13 Results for immigration

American Immigration Policies Every year, hundreds of thousands of immigrants, legal and illegal, from around the world, come into the United States. These immigrants have many different motivations; some enter the U.S. hoping to get a chance at a chance at a better life; others are refugees, escap...
Immigration, into the United States, both legal and illegal is one of the most controversial issues in our society. Contrary to the popular belief that the United States has relatively open borders there are many restrictive laws limiting immigration and naturalization of citizens, often ...
The Thorn In America's SideThe inscription on the New York's Statue of Liberty was written by Emma Lazarus and it says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my la...
Immigration is to come into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence. People that immigrate usually leave their native country to escape political power, persecution, war, or poor opportunities (Alternatives for the Americas 1). The government in the native country is usually r...
IntroductionIn 2005 the Pew Hispanic Center released a report that estimated there were 2.4 illegal immigrants in the state of California the previous year. The report also advised that such a large number of illegal immigrants would have a significant impact on many of the state's programs, includi...
Interrogations of Chinese Immigrants at Angel IslandLike Ellis Island in New York Harbor, Angel Island in San Francisco Bay was an entry point for immigrants in the early 20th century. The Angel Island immigration station processed small numbers of immigrants from Japan, Italy, and other parts of t...
Writen by Randy j 11/24/00I wrote this paper for Political Life 1110Should America Close the Golden Door? America has, is, and will always be a nation of immigrants: the great melting pot. In the years that have passed since Emma Lazarus' poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty "the golden door"...
ETHNIC RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION: THE SOLIDARITY OF THE GROUPThe urban metropolis and its function in society cannot be understood without studying its composition as a city of immigrants, their newcomer families and friends and the ties that bind them. By overlooking the ethnic culture and networks ...
Whya do many highly trained people from developing nations seek employment in advanced countries? Why are these highly educated people apparently more productive and highly paid in these advanced countries than they are in their home countries? Over the years the United States has been called a na...
To what extent does the novel or memoir you have chosen provide useful insights into the topic mentioned?John Marlyn's 'Under the Ribs of Death' is concerned with the life of Sandor Hunyadi, a young Hungarian living in Canada. The novel follows his life as a young boy, and then as a young man in the...
Why do many highly trained people from developing nations seek employment in advanced countries? Why are these highly educated people apparently more productive and highly paid in these advanced countries than they are in their home countries? Over the years the United States has been called a nat...
My Political ViewsI consider myself to be a moderate to strong republican. It took me a long time to realize what degree I was. Most people know what party they are but few know how strong their beliefs are. After looking at the republican platform and comparing my views on the issues, which are:...
There is a path that we as human beings, follow throughout our lives that divide and multiply, leaving us with not only opportunities, choices and decisions, but also obstacles and mazes. It is this path that helps us to become better acquainted with ourselves, as well as those around us. It also he...