60 Results for Leadership

Allusions are used in this letter frequently, not only to establish a position, but also to create some emotional appeal for its readers. Martin Luther King Jr. used these allusions strategically, to hopefully convey his message to the eight Alabama clergymen who doubted him and his efforts. Using r...
Your Excellency Emperor Diocletian Of the Roman Empire Rome. Sub: RISE OF CHRISTIANITY AMONGST THE ROMANS, CAUSE FOR CONCERN Your Highness, The rise of the Christian religion amongst our Roman people is indeed a serious cause of concern, and I have, upon your esteemed orders carried a...
Martin Luther was a revolutionary thinker born during the latter part of the fifteenth century in Catholic Germany. During this time the papacy in Rome was growing in stature and in corruption. Pope Leo X was working on the St. Peter's Basilica and was being creative in its financing. In o...
The Organization of the Early Church. According to The Acts of the Apostles, the church began on the day of the first Pentecost, but the need for the development of the church is presented well before it's actual creation. The gospels of Matthew and John reveal the apostles preparation by ...
The Counter-Reformation was the movement within the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th and 17th centuries that tried to eliminate abuses within the church and to respond to the Protestant Reformation. Loyola response to Luther accusations towards the church was made by forming the Society of Jesuits....
The settling of America began with an idea, the idea that people could join together and agree to govern themselves by making laws for the common good. They desired a place where men and women of deep religious convictions could come and practice their faith freely; a place where you could fulfill t...
Mary Tudor I Mary I was born in 1516 into the Tudor dynasty of England. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. She was the only surviving child from her parent's marriage. Her early life consisted of neglect, intolerance, and bad health. She was a staunch catholic fr...
1.Religion and Violence: Catholicism, Islam, Judaism have historical periods of violence, either between factions within their religion or against other religions. Give a brief report on one of these with in the Catholic and Islam religions. How has religious violence been justified? Do you think th...
Before the powerful and well known monarchs of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, what is now known as England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland were ruled by a paganistic and heathenistic group of people called the Anglo-Saxons (Anglo-Saxon England and Wales" pg.2). These rulers...
The Crusades began formally on Tuesday, November 27, 1095, in a field just outside the walls of the French city of Clermont-Ferrand. On that day Pope Urban II preached a speech to crowds of laypeople attending a Church council at Clermont. In his speech, the pope outlined a plan for a Crusade and ca...
Jesus was born a Jew, and he remained a practicing Jew his entire life. In order to understand Christianity, it is important to understand the Judaism from which it came. Theology and history were joined in the Jewish mind. The imperative of trust in the Lord, and fear of the Lord, dominated Jewish...
Calvin\'s Unique Theocracy When we think of a theocracy, we usually think of a political system, governed and legislated by a religious body with religious beliefs. For the most part this is true. Historically, theocratic governments have successfully existed throughout the world, from ancient Eg...
Socialization: Christ Against Culture: A lot of the idea that Christ is opposed to culture makes sense. There's a lot of biblical support for it and it can easily resonate with one's experience. Jesus said, ""Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the ...
The Christian religion, like all other religions has its strengths and weaknesses in our modern society. Perhaps the strengths out weight the weaknesses as this is one of the largest religions in the world. Hundreds of people follow the Catholic/Christian religion yet still a greater numbe...
Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church early in the first century A.D. The basic organization of the Church was also put in place during this time, but the organization is something that has evolved, and continues to evolve, throughout the past two thousand years. Yet to say that the Roman...
Culture is a catch-all term that is used to describe the various rites, traditions, and rituals attached to a specific group of people. A people's culture encompasses more than his or her religion; it encompasses everything from political beliefs to family traditions. While culture certainly...
Catholics vs. Episcopalians, is there truly a distinction?When I recollect on my religious tradition, Catholicism, I ponder on just how different it is in practice and theology from that of protestant traditions. When examining I came to compare how deeply Catholics and Episcopalians are divided on...
A LEADER AND HIS CONGREGATIONThere is an expanding church in Pine Hill that I attend each week. This church is filled with many great spiritual people who are like family in which you could share your struggles of life with and then listen to them as they help you get through those struggles...
Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. It's a prophetic book written by Malachi. The possible date of the writing of this book is hard to say. Two of my sources have dif-ferent opinions on the date. One estimates a "date of 450-400 BC." The other resource says "397 BC." The name of...
The Development of Eschatological Events The development eschatological worldviews is by no means a single socio-historical event in European and American history. The fact is that examination and adherence to "apocalyptic texts have comforted the faithful, intrigued the curious and amused t...
Scold your wife sharply, bully and terrify her" is a quotation from a fifteenth century Catholic Church publication called 'Rules of Marriage', a "document which does not just condone wife battering but actually recommends it as a meritorious action that will bring spiritual benefit to both husband ...
?In an essay of 3000 words, identify and describe three key periods in the history of the Church and analyze their significance for teaching religious education. Make reference to a specific religious education unit or module in your answer. Most of your references should be published books, e-books...
The Charismatic Ministry of Peter throughout the Jews, Samaritans and Gentiles is an example for all Christians to apply to their own ministries. Peter sets the bar, and that bar is raised further later by Paul. The definition of a Charismatic movement is: any various groups within existing denomi...
New England and the Chesapeake's citizens may have the same English origin, but they each have very distinct, tightly knit societies. Every region has their own separate way of running their colony that causes differences in development to occur. So no matter where their origin, their new home decid...