36 Results for creationism

In this day and age Cloning is a large topic. This topic entails many moral and ethical issues. Cloning research is being done across the world and has been preformed many times with animals and humans. Why is cloning such a touchy topic? Is it because are people afraid of a modern day Frankenst...
Human Cloning Human cloning The billions of cells that presently make up a human being descend from one single cell, the fertilized egg. Today, there is a new way of creating life, cloning. Cloning can mean anything from the growing of healthy cell tissue to replacing damaged tissue in th...
What do the words, "We, the people of the United States" and the reasons for the creation and existence of the United States of America mean to you? To me, they mean that people that sought freedom from religious persecution, economic oppression and equality under the Declaration of Independence....
CLONING The advance of technology has awakened an enormous potential for both good and evil. Within the last two decades scientists have developed great advances in science about reproduction and genetic engineering leading to cloning. This has created sharpest controversies involving opposing ...
Many theists have claimed that morality and obedience to their version of "god" must walk hand in hand or one cannot be considered as a "moral agent". Altruism, they contend for instance, is an inborn motivation placed within the human genetic construct by "god" (Rachli...
On February 24, 1997, the birth of a cloned sheep shocked the public of the United States . The prospects of human cloning and the uses of cloning technology in genetic engineering quickly became a highly debated issue. The sides to the debate were easily drawn. Many felt that the use of cloning wo...
First Year English – Fiction. Examine the ways in which any one or more of the novelists on your course dramatise the conflict between civilisation and instinct. Instinct is a powerful innate voice which lies deep within us all. We are introduced to this deep calling almost immediately...
Morality, in a simplified definition, is conformity to the rules of right conduct. Why then, do humans differ and struggle on acting upon and defining different morals? And why does it seem nearly impossible to find where morals came from? Well in Steven Pinker's writing of "The Morality I...
Utilitarianism is often defined as "the greatest good for the most people." It is also considered to be "the greatest good with the least amount of pain." John Stuart Mill was amongst the few who thought this way. His utilitarian ideas advocate a hedonistic ethical theory. In thi...
In his play, Antigone, Sophocles makes a great interpretation of tragic drama. His genius created a striking conflict between two characters Antigone and Creon that is developed through out the story from the very beginning until the last pages. Both of the characters have their unbreakable ideas an...
After a 1997 experiment in which a sheep was cloned, the argument of cloning humans came up. The argument surrounding cloning pits the views of two different groups against each other. Similar to the pro-life activists in the abortion argument there is the conservative wing who claim the utilization...
The American Heritage Dictionary defines law as "a rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority." Since even the most primitive forms of life have been known to live by some "rule of conduct," by definition, law has existed before the dawn of the h...
Evil, a God which is omnipotent and a God which is morally perfect; the problem of evil is the problem that revolves around the co-existence of the above. Arguably, when any two of these exist, it would be impossible for the third to co-exist. For if God is morally perfect, he would have created a w...
From the creation of Adam and Eve all the way to the twenty first century man has been plagued by the decision of wether to act on his desires. Through out our lives we have had rules and regulations placed upon us. Yet this has not stopped us from acting on our inner most desires even if they co...
Should Human Cloning Be Permitted? For years, part of the American public, and humans in general, have been fascinated with the possibility of creating human life by other than natural means. There are many who strongly ...
In the preface of Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant declares that all moral philosophy rests entirely on its pure parts. With this premise, an acknowledgment that he is unconcerned with a teleological approach to morality, Kant tethers the moral philosophy he is about to erect....
Human Dimension Establishing an environmental ethic is of utmost concern to the human species to better comprehend our place in the world and our potentials for the future. In doing so, we must extend our thinking of rights and responsibilities. I believe we must incorporate not only a temporal comp...
Society is becoming immoral as a result of the loss of religion. In reality, religion affects many aspects of life. Religious beliefs inevitably affect areas such as politics, economics, cultural values, and society in general. In my opinion, the importance of religion is key to our survival as a...
The Ethical Basis for Ecosystem Management Andrew J. Green Ecosystem Management: The Human Dimension Establishing an environmental ethic is of utmost concern to the human species to better comprehend our place in the world and our potentials for the future. In doing so, we must extend our ...
Introduction: The laws behind environmental protection are basic in nature and intend to accomplish one main thing; to help reduce the amount of damage that is already being done to the environment and prevent further damage from being done. Many different types of laws exist; form laws on a...
A Clockwork Orange The freedom of choice and the rehabilitating form of corrections encase the realm of A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess. It produces the question about man's free will and the ability to choose one's destiny, good or evil. "If he can only perform good or only perf...
Corporate business ethics has sparked one of the most controversial, concerning, and notorious issues in our world today. Business ethics refers to how people and institutions behave in the world of commerce, including factors such as exploiting its workforce, negligence for the environment, and the...
Who is the real monster?The term "human" is usually associated with acts of kindness, thoughtfulness and sympathy. Being human can sometimes even require risking one's own life in order to help someone in danger.In her novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley examines the question of what it means to be hum...
IN SERCH OF PEACEWhat the world needs today is a civilization based on love and compassion, and not on competition. A civilization that is not dying to be victorious, but which is keen to live with peace. Nowadays terrorism, war and human killing are in vogue. Powerful nations control the less power...
The moral dilemma's presented in The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible are predicaments distinctly connected to early American society. The Puritan church, America's first community forum and system of social organization, provided a strict rule of individual lifestyle that encompassed dai...