9 Results for chemistry

 The Banking Concept of Education There is at least one time in everyone's life in which they are able to reflect upon something in their past which oftentimes can prove to be helpful in the present of the future. In this case,...
I will never forget my first experience with "academic dishonesty." It was my junior year of high school and my chemistry teacher was not too adequate, to say the least. He gave his lectures in inhuman speeds and still expected us to understand every pearl of wisdom that came out of his mouth! God f...
Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most compelling education theories I have ever read. After reading it the first time my first reaction was to compare all the teachers, I had from nursery to my college years. I asked myself who among my teachers were banking method te...
The last couple of decades have brought along a drastic change in technology and communication that have, in turn, changed the way students of higher education are taught and trained. Although greatly declining in the last few years, liberal arts education is still the foundation of learning for alm...
"Teaching as a Lively Art" Steiner believed that a child was finally ready for school after they begin breaking through their second set of teeth. This usually happens around age six, Steiner believed students would be ready to learn at this age. The typical class for a child of this...
Living in a society where technology is virtually unavoidable, it is inevitable that tasks that have been done in the past will need to be altered in order to accommodate the fast-paced, technologically enhanced world that we live in. Our every day tasks have changed in one way or another due to te...
Attending Norman State High School for one week as a student teacher has exposed me to some of the issues and requirements of teachers within schools. Norman State High School is now seventeen years old, having being opened in 1980, and has a current enrolment of eight hundred and fifty students fr...
Public Vs. Private EducationDuring the latter part of the nineteenth century, Americans began to raise the curriculum and instructional methods of public schools. They began to do so because of America's educational system, which was widely deemed inferior to that of Europe's. (Johnston 42)As the d...
While I was driving in the car a few months ago, my mother and I were talking about the various stereotypes of students, which lead into a discussion of gender inequity. Who is better-males or females? That is something that many people are still arguing throughout the world today. My mother stat...