240 Results for cause and effect

Divorces Today in America the divorce rate is growing as rapidly as the population. There are many causes of divorce such as culture clashes, unfaithfulness-adultery, too young when married, lack of communication, job interference, and in-law problems. Many effects that are seen from divorces are d...
It was the first day of class and students are ready to start a new year. As you walk into the next period, you see new faces, but you find yourself to have no place to sit. All the seats were filled in every part of the classroom. On top of that, the teacher had assigned all the books with non...
After school Programs Each weekday afternoon in America, the ringing of the bells signals not just the end of the school day, but the beginning of a time when at least 8 to 15 million of our children are left alone unsupervised. Some Children go home to an empty house while others find differ...
If fast food has such a significant impact on our society and economy, it is only natural that it should also have at least some effect on our environment. Presumably, the generalization of fast food in America, and now spreading all over the world, can lead to major negative impacts on our environ...
Causes of the Great Crash In 1929 there had been a bull market for some time, and it seemed like it would never stop. However, such prosperity would not last forever. In October of that year, the market came to an abrupt halt. It was not a simple matter however. There was no single reason wh...
THE EFFECTS OF MEDIA VIOLNCE ON CHILDREN On April 20 1999 two boys by the names of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris walked into their High school in the little town of Colombine Colorado and opened fire on their fellow classmates.Some say it was the pare...
When a person thinks about the topic of divorce, a reaction of pity usually turns to the parents, instead of the emotionally scared children. Although children often are not the center or cause of divorce, they become part of the pain that is involved. Adults feel many emotions of grief, fear, ang...
In retrospect, America was inevitably a revolutionary force from the day of its discovery. America was a home for the latest thoughts and ideas about the nature of society, citizens, and government, and more often then not, conflicting ideas on how to manage the world would potentially create unplea...
Effects of the War of 1812 The War of 1812 with Britain was difficult for our new Nation. There were many losses, and the White House in Washington, D.C. was burned by the British. However, the early victory of the U.S. Navy, the leadership of able generals such as Andrew Jackson and William Henr...
America's Teens Up in Smoke On every street corner in America, you will find a teen smoking. Even though a number of commercials and school orientations have given the effects of smoking, the kids feel they are invincible to the effects smoking can cause. "Tobacco companies have ta...
History is defined in the dictionary as a chronological record of significant events (as affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes. A historian might argue that any event that affects life as it is today is a part of history. For example the Big Bang or the...
Marijuana: Is It Bad? Legalizing drugs in America is one of the talked about topics in today's day and age. With the increase in drug addiction in the United States some say it would be better to just legalize the majority of drugs and tell people of the good and bad side effects so that it ...
The jobless rate in America, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, seems to be of no importance to those functioning in the political realm. After observing the blindness of those in power in the United States, one must raise the hard questions to those in power. Do they realize the ext...
The Cold War was caused by many factors which each contributed to the uncertainty and instability of the situation between the America and the Soviet Union. While there were many important factors, only a few stand out as prominent causes of the conflict. First, the decision by America...
When a new life came from the independence of Britain, a new nation and a new government began to evolve. During the aftermath of the war, delegates met in Philadelphia and tried to establish a form of government, which created the Articles of Confederation in 1787. It was the first constitution of...
Maralyn MoulMr. GluckmanPeriod 3April 9, 1998Juvenile Crime and Treatment: Causes of Adolescent Atrocity In a small town like Haddon Township, crime does not seem like a serious issue. Small crimes such as vandalism may be looked at as immense. In other parts of the country though, crime is muc...
The Great Awakening started as a questioning of religion and authority of government. This led to tolerance of new beliefs. The Great awakening created a sense of shared American identity that affected the people who experienced it all across the colonies. People grouped together no matter were t...
Causes of Juvenile Crime In the early 1960's, the epidemic of juvenile crime began to take shape. The problem of juvenile crime is becoming an increasingly pressing matter in America. Anyone who watches the news or reads the newspapers is well aware of the intensity of America's juveni...
On almost every street corner in America, you will find a teen smoking. Even though a number of commercials and school orientations have given the effects of smoking, the kids feel they are invincible to the effects smoking can cause. Tobacco companies have targeted the youth, ages eleven to sevente...
Two men sit in a jail cell both carrying out the sentence for their crimes. One of them is there for murder and the other for possessing a plant called marijuana. In the state of North Carolina, it is illegal to posses more than ½ an once of marijuana. This law does not make much sense. What is od...
Breast implants...what's in them? Despite the risks involved during surgery and the side effects afterwards, breast implants are widely sought in developed countries. In fact, there were 87,704 surgeries in America alone in 1996. Why do women want big breasts at all and are they fully satisfi...
Attention Deficit Disorder As a young boy in elementary school I was supposedly diagnosed with Attention deficit disorder. To this day both my father and I never believed that I really had ADD. Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is the subject of two widely challenged debates in medicinal practice...
Every day three children in the U.S. are murdered by a parent or caretaker. 18,000 are permanently disabled, and 565,000 are seriously injured every year. Child abuse kills more children in America than accidental falls, choking on food, suffocation or fires in the home (OCCAPC, sec. 1). The term \"...
The Impact of the P-51 Mustang 2 Not until the advent of the North American P-51 Mustang fighter, and all of the improvements, benefits, and side effects that it brought with it, that the Allies were able to achieve superiority over the Germans. The Allies knew that they would have to drive Germ...
Service to our country means a lot to me. The subject has a wide variety of meanings . They can range from donating a dollar to the poor, to risking your life by joining the military and going to war. It has always made me proud of our great country when people go out of their way to improv...