38 Results for european history

1. The most significant change to Europeans and Native Americans both were disease. Disease from both cultures, each had their own effects on the other but no matter what the effects the diseases devastated both populations, none more than the native Americans. When the Europeans first arrived t...
Title: Fell, Barry. America B.C.: European Settlers in the New World. New York: Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co., 1976.Author: Howard Barraclough Fell (1917-1994). Fell is an accomplished marine biologist from Harvard, also became the professor of comparative zoology at Harvard. An interest in lan...
In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on the shores of the Caribbean and claimed the new land in the names of Spain and God. From then on, the world was changed forever in the sense that there was a whole New World to conquer. Conquistadors like Cortez and Pizarro then followed and claimed entire ne...
Horses have been an important and influential part of North American and European history. In his book, Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, Alfred W. Crosby argues that horses helped to bring about European's successful colonization of a number of temperate regions ...
Through out our early history the early explorers did exactly what every one of us as a child has always dreamed of.....explore. I remember as a child I always wanted to be on Christopher Columbus's ship to help find a new world. Columbus' new discovery helped open an era of new discover...
Europeans governments and businessmen stopped at nothing to ensure their economic success, they committed genocide plus ethnocide. The main reason Europe hurried to the new land was for resources and land which is money. Money was the center to the madness. In every battle between the natives and th...
Natives The First Native Americans were called the Paleo- Indians; they first arrived in eastern North America between 30,000 and 10,000 B.C. The Paleo- Indians because nomadic hunters, searching for food. Years later during the Archaic Period (8,000B.C.) the Paleo- Indians began to developed pe...
Christopher Columbus was an Italian mariner and navigator who was believed to be the first European to successfully land on the American continent. He was a brave explorer who \"opened the way for European exploration, exploitation, and colonization, (2002, Britannica.com Inc.)\", who\'s courageous ...
The voyages of historical European explorers in the early modern era between 1500 and 1800 resulted in short and long term consequences in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. The diffusion of plants, food crops, human populations, disease pathogens, and animals changed the world's biolog...
The Columbian Exchange The Columbian exchange began one of the largest exchanges of many different var...
In what ways might the European encounter with the Americas be seen as a disaster or tragedy, and in what ways might it be seen as an inevitable development in the history of humanity with long-run positive results. What would the world be today without the United States of America? H...
what do us history and literature teach us about sacrifice and values worth dying for From nursery school to senior year of high school, I have been taught that America is a country that is governed by one of the greatest constitutions in the world. We are the true symbolism of freedom, and equ...
In the early 16th century, the European super powers, England, France and Spain decided to "broaden" their horizons. All three set sail in an attempt to further their power. But when they reached the shores of what is now known as Canada and Mexico what would they find? Would they find a land all...
In 1971 the face of Iron Eyes Cody, the Crying Indian, and the slogan, "Pollution: it's a crying shame. People start pllution. People can stop it," helped shape America's idea of what Shepard Krech III refers to as the "Ecological Indian" in his book, The Ecological I...
America, Becoming A Country Through Invasion"Warpaths" by Ian K. Steele, is the book I chose to read for my book report. "Warpaths" discusses the invasions of North America and the struggles that went on so that Europeans could gain control of the "New Land." The book is broken into three main secti...
Early Canadian writers, Catherine Parr Traill and Susana Moodie are distinct individuals offering entirely different approaches to writing. Traill's The Backwoods of Canada and Moodie's Roughing it in the Bush reflect these stylistic differences. Although their methods and approach dif...
Christopher Columbus, change the world by "discovering" two new continents. Columbus' discovery had both positive and negative affects. He started the European exploration into the Americas. At first the effect was positive, because the Europeans, and the Native people worked together. Both con...
Lies My Teacher Told Me: A Review James W. Loewen is an educator who went to college at Carleton University and furthered his education receiving his PhD in sociology at Harvard University. He began his teaching career at Tougaloo University in Mississippi, but would move on to the Universi...
Christopher Columbus, (Christóbal Colón), was originally believed to be the son of a Genoese weaver who grew up in poverty and rose to a position of honor in Renaissance society. Recent discoveries about Columbus's life lead us to believe that he was not Italian but rather from Barcel...
After observing a film that attempted to portray the legacy of Christopher Columbus, I have reached my own personal conclusions regarding his achievements, or, more appropriately, misadventures. Although it is true Columbus initiated an exchange of education in matters of foods, cultures, language...
Do you ever wonder why some countries are poor; and why is the U.S so rich? Most Civics and History classes throughout our life as students have taught us about third-world countries. They give the explanation of why these countries are poor by saying, "third-world countries have communism, they're ...
The aggregate of past events or human affairs can sometimes also affect the future of the people. Native Americans have suffered greatly due to the introduction of a special drink Alcohol has played a major cultural role since the beginning of American history. By destroying the lives of Natives,...
Many people believe that the first Americans came over on an ice age land bridge thousands of years ago. This claim isn't proven, nor is it fully understood. Unfortunately, there is not an easy way for us to know the truth, the real history of America, when we aren't allowed to study the only things...
In the latter half of the 19th century, the United States government began to take actions that would ultimately limit the presence and culture of Native Americans in the Great Plains region. These government actions were often corrupt in how they prompted the mistreatment of the Plains Indians whil...
The large ships drew in. The natives had no idea what was going on, but they were horrified. Then they saw them, men with pale faces, shiny metals on their breasts, giant horses, and weapons. The natives would become even more horrified once they learned the disturbing truth, but for many it was ...