168 Results for aids

Truman DoctrineThe Truman Doctrine was the impetus for the change in United States foreign policy, from isolationist to internationalists; thus we were drawn into two wars of containment and into world affairs. The Truman Doctrine led to a major change in U.S. foreign policy from its inception - aid...
Should the U.S Engage in Multilateral Talks with N. Korea? "As day breaks on yet another peaceful morning, a young girl prances through an open field. She joyfully sang while picking up the bright and colorful flowers before her, examining them with care so that she can fully appreciate thei...
Exogenous factor shaping economic growth continent wide was the great power conflict. Countries falling for geographical and other reasons within the U.S. and Soviet spheres of influence felt strong pressure to adopt the same form of economic organization as their dominant partner. And how they orga...
The Rise and Spread of Communism in China The aftermath of World War II had left many countries in ruins, as great masses of countrymen were beginning to suffer from its devastating effects. The remains of what had once been great cities were now destroyed, and the remnants of great buildings an...
Marshall Plan In the spring of 1947, the atmosphere in Europe was unstable and tense. World War II left behind misery, unemployment and a housing crisis. The cold weather intensified the severe economic and social dislocation that plagued the continent following the long and destructive war. At t...
The Final Solution Those individuals upholding the philosophy that the course of history is repetitive may have never considered the advent of a nuclear world. With the possibilities of rouge states becoming, in terms of levels of destruction, as equally feared as even the most prosperous...
US Foreign Policy during Cold War Introduction "Their [Russia's and America 's] starting-point is different, and their courses are not the same; yet each of them seems marked by the will of Heaven to sway the destinies of half the globe," Alexis de Torqueville, late 19th c...
World War II devastated Europe such a great deal that it would take many years before the entirety of the continent of Europe would be as strong as it once was before the twentieth century history which, at that point, had been almost totally consisting of wars. Following World War II, European nat...
After the Potsdam Conference, which took place from the 17th of July to the 2nd of August 1945, the Allied countries, mainly the USA, the UK, and the USSR, were moving steadily apart from each other in terms of their interests, leaving Europe torn apart into the eastern and the western blocs. The en...
Foreign Policy has varied throughout United States history, in order to adapt to changing times and needs. The alterations to foreign policies are generally made depending on the relationship the United States has with other nations, and to meet their own desires. Three types of US foreign policies ...
For women, wartime was considered "the best years of their lives" by some people and historians. Not only did women come to the country's aid in time of need, they also started the concept of women having a job.The idea of women at work during World War II was not utterly new. In the previous years ...
Causes of World War IWhat started out as a local European disturbance between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, ended up as the most horrific war in world history. Many textbooks say that Germany was the main cause of World War I, but there were many more factors that aided the start of this atrocious aff...
Sputnik and Its Effects on America When the Soviet Union launched the sputnik in 1957, the United States was changed in many ways such as Education, Daily life, the acceleration of the United States' plan for their program and the effects of the cold war. There were many precautions...
WORLD CONFLICT IN THE 20TH CENTURY 1 The 20th century was the bloodiest 100 years in human history. Based on numbers killed, in warfare, the 20th century exceeds all other centuries combined. The three major conflicts between 1901 and 200 were World War I, World War II, an...
The Cold War was a period in which the United States and the Soviet Union entered a hostile relationship. During the Cold War, the two countries struggled for economic, military, and political superiority. Many Americans and Russians alike questioned the prevalence of their government and economic s...
During the 19th and 20th century an abundance of change was occurring within the world in terms of the bonding and binding of alliance systems. France would quickly intertwine itself with different countries in order to form alliances to offer a form of security, strength, and wealth for the countri...
During World War I many different types of weapons were utilized by both the Allied and Central powers. Some were variations on older models of weaponry, and others were totally new inventions created to aid in the wartime effort. Most of the new weapons were used as killing machines in trench warfa...
America, the ruthless super of this world has retained that status by means of using their vast economic wealth as well as their strategic manipulation among countries in need of their support. The Cuban Missile Crisis was an act of retaliation by both the Soviet Union and Cuba, to prevent America f...
Western society has come a long way through out history. Living in plush and fertile lands following the prey primitive people, hunting and gathering for existence. There is food and clothing. The basic tools of this stage in stone aged history are the two most easily obtainable objects: rocks a...
In the early decades of the twentieth century, the world was shocked by the progression of warfare in ways that were previously unthinkable. The First World War, or The Great War, as it was called during that time, was the result of political tension between established governments of the Balkan Pe...
Page 1 The Second World War-A Complete History was the book chosen for this review. It was published in 1989 by Martin Gilbert. Martin Gilbert was a distinguished Britain historian. He graduated Magdalen College, Oxford. In 1960, he received a first class honor degree in modern histo...
October 24, 1924, will always be known as "Black Thursday." In a matter of minutes the bottom dropped out of the stock market and panic sat in across America as the prices of stocks and bonds steadily skidded downward for three and one half years. The direct and immediate result...
Assessing Corporate Culture Paper: American Red Cross The American Red Cross, a diverse, volunteer-led, community funded organization has led the world in helping others year after year since 1881. We are about to cover the basic foundation of the American Red Cross, ranging from the organizationa...
The Good and the Bad of Globalization Globalization has had a profound effect on many aspects on the current society, such as warfare and economy. Some experts believe that these influences are mostly positive, whereas critics of globalization believe that the affects are mostly negative. An exa...
The Second World War had its roots in the willingness of Japanese militarist, German Nazis and Italian Fascists to go to war to get their own way. Their countries had grievances, which militarists, Nazis and Fascists strenuously encouraged. For instance, the flaws in the Peace Settlement after...