17 Results for cell phones

Cell Phones: People Overuse Them Open with Impact: 570,000 injuries a year and 1.5 million crashes resulting in property damage can be blamed on wireless phone use according to an study at Harvard's University Center for Risk Analysis. Focus: This number is only going to grow with the incre...
Should Using a Cell Phone be Illegal While Driving?Cellular phones are one of the most widely and most popular forms of communication today. Though once considered rare luxuries, cellular telephones have become a commonplace possession over the last decade. Thanks in part to advances in wireless te...
Cell phones are a large part of our society in this day and age. Everyone from businessmen to country farmers has a cell phone. Cell phones may help in some situations, but are they really hindering more than helping? I admit that I am an avid user of my cellular phone. With the unlimited minutes ...
It is common in this day in age for everyone to have a cell phone. Most likely everyone in this room has one. People use cell phones everyday but do they really know how they operate. What causes a cell phone to work so easily and efficiently? Hopefully this speech can clear things up about th...
Do you have a cell phone? Well, to the many who do, it is a way of communication in a car. Cell phones have been known to distract the driver from concentrating on the road. But is it really worth banning? A majority of the nation agrees to ban cell phones in the use by the driver. Our nation is bas...
Among the various inventions and discoveries of the modern era is one that has managed to entice everyone from the richest to the poorest of individuals. It is called the cell phone and is fast becoming a necessity in the everyday life of human beings. As one takes a stroll down the street, grab...
Ask anyone what they think of cell phones, and the answer you might receive will most probably be along the lines of: They are annoying, a nuisance, and can be dangerous while driving. No one wants to hear a cell phone go off during the climax of a movie, no one wants to overhear the relationship pr...
Cell Phone Safety The use of cellular phones has spread like wild fire in the last ten years. It has become a part of everyday life for many American citizens, and a good number of people depend on them to carry out daily operations. Unfortunately, many of these daily operations...
The use of cellular phones has spread like wildfire in the last ten years. It has become a part of everyday life for many American citizens, and a good number of people depend on them to carry out daily operations. Unfortunately, many of these daily operations occur while the individual is driving. ...
SAFETY V/S THE ANNOYING CELL PHONE Researchers suggest about 140 million people in the United States subscribe to cell phones, and 85% of them use the phone while driving. I did a survey interviewing three drivers concerning using a cell phone while driving. All three inte...
In the course of our day we encounter hundreds of technology upgrades from a basic light switch to a centralized computer network running underneath our feet. In each advancement towards a globalized society we encounter our share of drawbacks, glitches if you will, that make our step into the fu...
Do Cell Phones Cause More Vehicle Accidents? The cellular phone, while not being directly related to automotive travel, has become one of the most popular and life-threatening innovations. The number of cellular phone users has grown to one hundred million in the United Sta...
As the 21st century dawns ahead of us, the future holds what seems to be the best advancements of our civilization. Man has come a long way since the first computer was invented. It is from that enormous monster that we have grown off of, (maybe that accounts for the hideous beige metal boxes com...
The use of cellular phones has spread like wild fire in the last ten years. It has become a part of everyday life for many American citizens, and a good number of people depend on them to carry out daily operations. Unfortunately, many of these daily operations occur while the individual is driving....
Communication When comparing different forms of communication, it is hard not to think of telephones as a strong base for communication. The cellular phone is one of the newest and most widely used forms of communication. With saying that, it could also be a very frustrat...
Technology HeadachesHave you ever been frustrated with your computer? Misplaced you cell phone? Or could not program a VCR? Well thanks to technology we have all these modern day convinces. Unfortunately the downside, to the fast pace world of technology, are the high stress levels and even more dan...
The Voice "Good morning!" I quickly open my eyes and look around to see who has the nerve to burst into my dorm room at 6:30 in the morning. Nobody there. "Please wake up!" I now remember that my computer's new alarm clock was set to awake me for my early morning chemis...