31 Results for mathematics

The Power of Physical Findings Questions regarding the origin of mankind have riddled the minds of great thinkers for centuries. All of the authors of the selections we have read rely on different types of evidence to make their arguments about origins. Among these are scripture, observation, mat...
The article by Alan Lightman is about asking questions and finding answers rather than simply accepting was it already known as fact. The article by Lightman is about finally realizing that we have been accepting of many things without question. Lightman uses himself as an example, that due to ...
Section 1; Question #2: Part AA correspondence rule (c-rule) is when observational and theoretical terms are put together to form a specific definition. Science has evolved through this by positivists by combining theoretical and mathematical logic. The c-rule is the basis for all positivists. The b...
Center for Young Children Observation Report On February 23, 2005, I visited the Center for Young Children at the University of Maryland. During this visit, I gained vast amounts of knowledge about different aspects of a young child's classroom environment. During my visit to the Center for Y...
"Did life esist on mars?" "When will the moon be colonized?" these are just some of the questions that wander through my mind all day. fascinated by the secrets of the univese, i yearn to uncover mysteries. in order to blast open all the closed gates between knowledge and myself, i need the ...
CRITIQUE I don't know if it is fair for the researchers to judge their study based on this article when it does not give us every detail in the actual study. However, I will try to mention some points that I believe are important and...
Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist and astronomer, who made significant discoveries in astronomy, invented the telescope, one of the most substantial inventions in science and astronomy, and laid the foundation for modern physics. One of his greatest struggles was with the Roman Catholic Churc...
The scientific revolution dated back to the sixteenth century and went through the eighteenth century. The scientific revolution began with the study of astronomy and physics and ended after René Descartes's idea of deductive reasoning. Religious authorities rejected the Cop...
The question as to whether scientific theories can be shown to be true or false is a complex one. The answer depends on one's interpretation of the meaning of theory. To what does it refer? Is its role to reveal the nature of reality, or is it merely a human construct? In which case what do we mea...
Bernard is a main character who is not a scientist and has basically no scientific background. From the moment he is introduced, he is portrayed as eccentric and odd. Here Bernard is described for the first time: "Bernard, the visitor, wears a suit and tie. His tendency is to dress flamboyan...
Throughout the play Arcadia by Tom Stoppard there is a distinct difference between the characters who have a science background and those who do not. One of the recurring themes is that those characters and actions of those characters which are against science often lead to conflict and disaster...
The Bible Code The Bible Code is a report of the discovery concerning certain codes hidden in the Bible that are able to foresee events. The code was first broken by an Israeli mathematician, Dr. Eliyahu Rips, and has been confirmed by famous mathematicians around the world. The three-thou...
Egyptian Cosmogony and other weirdness: The embodiment of a complex society formed long before it's rightful time is that of the Egyptians. Their mastery of both social and scientific knowledge was without equal, even by Roman standards. From a purely technical standpoint the stone wor...
Fascination of Knowledge. What is fascination of knowledge? Well, according to dictionary.com, it can be defined as the "unseen, inexplicable influence" of knowledge on an individual. Personally, however, I would describe it as one of two things. Either a childish yearning, that appears in all ki...
There are many differences in methods used by science and religion. Which ones are more fundamental is not very clear. The basic method of religion is to explain the world by already existing beliefs. Those beliefs may be extended or redefined to revolutionize religion. Theology as a "method" of rel...
There are two main areas of which knowledge can be obtained; they are from a scientific and artistic point of view. It has been argued that the true form of knowledge is acquired from science, but artists also play an important role in understanding the world, which surrounds us. The scientific vi...
Aristotle defines virtue as acquiring excellence through the fulfillment of a particular function. Stating that all people are born with the potential to be virtuous yet they must act accordingly through their function. Any function good and well must possess a telos or end objective which a soul ...
Galileo Galilei was an astronomer and mathematician, he was, a man ahead of his time. Galileo discovered the law of uniformly accelerated motion towards the Earth, the parabolic path of projectiles, and the law that all bodies have weight. Among his other accomplishments was the improvement of the r...
Science and PhilosophyScience is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Philosophy is the investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirica...
What does it mean to know something is true? - Why is it necessary to differentiate between what you know and do or can not know? - When do you doubt what you thought you sincerely knew? This critical essay of epistemology focuses on skepticism, and why philosophers such as John Hospers challenge a...
Apparent Connections Amidst Science, Politics, and Religion Within today's society science is an entity almost entirely separate from religion and politics, yet history paints a different picture. During 17th and 18th century Europe, the spread of ideas and the inspiration to perform sci...
There are numerous methods that can be used to approach the study of political analysis, from techniques that involve the application of complex scientific systems to the less empirical methods such as the rational choice theory. The benefit of the rational choice theory in the field of political sc...
In The Irrational Chasm Between Subject and Object, I feel Georg Lukacs is saying that more people are thinking socially, and developing social theories to resolve problems in present society. However, people are forgetting that we can find out a lot about the present by studying the past. He writes...
Where have all the myths gone? At what point did we turn our backs on the wonder of art for the modern world of computers and television? What is it we desire, that we have given up the inspiration provided us by art and imagination? These are a few of the questions we must ask ourselves when w...
The ethical codes of science In the last few years, our American colleagues – research workers in differentparticular/ spheres of knowledge – are developing increased activity in ethical aspect. There are various initiatives, which serve as a clear expression of t...