15 Results for biology

ABSTRACT This experiment is designed to test whether or not gender is a major contributing factor to the recovery heart rate in humans. Most would assume that the male heart rate would be considerably faster in recovery time than that of the female. This experiment furthers that assumption by elim...
PRIMARY AUTHOR: Curtis Freeze received his B.S. in fish and wildlife biology from Iowa State University in 1970 and a Ph.D. in ecology from Johns Hopkins University in 1977. He has served as coordinator for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service's Latin American and Caribbean Program, Vice Pr...
Horses have been an important and influential part of North American and European history. In his book, Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, Alfred W. Crosby argues that horses helped to bring about European's successful colonization of a number of temperate regions ...
September 11th Have you ever been through a war, or experienced anything like it? How did you feel? Where were you? Who were you with? For me, September 11th was the first huge tragedy or war I have ever been through. Being only 15 years old, I have never experienced anything like that before...
According to the statistics, more than 217,000 pharmacists are holding jobs in the United States. Pharmacists can be easily seen at local pharmacies, but not many people know what kind of works they do, what level of education is needed, or how much they earn. Actually, pharmacists do more than jus...
Are Humans and Beasts Too Close for Comfort? Are humans and animals in too close contact for disease dispersal? This question that is asked in the May 2000 article, Germs and sickness in a shrinking world, of "U.S. News online" is one that needs to be looked at very directly. "...
Abington School District vs. Schempp Required School Prayer In 1949, a state-wide law was passed in Pennsylvania that required public school students to read scriptures from the Bible and recite the Lord's Prayer everyday in class. This law stayed intact until Edward Schempp challenged it n...
Sustainable Livelihoods The environment is the basis of all life. Biology teaches us that everything is connected. Sustainable livelihood (SL) refers to fact that the ecosystem and all other systems, such as economic, social and cultural systems, are interrelated and affect each other daily. Sust...
Nursing Without any doctors, nurses, surgeons, or even physical therapists the world as we know it would be a complete disaster. Members of hospitals are what makes a difference in the world today. The people that work everyday to help the sick or even to save them are heros of this world. ...
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and Go...
Racial Formations What is race? Dictionary.com defines the word race as "A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution." This definition however, is not entirely accurate. Omi and Winant give a better definition ...
Introduction There are various theories on possible causes for childhood aggression, however it is a little more taxing to try and pinpoint a specific correlation with childhood aggression and murder. Originally, early psychological theories struggled with where aggression originated, whether i...
I am a teenage girl. I am irresponsible. I am a slut. I am a drug addict. I am an alcoholic. I am stupid. I am a clotheshorse. I do not know the difference between right and wrong, right?Wrong.This is what the media and society and the government have been telling me ever since October 21, 1998 (whe...
THE RECOVERY RATE OF THE MALE IS SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER THAN THAT OF THE FEMALE. Abstract:This experiment is designed to test whether or not gender is a major contributing factor to the recovery heart rate in humans. Most would assume that the male heart rate would be considerably faster in recover...
The Fairness of Academic EvaluationAmerican students used to pass from grade to grade with few complications. Getting into a college was effortless and acquiring degrees was a piece of cake. In 1983, A Nation at Risk was published and Americans realized how inferior their education systems really ...