75 Results for pollution

After the technological boom that our society experienced in the last couple of decades, people are returning to some basic environmental values. People in more developed countries, particularly Europe, are more environmentally conscious than ever. Our planet is a great resource, but we can not ex...
ALDRIN A pollutant is a very harmful substance. For example chemicals or waste products that contaminate the air, soil, or water. The pollutant of my choice is Aldrin. It's a pure white powder with a mild chemical odor. The less pure commercial powders have a tan colour....
Water Pollution Water pollution must be stopped. Thousands of animals die each year from water pollution. Water pollution was originally caused by need of space (to dump trash). The dumping of garbage was caused by the lack of space in landfills. Instead of recycling some people started d...
Water pollution has been a problem for a very long time. There are many different kinds of water pollution. Water pollution causes many problems with the living plants and animals in the water.Water has always been used to carry away unwanted trash. Since the beginning of civilization people have us...
We tend to think of water in terms of a particular purpose: is the quality of the water good enough for the use we want to make of it? Water is fit for our own use but may be unfit for another's. We may, for instance, trust the quality of lake water enough to swim in it, but not enough to dri...
Pollution in our oceans is a serious problem. According to Marie Wild in her article "Ocean Pollution", "Ocean pollution is one of the major killers of our sea animals.". Most of the waste that is dumped is plastic, which takes hundreds of years to break down (Oceanic Research Foundation [ORF]). Eve...
Cause and Effect: Water Pollution Water pollution progresses every day in our lakes, oceans, rivers, and other bodies of water that we see and use in many ways. Water is essential for all living things to survive, yet people still pollute it. It's pretty sad to be taking a trip to the beach...
The earth is facing a lot of environmental problems today, and humans cause many these problems. In the search for the technology, humans begin to improve their lives without giving attention to what this development has caused to the other types of life on the face of the earth. Everyone is so caug...
Water Pollution in Europe Table of Contents Pages 1 Introduction Pros/Cons 2 European/Citizens Europe\'s Proposal For Good waters by 2010 3. Europe\'s Surface Water Europe\'s Ground Water 4. The Water Frame Work Directive Penalties Waste Advice 5. S...
Water Pollution in South America In today's world, water pollution is becoming a bigger issue in South America, as well as around the globe. This problem exists all over South America due to the lack of laws and restrictions made and enforced by the governments in these countries. In some pla...
Thermal Pollution: A Global Problem Recently, as a result of the increased energy demand, we've allowed our planet to begin overheating. With the introduction of more and more heated water into our lakes and rivers, and Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere we've managed to raise the temperature of ...
Outline 1. Introduction to open water waste disposal. 2. Introduction of oil into marine environments. 1. Effects upon environment. 2. Effects upon living organisms. 3. Introduction of plastics/pollutants into marine environments. 1. Effects upon living organisms. 4. Possible solutions to w...
IntroductionThe phrase 'House' isn't a strange thing for us. Everyone in the earth wish to has his or her own house to live in. People use their house for shelter and a place to sleep, cook, bath, relax and many more. What's the most important is that they could spend their time with their families....
The definition of acid rain is rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere and combine with water, regardless of the cause. Pollution, volcanic eruptions, power-generating plants, forest fires, and even lightning bolts are causes of acid rain. Acidic rain has been measured in several locations...
The Effect of Humans on The Environment AIR The Greenhouse Effect/Global Warming What is it? The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that Earth experiences. What causes it? Global warming is an increase in the earth¡s temperature due to the use of fossil fuels...
Aquatic Pollution ---Essay#1---I am a scientist specialized in aquatic pollution, I would like to explain some basic facts concerning the case of the "muddy lake". The issue of this case is to know if the engineer-contractor is responsible for the turbid water of the lake. Before answering the ques...
The Destruction of Our Earth It is a well known fact that our planet is time and again being attacked by those who dwell on it. The human race is constantly playing with nature, as though it is our play thing, our toy. This continual raping of our Earth has brought about consequences that many...
Enviro. Science Environmental pollution concerns come to forefront Reports that the state finds El Dorado Irrigation District's drinking water system primitive outdated and an avenue for hazardous pollutants sent El Dorado County residents scrambling for more information. The message that ...
OLIGARCH ESSAY The Oligarch's disregard for the welfare of anyone or anything but themselves has proven quite hazardous to the environment. The Oligarch corporate heads, however, continue to deny any responsibility for the release of chemicals found to be killing huge numbers of amphi...
I have chosen to write my paper on the effects that we have on our most important resource, water. The article I chose to go along with my paper was out of The Detroit News 5-24-00. The article discussed the problems that Metro Detroit has had with their outbreaks of e. coli in many of the area beac...
The World's Water Shortage Water shortage and degradation is a growing concern for many countries including the United States. Drinking water protection is a big responsibility that involves government, business and individuals. Everyone has an important role in trying to protect the supp...
Over the past few years there has been a decline in frog populations. Only now are people starting to care about what's going on. You may be surprised, but there really are many reasons to save this special species. But before we can save them we need to understand more about them, and wha...
aracterPhilThe sun was setting. Far to the east, threatening black clouds arose from the fumes of pollution from the several smokestacks towering over the city. The streets were pocks marked and dented with the recent shower of acid rain. Hot boiling steam from the sewers made the temperature of day...
Humans are the dominating species on the planet. Since their appearance animals have become an endangered species and some of those species are already gone. Humans are the main reason for the extinction of some species, but now when pollution is high and tends to raise the humanity has become an ...
I believe we were created according to what Genesis 1:1-1:27 states. I have been taught that God created everything. First God produced the heavens and Earth. Then created light. After forming light, God then created water and vegetation. Then animals were actualized and then man was created and ...