29 Results for oil

From the year 1968 to the present there were many events which either traumatized the world or provided a stepping stone for the different areas of success. Technology vastly affected and promoted the competition of the two most diverse systems in the world. Better known as the cold war, the c...
The national history of Iran is one marked by turmoil and conflict, due mostly in part to foreign influences. As the country grappled for self-rule under the leadership of Mossadegh, Britain, and America each tried to intervene with different motives. In the aftermath of World War Two and the rise o...
I appreciate what the men did for our country way back when, but those wars you spoke of weren't fought over nothing.If the leader of a world power were to publically annouce that you were Evil and must be destroyed and then began destroying countries that too were Evil, wouldn't you want to protect...
In 1774 our country was founded by men who thought that all people should be treated equal and fairly. Time has passed, and since then we have lost some of our morals and values but the main idea still remains. We fight for what is right even when we are the only one fighting; all to try and keep o...
Vietnam: Take 2 We are on the brink of World War III with good old Uncle 'W' leading the way. A black gold owning Texan, the most powerful man in the world, who can't finish complete thoughts at the State of the Union address is going to lead us into the battle against terrorism o...
In 1823 the United States declared in the Monroe Doctrine that it claimed interest in the Western World. And America has pursued this goal. But what kind of effect have we had in Central and South America? In many cases, America should not have had the right to involve itself in Latin America. ...
After the devastating effects of WWII, Europe's economic and social conditions where in shambles. The personal suffering and internal upheavals threatened chaos. There was a lack of coal, steel, electrical power, railroad cars, locomotives, trucks, oil, and grain. All of the West European countri...
PotsDam Conference Last conference was set in Potsdam in 1945. President Churchill, Truman and Joseph Stallen attended this conference. President Truman didn't like the Soviet and soviet didn't like the Truman. They all met at Potsdam for finalizing plan for Europe. They have solved many ...
War: Why wars occur Most wars result from a combination of causes. Three of the most common causes are conflicts over resources, clashing ideologies, and struggles over power. Conflicts over resources are the most basic and enduring causes of war. Resources include land, minerals, energy sou...
The first year tenure of Carter's presidency bought some changes in the political arena with revision in the Administration of the Social Security system that in turned increased both the wage base and rate of taxation, in order to produce the revenue required to continue the program. On ...
MUST AMERICA EXERCISE WORLD LEADERSHIP? The issue of America's role as a world power was brought on by the Cold War and the vacuum left by the Soviet Union after their collapse as a world power. The two views that are that are being looked at don't consider leaving weak countries to f...
In the summer of 1960, the United States set in motion a process that has gradually grown stronger ever since. This process was the Cuban Trade Embargo. The process began when the Cuban government ordered two U.S. oil companies, Standard and Texaco, to refine Soviet crude oil at their Cuban refiner...
Appeasement Initially reports suggested the North Koreans fired a Daepondong I ballistic missile over Japan into the Pacific. Later State Department bulletins indicated it was merely an attempt to launch a satellite. Any way you look at it, many disturbing questions about American policy toward...
In cold war in Southeast Asia when in July 1953, Eisenhower fulfilled a campaign promise to bring the Korean War to an end. The sudden death of Stalin in March and the rapid rise of more moderate Soviet leaders contributed to the resolution of this conflict. The US had also began providing military ...
The United States of America was created through warfare. Since then, the U.S. has tried to stay non-militaristic. George Washington once said that a new nation should not entangle itself in alliances, because they could result in wars. In spite of this, as our nation developed, we found ourselves i...
The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was a pivotal political event of the 20th century that signaled the eclipse of a major political and economic ideology of the 20th century, i.e., Communism, and left the United States as the sole and unchallenged superpower in the world. Most political analys...
Although the Cuban economy may be thought of as a complete failure, the command system structure can still be an effective way of creating a successful economy. From the 1960s revolution to the 1990\'s collapse of Russia, the Soviet Union managed to maintain the Cuban economy by trading them sugar ...
Japanese trade has remarkably started since Tokugawa (Shogunate) period(1603-1867). During Tokugawa period, resource acquisition (gold, sliver and copper) didn't constitute much of a problem for the nation as Shoguns forced the country to remain in a feudal state and effectively kept it restrained ...
One of the greatest long-term threats to world stability is the threat of spreading nuclear weapons and the means to deliver these weapons. In the forefront of this threat is North Korea, which is developing a nuclear arsenal with the intentions of selling its military hardware. This is also the mos...
The relationship between the United States and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has been very unstable. With most of the international conflicts that occurred during and after the Cold War, the United States has constantly found itself on the defensive with the U.N. and other nations. Wh...
America's global dominance has faced a lot of criticism for actions ranging from the Vietnam War to the aid for Israel and the sponsorship of globalization across the World to the authoritarianism of people for the U.S. governments' own personal agenda (Cooper 1). Anti-Americanism is more ...
Communism in Vietnam originated in when it was overrun by the Japanese during World War II. When the Japanese retreated, the Vietnamese formed their own government, with Ho Chi Minh as their leader. After the war, the Allies gave southern Vietnam to the French, and northern Vietnam to the Chinese. T...
In every person's life they face life-altering decisions that could affect not only their life, but also the lives of many others. For most this decision is hard to come by, and an overwhelming amount of time is spent deciding upon the best possible outcome. For President Kennedy that decisio...
Economic Transitions for the European States After 1945The greatest challenge for Germany after World War II was economics. Nothing remained of Germany except rubble and graves. It was impossible for the Germans go get food and clean drinking water. It was even more impossible for the Germans to ...
The Cuban revolutionaries, led by Fidel Castro, took over the Cuban government on December 2, 1959 and put a strict communist regime into effect. In the midst of the cold war, this Soviet ally so close to American soil is a major cause of fear. The revolution was the outcome of the oppressive rule...