205 Results for cause and effect

Causes and Effects of Juvenile Crime One of the biggest problems that the United States is faced with in the present day is juvenile crime. Juvenile crime does not only affect the individuals who commit the crime, it also affects the victim of the crime. This also affects the juvenile in their...
The use of capital punishment has been a permanent fixture in society since the earliest civilizations. It has been used for various crimes ranging from the desertion of soldiers during wartime to the more heinous crimes of serial killers. Past civilizations used execution very often because they d...
I feel that one of the biggest problems that the United States is faced with in the present day is juvenile crime. Juvenile crime does not only affect the individuals who commit the crime, it also affects the victim of the crime. This also affects the juvenile in their adult lives as the crime can b...
Effects of Substance Abuse on Crime The effects of drugs and alcohol on our society are becoming more and more evident as the years pass. Even though drugs and alcohol have been around for centuries, they are becoming more popular. Along with the major drugs like cocaine, crack, and heroin, ...
Is Crime Caused by Genetics? Throughout time there have been many different reasons associated with why people commit crimes. It has been said that crimes are committed because of criminals past and the way that they grow up. Many people also feel that crimes are associated with the criminals ...
This essay has given me an opportunity to explore a subject that has for a long time impacted on my work. The young people with whom I work travel to my sessions using public transport and due to the negative experience they often have they can arrive feeling agitated, angry, upset or confrontation...
Media is undoubtedly the greatest medium of communication in our society, but how does media's portrayal of violence affect us as a whole? Is music's explicit lyrics and televisions raunchy and violent content the cause of our downfall, or is it merely an accurate depiction of today&ap...
The causes of youth violence are numerous and complex. Neurological, hormonal, and mental abnormalities can produce highly increased aggressions in many cases, but environmental contexts that encourage the learning of aggressions also play a key role. Indeed, child who grows up within an enviro...
There has been a lot of talk from many individuals about wiping out crime, but many times efforts are forfeited to the rationalization that crime can never be stopped. There has always been crime, and there will always be crime as long as the causes of these crimes are not dealt with in a suitable m...
Causes of Juvenile Crime In the early 1960's, the epidemic of juvenile crime began to take shape. The problem of juvenile crime is becoming an increasingly pressing matter in America. Anyone who watches the news or reads the newspapers is well aware of the intensity of America's juveni...
Both Mike Males, the writer of \"Stop Blaming Kids and TV,\" and Susan R. Lamson, writer of \"TV Violence: Does It Cause Real-Life Mayhem?\" have different views on the controversial issue of television causing violence. Males believe that television should not be blamed for the violence in society ...
Environmental Impact of New Technology Things like SUV's and Jumbo Jets may be a good thing now, why they get us around from place to place very quickly. But from using these "modern" conveniences we are actually harming the environment. The pollutants released from these and many ...
Virtually every major program designed to address the underlying causes of violence and to support the poor, vulnerable, powerless victims of crime is being cut even further to the bone... In this context, the proposition that the death penalty is a needed addition to our arsenal of weapons lacks cr...
Broken Windows Theory Applied to Gambling Machines Recent estimates indicate that are millions of American adults, and juveniles who are experiencing compulsive gambling problems. Those numbers are compounded by the loved ones who suffer along with them. If the Broken Window Theory is ap...
Children and Violence in America Anyone can see that child and teen violence in America is on the rise. However, what is the cause of this sudden rise in child and teen violence? The article "Children and Violence in America", tries to answer that very question. In "Children and Violence in Ame...
In 1933 the Prohibition on Alcohol was repealed, and the consumption of alcohol was finally made legal, soon after this legalization, Congress passed a law making laws against drugs in the United States. It has been determined by many scholars that ending alcohol prohibition was more harmful in the...
When habits or behaviors begin to dominate daily life and people find themselves powerless to stop the chaos despite the consequences or the desire to do so, then it is very likely that addiction is active. Addiction is a factor that causes people to offend and re-offend against Criminal Law. There ...
Can you revise some grammers and make good transitions between paragraphs? And also, find what causes gang and gun violence in school(with some quotations with bibliography:web address) and added in some where in my essay. In an era of the rising concern over public school violence, the controve...
There is considerable debate about the role that the Criminal Justice system should play in the control of illicit drug use (Study Guide 1001CCJ 2003, p.69). The Australian drug policy currently operates within a prohibition model, which states that the production, distribution and use of illicit dr...
i want you to find what causes gang and gun violence iin school and add those into my essay.(about a page or so) please include work sited. thank you. In an era of the rising concern over public school violence, the controversy over the importance of mandatory uniform policy has been brought up ...
Gun control is government limitations of the purchase and ownership of firearms in order to reduce violence caused by the use of the firearms. The issue of gun control has initiated many arguments. Those who are Pro-Gun Control feel that if guns are eliminated, crime and violence will deteriorate....
The old west and the days of prohibition perhaps were dramatized back when we were kids when we would play Cowboys and Indians or Cops and Robbers. But, today the drama is much more serious and the issues about handguns can be debated until both political parties declare war on each other. In what h...
Despite the increasing scientific evidence showing that there is no direct causal link between alcohol and violence, public beliefs continue to remain adamant that alcohol plays a key role in the influence that alcohol has on violent crimes. What has been scientifically proven though, is that alcoho...
In the last century of America, the dramatic increasing of criminal rate had terrifies us for many years. Among these crimes, teenage violence had caught most of our attentions because of its incredible fast growth rate. In Jon Katz's essay titled "Media Violence...
Over the past decade, there has been much controversy over the legalization of marijuana. The government is uncertain of its effects on society in general, as well as on the individual. As of now, marijuana is illegal in Canada, and only thirteen people can smoke it legally (http://www.chuckii.c...