38 Results for information technology

In 1992, America was under economic distress and uncertainty as a country. America had experienced high unemployment, big deficits, high interest rates, low productivity gains and falling real wages for average Americans. After twelve years of national drift and economic decline, President Clinton c...
Throughout history, technological advances have always altered society. Elizabeth Schwartz Cowan argues in her book A Social History of American Technology that from the earliest times, technology has had significant impact on the social, economic and political makeup. This is not a new phenomenon t...
Resistance to Technology Technology. What would we do without it? Probably have a lot less fun and have a lot shorter life span. Think about it, you couldn't watch Dawson's Creek or Friends every week. That would mean that the lives of millions of teenage girls in America woul...
Email, Cell phones, Internet, Television, Pagers, and Computers is the way of the future, or is it now trademarks of everyday life? Today in 2002 peoples lives seem so interconnected with the ways that technology has been able to bridge the gap in communications. Fifty years ago, you had limited op...
Over the past half century, computer technology has transformed our world by providing us with incredible tools for processing and communicating information. A number of organizations have recognized the importance of computer technology. The computer has come a long way since it was first invented...
America has experienced many changes in terms of high technology of communication since last century. One of these devices and the most common to my consideration is the Television. The TV has made possible the transmission of important news and events worldwide. It also has educated and entertained...
What's New In The New Economy?Nyala Khan11/27/00When you picture the economy of America you can only visualize prosperity. America's economy is a new economy and the reason behind that is the technology involved in every action taken towards the economy. People don't run the economy the computers a...
MultimediaAs a technology, it is called multimedia. As a revolution, it is the sum of many revolutions wrapped into one: A revolution in communication that combines the audio visual power of television, the publishing power of the printing press, and the interactive power of the computer. Multimed...
Recently an epochal event took place in our economical society. While there has been a slight decrease of 5.6% in unemployment, the number of those that are white-collar workers in managerial positions has rose to 43% of the total jobless community (Obleen 1). Stephen Roach of Morgan Stanley belie...
How the Computer Has Changed American Culture When trying to envision the world of today without computers, I imagine that our lifestyles would be extremely different. "As exciting as technological developments may be...it is important to remember that people who lack the skills or the machines to t...
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for coming here tonight and those of you at home watching. This election could be a major turning point in history. We have two choices. The first choice is to remain how we are now, a nation who is being lied to. We could remain a nation whose ad...
Summary: This article summarizes how businesses are watching outbound emails within their company that contain sensitive or law breaking information. It also explains how companies are dealing with spam and viruses. According to a June survey by Forrester Consulting, about 30% of 140 businesses ...
Preventing Medication Errors "Mistakes are a sign that a safety problem exists, not that a nurse is doing a bad job" (Cohen, 2003, p.38). In hospitals across America nurses are making mistakes by administering wrong medications or the wrong dose to the wrong patient. While in nursing s...
The Training Issue We already said that the Commission was concerned about the level and extent of training provided by America's businesses. The National Alliance of Business quoted Bureau of Labor Statistics survey data to outline the extent and pay-off from worker training. They found that...
History is the study of the past. For historians the past dates back to 4,000 B.C., when events were first marked by writing, until present day. In its content history is everything. Historians spend their whole lives figuring out which events are more substancial than others. In order to achie...
Natural resources, business management, and capital and technology all played a major role in the development of industrial America from 1865 to 1900. Many industries in the U.S. including oil, salt, sugar, tobacco, and meatpacking were highly stimulated. Competition soared and that's when these fun...
The democratic values involved here are, liberty in the fact that your privacy is stripped from you every time your baggage is x-rayed. Equality comes to mind when they do "random" searches, they have to use some kind of profiling to pick the people to search. Although these civil rights a...
Some inventions have changed the world, such as the telephone in the early part of the 20th century, and the television in the 50's and the 60's. Today not many inventions can change the course of history like the printing press and the automobile did, but one invention has paved the way f...
Economics has been an integral component of human enterprise ever since goldsmiths began utilizing their clients' bullion to support unrelated endeavors. The goldsmiths' simple process provided the model for present-day corporations to invest their net-worth in labor expansion and new tech...
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary defines the term slang as: n 1: informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often or vulgar; 2: a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); Slang is believed to ...
Cloning is defined as a form of genetic engineering in which the DNA of a person, animal, plant, or even a bacterium is used to produce a perfect or near-perfect genetic replica of the original. Abolishing human cloning before it begins, has been a controversial debate since the 1940s. Many research...
The United States has always faced threats from other countries. But now, as times are changing, we're facing an increasing need to protect ourselves from terrorism within our own borders. In the 21st century, threats to America's internal security, that were once of minimal concern, have moved to t...
The United States has always faced threats from abroad, but also increasingly from within. In the 21st century, new threats have been introduced due to technological, biological, and chemical advances. These new concerns compromise the security of our nation, while the threats of classic warfare tha...
In 2002, the United States stock market investors took a massive hit. Heads and accountants of the technology giant, Enron, were exposed for falsifying their records. Instead of reporting their loss they lied and reported gains to draw investment. These few corrupt officials profited enormously whe...
Digital photography has been around for a few years, but only recently have prices dropped low enough to make owning a digital camera an option for middle-class America. The process originated within the Defense Department during the Cold War and has improved greatly since then. Digital photography ...