12 Results for drama

Cat on a Hot Tin RoofA streetcar Named DesireThe Glass Menagerie "Major dramatic writers were influenced and in tern influenced, the intellectual treads of their times"(Prof. Brent, syllabus). Tennessee Williams, a dramatis who's painful experiences during his earlier life contributed to imp...
N. Rodriguez Page 1 Nadia Rodriguez Mr. Friedman E5-25 December 11, 2000 All My Sons All My Sons, a play by Arthur Miller, tells predominantly of the story of the Kellers. This play takes place after World War II, in the year 1947. It is a drama of action...
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My Wife and Kids is a family sitcom blended in with serious drama because serious and realistic issues and presented. It is based on an American-Afro family following the customs of western style families. Even though the stereotypical view of a family in sitcoms is white, average middle class peopl...
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The dramatic and thematic concerns presented in scene five of, Box the Pony, by Scott Rankin and Leah Purcell, are important to the overall structure of the play. In scene five, we learn about the main character Steff, the fictional retrospect who plays Leah, who yearns for physical and spiritual es...
When do you know a work of literature has stood the test of time? When William Shakespeare wrote it. But why are his works so respected and cherished? One of his most famous works, Hamlet, is still a favorite among actors and occasional readers, alike, but why? Why is Shakespeare's work...
The award winning play, "Lost In Yonkers", written by Neil Simon is a tragicomedy focused on the lives of the Kurnitz family and their days in Yonkers, New York. Neil Simon gives the audience a hint of what the play's about through its title. With the characters "lost" not physically,...
Victor Hugo is a French Romanticist poet. He has written numerous dramatic plays, books, and romantic poems. His poetry is best known and appreciated in France. In France Hugo is haled as the leader of the French Romanticism Movement. Victor Hugo's poems "Once More to Thee" and "Regret" re...
The play "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller takes place almostentirely in the head of its main protagonist, Willy Loman. The playcontinually evolves through a series of flashbacks to the past and flashesof what Willy is actually experiencing in the present. This allows theviewer of the p...
Have you ever seen the Wall Street Journal commercial where two twins are separated at birth? One reads Fisherman Magazine and the other reads the Wall Street Journal. The one that reads the Fisherman Magazine still lives at home in a dirty house and wears a red checked shirt. The one that reads ...
The Confucian tradition, which began during the Han dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE) strongly stressed that all of society, including the government, could be run according to the principles of the family. The family was the moral and political model for all organizations. The commonly used phrase "blood ...