34 Results for oil

Are alternative fuels working? When attending school to be certified to fix state emission failures, instructors tell stories about emission subjects. One in particular that comes to mind is about a couple that tried to end their lives. The instructor showed a paper clipping, from what paper I d...
CNG- The Only AlternativeOver the past hundred plus years the world has relied on oil as the mainstay fuel for vehicles, and this dependence has backed us into a corner. Many people have introduced solutions to this dependence, but unfortunately, none have been put into real world use. These solut...
The Effect of Humans on The Environment AIR The Greenhouse Effect/Global Warming What is it? The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that Earth experiences. What causes it? Global warming is an increase in the earth¡s temperature due to the use of fossil fuels...
Every year in the world there are many meteorological phenomenons, and these phenomenons destroy whatever they have in their way. I\'m talking about hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, and earthquakes which are the main causes of disasters. All of these phenomenons have been increasing and have be...
Although we may not notice it, carbon dioxide is constantly released into the atmosphere each day. Throughout the world, people rarely think twice about what we are doing to the environment in our daily lives. As drivers, it is easy to become accustomed to the impact that liquid petroleum has on ou...
The destruction of the rainforests is one of the most crucial environmental issues of our time. It is also one of the most misunderstood and neglected. There has been so much propaganda and publicity attached to this crisis that "Save the Rainforests" is becoming almost as cliche as &q...
Acid Rain The concept of acid rain is often misunderstood by the vast majority of the world, however, most realize that it is a problem. The burning of fossil fuels has released pollutants into our earth's atmosphere. Once airborne, the pollutants form acidic compounds by combining with w...
Modern civilization depends largely on energy. Without it, our lives would be reduced to the level of a caveman\'s. We would have nothing to power the equipment we rely on to get on with our daily lives. Life would in a way come to a standstill without energy. Without wood, we would not even be able...
ACID RAIN By Tore Johnston Imagine looking out the window in the morning and only being able to see a few blocks. It is not snow that you see neither is it heavy rain. It appears to be fog, but not regular fog, it is a harmful, acidic and ugly fog that is a result of very bad air pollution....
Sustainability is defined as patterns of economic, environmental, and social progress that meet the needs of the present day without reducing the capacity to meet future need. Sustainable energy refers to those patterns of energy production and use that can support society's present and future needs...
Global warming is the heating of the earth. This heating occurs because of the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is when carbon dioxide and other gases (methane and nitrous oxide) trap energy from the sun in our atmosphere. Most of the energy we receive from the sun is absorbed by the sur...
Air pollution affects everyone\'s daily life and acid rain one of the many forms of air pollution especially. I chose this subject because people need to understand the detrimental ramifications of acid rain. My admiration of the fashion industry have encouraged me to acquire my fine and elaborate w...
It was not only the people of the United States of America but the whole world was awakened when the documentary slide presentation turned film, An Inconvenient Truth by former Vice President Al Gore was shown in theaters on the 24th of May, 2006. The film persuasively contrives the science of glo...
The Kyoto Protocol: Advantages and Limitations The advent of industrialized civilization has brought to us many remarkable feats that enhance our everyday lives. Such things as automobiles, airplanes, tractors, mainframe computers, and even relatively simple machines like lawnmowers have intertwined...
There are many problems concerning the environment. Pollution, destruction of the rainforests, and the consumption of all of our planet\'s natural resources are just a few. None of these issues quite compare to the problem of global warming. Global warming is a problem that affects not only some peo...
We hear about acid rain all the time in the news, and it is essential to the earth\'s ecosystem. In simple terms, acid rain is rain that is more acidic than normal. All objects in nature have a certain acidity level, but acid rain has too much acid in it. Acid rain is a complicated problem caused by...
Global Warming There is a serious problem in every community today that many people do not pay much attention to or do not even realize it is much of a problem. In my opinion it is just as serious as any war or issue on drugs and violence. I say this because if we do not act now ou...
Acid rain is perhaps the most well known and recognizable form of pollution that is affecting the world today. Acidity is measured using a pH scale, with 7 being neutral. So anything below 7 is considered to be acidic, but as far as acid rain goes, the baseline for identifying acid rain is genera...
Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem increases, many people believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now this issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. In the following paragraphs I will be discussing the impact ha...
Global Warming: Society's Warning I feel strongly that global warming is affecting my community because it's effects reach across every town in every country across the entire planet. Global warming is sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse eff...
What is global warming, and how is it affecting the Earth and its inhabitants? Global Warming is sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth\'s surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing the atmos...
With a population of over 55 million, global warming affects many of the French people. France is in the middle of Globalization, from an economy that featured widespread government ownership to one that relies more on a market system. The earth's climate is predicted to change because human a...
Kyoto Protocol: An in depth view a.)IntroductionThe Kyoto Protocol, and its ratification by the international community is the most controversial piece of news of the past few months. It is especially a touchy subject because the United States of America governing body decided not to ratify it, thu...
What is acid precipitation? What are the effects of it? Where is this acid coming from? What can we do to stop it? These are questions you should be able to answer after reading this paper.Acid Rain, or acid precipitation, is the word used to describe rainfall that has a pH level of less than 5....
Global warming is definitely an issue that people should be concerned about. If it is disregarded, then our world will alter, and life will drastically change. Imagine never being able to see certain animals and plant life exists. A study in the journal Nature suggests that climate change could doom...