3 Results for abortion

My view on the abortion is pro-choice so I will debate the issue from the pro-life point of view. Abortion is in a word: murder. There is no way around it , people that have abortions are committing a crime. If one was killing a person who could defend themselves they would go to jail but the people...
Taking A Life Into Your Own HandsJust because a female decides to have intercourse with her partner and chooses not to use protection, does that mean that you have to kill the end result-the fetus? Such an act could be considered murder because you are killing a human being. The word "murder" is d...
In chapter three of the papal encyclical Evangelium Viate or also know as The Gospel of Life, the Pope discusses the commandment "You shall not kill" and how it applies to certain modern day situations such as abortion, pre-natal care, and euthanasia. The first issue discussed is abortion...