attacked, the Russians may not have gained their dominance in Eastern Europe, and the Wars...
SAME TWO JOBS, ONE WORLD APART:THE MAYOR OF MOSCOW AND THE MAYOR OF WASHINGTON, D.C.William DeanComparative Political LeadershipDr PetersonFall 2000MOCBAMoscow is a city like no other. This ancient city of has seen the rise and fall of empires. It has been the home of rulers and despots, a token o...
Post Cold-War Soviet Union had left the country in a state of shambles. The economy was in ruins, the military was behind those of the western nations, and the government's ideologies were beginning to be questioned. When S.U. itself ceased to exist on December 25, 1991, the United States (Bush admi...
Unless we accept the claim that Lenin's coup that gave birth toan entirely new state, and indeed to a new era in the history of mankind,we must recognize in today's Soviet Union the old empire of the Russians --the only empire that survived into the mid 1980s (Luttwak, 1). In their Communi...
The fall of the Communist regime and adoption of Democracy in the Soviet Union was more than just a political affair. The resolute bond between economics and politics, which was the central characteristic of the state socialist system, created a unique situation for the successor states of the Sov...
Between 1900-1939, there were many different movements in art mainly due to two reasons, modernization, and the First World War. The term \'avant-garde\' has become synonymous with the evolving modern movement of art. \'Although \'art for art\'s sake\' is a term not often used positively, this moder...
Ideological differences between Liberalism in England and Leninism in the Soviet Union place the two nations at opposite ends of the political spectrum. The former advocates for the importance of individualism and the ability of the market to regulate itself, whereas the latter prioritizes the stat...
1. Catherine II (the Great). The successor of the sickly Peter III, Catherine II was his wife until his suspected murder and she took the throne in 1762. Although she made no great reforms in Russian society, she gathered many friends by her death in 1796.Catherine had to keep the nobility pleased...
The Soviet totalitarian regime held the many nations of the USSR together for almost three quarters of a century; the disintegration of this political system brought with it economic and political instability as well as civil wars in the separated states. Why did the collapse of the communist regim...
World War 1: German Guilt. Introduction Few historical areas can have aroused as much debate as that of the origins and causes of WW1. The thousands of documents and eyewitness testimonies collated have allowed historians to construct exceedingly detailed illustrations of what happened in the days...
Identify and evaluate the main means of communication required in developing a marketing strategy for a new product or service.Technology has revolutionized communications systems, providing markers with the ability to collect and disseminate information around the globe at lightning speed. This i...
George Orwell's 1984, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Nazi Germany, and Stalin ruled Russia can all be related to Walker Percy's essay, The Loss of the Creature. In the book 1984 the world is run by a brainwashing committee called the Party. In Brave New World everybody is conditioned, from the tim...
Identify and evaluate the main means of communication required in developing a marketing strategy for a new product or service.Technology has revolutionized communications systems, providing markers with the ability to collect and disseminate information around the globe at lightning speed. This i...