112 Results for american history

African American History It is often taught that the social and economic conditions of African Americans have been one of America's greatest struggles. For some, the struggle continues, although changes are evident, it has in no way erased the damage that was inflicted. Others believe that th...
Our judiciary's monarchal roots have come long ways. It has been created by our people of the states, for our people of the states. With it, we hope to continually form perfect Unions, insure justice, insure domestic Tranquility, and provide for the common defense. We the people, who are serio...
Why was there opposition to the New Deal?In many ways the New Deal turned out to be a success. It clearly stopped the Depression from getting worse; gave hope and confidence to the American people at the worst tome in their history; and 'saved' American democracy. But why did it face so much opposit...
This case is a significant part of American history when it comes to slavery. In this particular case the Mendians have won a major victory for the abolitionists in the America's at this time. It began on June 28, 1839 when Ruiz and Montez placed Mendians on board the schooner Amistad and set sail...
For over two centuries, the American Constitution established the foundation of democratic government. It can undoubtedly be considered the most reliable and longest-lasting piece of document in the history of government. The Constitution, adopted in 1789, created a framework that secured the natio...
Discrimination and exclusion have been a part of our country for as many years as America is old. Gender has certainly played an enormous role in the history of discrimination, as have many different races. While a case can be made for women being discriminated against and excluded, there is no si...
The Acquittals Abuse of power has never been welcomed by society. Whether it is in the home, on the job, in our schools or in our government, society subjects these abuses of power to investigation and prosecution. The penalties can be a dismissal from their position, court marshal or imp...
Abraham Lincoln and Equal Rights With America struggling in a state of Civil War, the nation's very core was being shaken. Abraham Lincoln, who was president during this period, realized this, and delivered one of his most historically renowned speeches, "The Gettysburg Address". This speech ad...
A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, assembly, the right to vote, freedom from involuntary servitude, and the right to equality in public places. Discriminati...
Identify and comment on what you see to be the strengths and/or weaknesses of the American system as far as the topics in this section are concerned.The constitutional system of the United States is a puzzling aspect of an American's life. Many do not understand. Some think they understand it and ...
The Supreme Court ruled on June 14, 2004, to keep the phrase, "under God," intact in the Pledge of Allegiance. While the eight participating justices had dissenting opinions, all unanimously ruled against the case Matthew Newdow had presented to the court many months ago. The court state...
Desecration of Stars and Stripes INTRODUCTION Is it more important to protect the icons of our country, or to ensure the right to extremely offensive expressions? The issue of flag burning asks America just that question: Should America tolerate, or condemn? Flag burning does seem to be the ...
The significant debate on religion in schools is becoming more and more heated. Many people say that banning religion in schools would be unconstitutional, which in some aspects is understandable since the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of religion....
John MarshallIn early American history, the powers of the executive and legislative branches of the government were already well defined. However, the judicial branch needed to establish its position as an equal of the other two branches. John Marshall was crucial in making this happen. His many ...
Justification and Weaknesses of the Non-Interpretive Model Brief: Justification and Weaknesses of the Non-Interpretive Model The question of Constitutional interpretation still has yet to be resolved. Should only the explicit ...
Many historians believe that history often repeats itself over the years. Issues that affect society in history often reoccur or continue. In America, our freedoms are protected by the U.S. Constitution. This constitution makes the United States one of the freest countries in the world. If we do not...
Although racist equality was rarley enforced by the United States gorvenment in the past, Andrew Jackson reformulated the unwritten guidelines of Indian relations. For one of the first times in the short American history, the intolerance for Indian "savages" became apparent. The authority of the Pe...
The formation of the constitution was not only developed to change the American government but to enable the change in government as time changed the political and cultural face of the land. This allows the Constitution to adapt to the people's needs for each generation and will continue to pr...
After the Reconstruction period, African Americans had won freedom and no longer were seen as processions of the whiteman, although, something even more evil existed, segregation. This problem made life for many black people an ever-continuing struggle. Black people were forced to attend separ...
Throughout American history, religion has been a very controversial topic. While religion seems to find its way into almost every aspect of our lives, there have been various legal battles over religion. The American Heritage Dictionary defines religion as, \"Belief in and reverence of a supernatur...
To the editor: I am writing in response to Jaime Sarrio's article, Guns main cause of terror in U.S. on September 25, 2001. I must say that I do agree with you, trigger locks are a good thing and that they save lives. But, that is as far as we think alike. For starters I don't see how ...
The civil rights movement in the United States of America from 1954 to 1968 is an important element of the nation's contemporary history. The event was a turning point in the history of Black Americans as their courage and persistence displayed led to the legislative reform of American society...
SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: THE FOUNDATION OR FISSURE FOR OUR COUNTRY? Foundations are one of the most important parts of houses. When building the foundations very carefully, the owner must know exactly what the house is to look like and what the floor plans are. Since the foundation...
We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal." Thomas Jefferson wrote these immortal words in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. One has the right to impose the question "Are we truly equal?" simply by taking a look at American society. Presently, the United ...
Jury Rights Beginning with the drafting and ratification of the United States Constitution, the sixth amendment right, right to trial by peers or jury, has been enforced. Throughout history, the jury process has been used in various cases, whether a high-profile case or a state or loca...