30 Results for police violence

Gun Control in 1988, handguns killed 7 people in Great Britain, 19 in Sweden, 53 in Switzerland, 25 in Israel, 13 in Australia, 8 in Canada, and 9,915 in the United States. These figures are very shocking, but no one ever comes up with idea to stop it or to reduce these numbers. We have got to...
There are many fatal and nonfatal crimes in our school's today. We have got to put an end to all this unnecessary violence. School violence effects the way students perform in school, hurts many students, so we have to show the solution to stop the violence and teach the awareness of viole...
Issue of Gun Control and Violence The issue of gun control and violence, both in Canada and the United States, is one that simply will not go away. If history is to be any guide, no matter what the resolution to the gun control debate is, it is probable that the arguments pro and co...
Gun Control is Fair and Necessary Since the days of the pioneers of the Untied States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting or sport. As the end of the twentyth century th use of guns has changed significantly. Because of fas and steady increase in...
Gun Control is Fair and Necessary Since the days of the pioneers of the Untied States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting or sport. As the end of the twentyth century th use of guns has changed significantly. Because of fas and steady increase in...
A problem that has developed recently in our society is the debate over gun control. Many questions arise concerning who should be able to own guns, and how those particular guns are obtained. One major debate is over our Constitutional right to own guns. I want to know when the government should dr...
Gun Control: The Help That Harms Everyone is fast asleep in the Smith home on a midsummer night. Jamie and Katie, the parents of five-year-old Lisa and seven-year-old Nick, are resting assured that the next day will be bright and cheery. Around three in the morning, James and Katie are awakened b...
Gun control is government limitations of the purchase and ownership of firearms in order to reduce violence caused by the use of the firearms. The issue of gun control has initiated many arguments. Those who are Pro-Gun Control feel that if guns are eliminated, crime and violence will deteriorate....
Guns don't kill people; people kill people. If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have the guns. These are typical sayings of anti-gun control activists who believe that gun usage and ownership should not be controlled by state or federal laws for they do not feel these laws are an effecti...
The Handgun DebateThe level of violence in America today is one of the biggest problems the nation faces. It is virtually impossible to pick up the morning paper or turn on the evening news without seeing a story about some act of violence. Now there seems to be no safe-haven from all the madness....
The Right To Protect Yourself As an American citizen, you are automatically entitled to own and carry a gun, thanks to the second amendment of the constitution, which states "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear a...
Gun control is defined as an attempt to reduce violence caused by use of firearms, by regulating their ownership and use. I agree that some type of gun control is needed, but I do not agree with all of it. I do agree with the one law that is currently used by the Federal governm...
November 25, 2002 What can be done to control the proliferation of guns in the US? Guns are a main cause of death in the United States. Approximately 75 people each week are killed or wounded because of guns. There are many ways to go about bringing that number down, but which way would be m...
\"We have to send a message that we\'re serious about no guns and drugs,\" says Michael Resnick, associate executive director for advocacy and issues management at the National School Boards Association (NSBA). \"We can\'t be fuzzy around the edges about that message.\" (Koch 2000, pg. 2) But how se...
Guns are quite possibly the most heated topic of debate in the United States of America today. Never before has such a technologically advanced issue as firearms cut the country into so many different factions, all fighting with each other over their respective views on gun control. However, it i...
The old west and the days of prohibition perhaps were dramatized back when we were kids when we would play Cowboys and Indians or Cops and Robbers. But, today the drama is much more serious and the issues about handguns can be debated until both political parties declare war on each other. In what h...
Guns: Why We Should Have More Guns By Essay # 3 English 1301.112 Professor College 2004 Nguyen 1 Outline I. Thesis: Crimes and guns seen to go hand in hand with one another, but are these two r...
On Monday two men shot an 18-year-old to death on a street corner in Las Vegas. Tuesday in Idaho, a state police officer was shot in the head and killed. The next day 28-year-old Damon Damar Ingram was gunned down while walking his dog in the nation's capital. On Thursday officers arrested...
On Monday two men shot an 18-year-old to death on a street corner in Las Vegas. Tuesday in Idaho, a state police officer was shot in the head and killed. The next day 28-year-old Damon Damar Ingram was gunned down while walking his dog in the nation's capital. On Thursday officers arrested 49-y...
"Stick 'em up." These are three of the most feared words known to us today. Innocent people, males and females, the elderly, our nation's youth, all of these people must currently live in fear. Walking down the street, taking a Sunday drive, going to the supermarket, the bank, or a gas station ha...
Guns are not toys and never were designed to be considered as such. They should not be feared, but respected. A bullet from an unsecured gun can destroy the life of any one. Careless thoughts or reckless actions by anyone must be avoided at all times when a gun is present. Gun Safety Education i...
To own a gun or, not to own a gun? That is the question. In America today, many people face the question of how to protect their families. Is owning a handgun, or any type of gun the answer? We face many gun control such as; accidental shootings, children playing around with an armed ...
ABSTRACT: Effectiveness of gun control laws is a misnomer. Gun control laws are ineffective. In fact, they are considered to be counter productive to their purpose. The socioeconomic variables have more of an impact on gun related deaths than do gun control laws. Guns are not the root of c...
To the editor: I am writing in response to Jaime Sarrio's article, Guns main cause of terror in U.S. on September 25, 2001. I must say that I do agree with you, trigger locks are a good thing and that they save lives. But, that is as far as we think alike. For starters I don't see how ...
It's late at night, and you're home all alone. It's been a quiet night, but for some reason you can't sleep. You double-checked to make sure all of the doors were locked and all of the windows were closed. During your restless night, you hear a bump in the kitchen. You dismi...