10 Results for cell phones

Hazard at the Tip of Your Finger The use cellular phone has spread like wild fire in the last ten years. "Million people now subscribe to wireless service---up from 7.5 million in 1991" (Moore 30). It has become a part of everyday life for many American citizens, and a good number of pe...
Should Using a Cell Phone be Illegal While Driving?Cellular phones are one of the most widely and most popular forms of communication today. Though once considered rare luxuries, cellular telephones have become a commonplace possession over the last decade. Thanks in part to advances in wireless te...
Among the various inventions and discoveries of the modern era is one that has managed to entice everyone from the richest to the poorest of individuals. It is called the cell phone and is fast becoming a necessity in the everyday life of human beings. As one takes a stroll down the street, grab...
Living in the age known for technology, we have grown up watching undeveloped land evolve into industrial centers covered with power lines. We are now capable of viewing vital parts of our internal systems thanks to MRI'S, x-rays and other technology. We are able to cook in minutes thanks to ...
The war over the health hazards of cellular phones is beginning to mount. The idea that cellular phones possibly cause cancer became an issue in 1993 when a gentleman sued a cell phone manufacturer saying that the phone caused his wife's brain tumor and eventual death (Greenwald, 67). Both ...
Should There Be a Law? Over 100 million cell phones are currently in use in the United States. More than 85% of cell phone users talk on the phone while driving. However, this is not the only task people perform while driving. They eat, drink, smoke, and can do numerous other things while at th...
Press 1 to Improve Lives The globalization of technology has most significantly helped by making jobs, entertainment, education, safety, accessibility, more efficient and organized. One of the most prominent effects of technological advances is how much more compacted everything has become. No long...
Every creature in the world needs to communicate with another creature from its kind. The insects, for example, have antennas to speak or to understand each other. The dogs, also, have a strong ability of smelling and they realize each other by smelling. For human beings, the communication has diffe...
The FCC E911 Regulation is Essential for Consumers and Telecommunications IndustryIn June of 1996, the FCC proposed a mandate for E-911 services. The wireless E911 order provides value-added service for all cellular phone users and consumers. This regulation has designed to implement 911 requireme...
Recently, Cingular Wireless joined forces with AT&T Wireless. After the process of the merger, Cingular Wireless has now become the largest wireless company in the United States. Since the merger, the company now services more than 50 million subscribers who use the nation's largest digital voice a...