4 Results for catcher in the rye

Readers Journal The Catcher In The Rye By: J.D. SalingerChapter 1:Summary: The story is still being introduced. The setting is an icy winter in Agerstown, Pennsylvania. It takes place at Pencey Prep, a school Holden just got kicked out of. He is the coach for the foiling te...
Mrs. Woolcock English 3 CP 20 October 2003 Revelations Induce Change It is very often that people have revelations which induce change in their lives. Revelation must influence someone or something for change to occur, for if it does not, why would there be any reason for change to occur in th...
THE CATCHER IN THE RYE J.D. SALINGER This book is one of the first books that actually have made me change my way of thinking. It is unlike any book I have ever read. The sad part about it is that you have to be a certain type of person in order for this book to change you. In fact, you ...
Conrad Vs. Holden Getting over a traumatic experience can be troubling to anyone, especially when the experience deals with a close family member or friends. Whether the problem is feeling unloved by your parents, being rejected by your friends or even having suicidal thoughts, the result can be ...