34 Results for nutrition

Drive down your city's main street and observe how many fast food restaurants are located just in that area. This is a typical reason why about one-third of U.S. citizens are overweight or even worse obese. Americans have had an ongoing struggle with nutrition and living a healthy life style, a...
Part I Proposal Healthy People 2010 Objective: Reducing childhood obesity in poor communities One of the stated goals of "Healthy People 2010" is to eliminate health disparities between different socioeconomic groups. Promoting a healthy weight and increasing physical activity must be...
With every civilized nation in the world criticizing the United States for its overweight citizens, it is no wonder that Americans focus on shedding pounds. Americans do not just need to lose weight for image, but more specifically for their health. The Health and Nutrition Letter of Tufts Univers...
A sociological imagination is the capacity to think systematically about how things we experience as personal problems. Student debt, poverty, and obesity are all examples of common social issues that people share similar experiences with. Sociologist, C. Wright Mills, came up with the idea of socio...
Many children in today's society are overweight and ignorant about nutrition. Is this because of bad parenting techniques? Possibly, but children spend a majority of their day at school, and by creating a healthy environment, schools could instill healthy habits in the children's daily routine. Scho...
Obesity is a multilayered and complex disease that has affected millions throughout the world. Scientists have struggled to find successful treatments to alleviate the problem. Obesity is a relatively new problem, as this global disaster was not a prevalent issue or a public health concern until ...
Just about everyone wants to have a great looking body and there are many ways to change your body, such as lyeposuckion and plastic surgery, People who cannot afford these type of surgeries end up working out to get the body they desire. One of the first questions that people have is what is the ...
The Atkins Nutritional Approach (ANA) - the low-carbohydrate weight lossplan made popular by the late Dr. Robert Atkins - has been the subject ofsome controversy in the diabetes care community and the medical field atlarge (Newcombe, 2003). Does it help control blood glucose levels' How doesa low-ca...
There are many sociological explanations for the many various hypotheses for what are the causes of eating disorders. This essay will try to explain the implications of these explanations and discuss the treatments of eating disorders. Initially, one must first define what an eating disorder is. ...
Obesity, an epidemic in the United States University of Cincinnati Obesity, an epidemic in the United States According to surveys done by various organizations including the Center for Disease Control, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) and the Behavioral Risk Fa...
Childhood obesity is a huge concern among society. Not only does it affect a child physically, but it affects them mentally and emotionally as well. Healthy eating habits must be enforced by parents to prevent adulthood obesity that originally stemmed from childhood obesity. The diet of the child be...
Bulimia and Anorexia, which are found almost solely in females, are rigorous and occasionally overbearing dilemmas to handle in any mental health treatment environment. "As many as five out of 100 females with Anorexia die from acute medical problems" (www.education-options.com). Both of...
Anorexia and Bulimia The Basics: All psychological eating disorders deal with the victim's pre-occupation with food and the fear of gaining weight and becoming "big". Around the sufferer of an eating disorder, weight and body image may be continuously discussed, whether it be at home, at scho...
Our society worships physical perfection. Our role models are slim, sexy, perfectly muscled actors, actresses, models, and athletes. Their images are everywhere from billboards, movie screens, to magazines. Many of us are willing to pay high costs physically, emotionally, and financially. The me...
In America, being fat and having it be acknowledged by others, it is very shameful. It's like getting caught having sex in your neighbor's swimming pool by your parents. Or getting caught by security trying to steal a bra from K-mart when you're nine. It's like living your worst...
In the June 2004 edition of Shape Magazine there is a one-page, full-length photo, located toward the back of the magazine, showcasing a woman with a big smile on her face. She is opening her fur coat to display not only a hot pink bikini, but what seems to be her new, chiseled, tan body. As a m...
At first glance, the Weight Watchers program may appear as yet another cliche system for weight loss, but its implementation of "points", encouraging meetings, and its lifetime health effects dispel the misconceptions of casual dieting. "Long established, the Weight Watchers program...
Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Fat Versus FunctionConjugated linoleic acid, otherwise known as CLA, is a slightly altered isomer derived from linoleic acid; both are classified as omega-6 polyunsaturated acids and both are considered EFAs. So what is it about CLA that sets it apart form the rest of the p...
BODY IMAGE and SELF-ESTEEM How does body image affect a person's self-esteem during adulthood? Hypotesis During adulthood, hair begins to turn gray and thins, the skin becomes drier and more wrinkled, and as fat is redistributed, the shape of the body begins to change. These changes, along w...
Obesity has been termed the latest pandemic to strike the world. The problem is no longer restricted to adults. Children are the fastest growing segment of the population to fall victim to this unhealthy trend. Everyone is familiar with the problems associated with adult obesity including diabetes, ...
Childhood Obesity The prevalence of childhood obesity for American children has never been higher. According to recent federal findings, the number of American children from the ages of six to eleven have tripled in the last forty-years, with one in every seven of these children meeting the crite...
Atkins Diet Society is in constant evaluation of themselves with the way they look, size of clothes they wear, and overall appearance. The "style" today is to be thin, with a firm stomach and tight skin. However, more and more people are becoming over-weight and even obese these days. ...
In American society women are given the message starting from a very young age that in order to be successful and happy, they must be thin. Eating disorders are on the rise, it is not surprising given the value which society places on being thin. Television and magazine advertising that show the ima...
Obesity in America 2 Table of Contents 1. Title Page Page 1 2. Introduction Page 3-4 3. Contribution to Physical Inactivity Page 4 4. Healthy People 2010/Leading Health Indicators Page 5-6 5. Local Community Page 6-7 6. Meeting the Goal of Healthy People 2010 ...
Imagine living in one place all of your life. In this place you have a home, a family, friends, activities that you have committed yourself to and possibly even a car. You feel safe in this place and most likely have developed an everyday rut of doing things. Change doesn't happen often in ...