10 Results for robotics

Comedy. Action packed. Great story line. These are some qualities that the best movies of the summer have. Some examples of the best movies of the summer are freaky Friday, Terminator 3,and Freddy vs. Jason. One reason why Freddy vs. Jason is one of the best movies of the summer...
What is the fundamental difference between robots and humans? A robot follows a program; a set of rules programmed in its core memory. This memory completely dominates the robot, affecting its every action. Like robots, humans adhere to certain rules, programmed in a small desolate place in their br...
My car slows as it approaches a stoplight. I take this opportunity to allow my mind to become engulfed with my surroundings: the bright, fierce red of the traffic light, the brilliant blue sky with its specs clouds, and the mass of hurried people. The four corners of the intersection are filled with...
When I read Bradbury‘s short story "The Veldt" I thought in how technology has been slowly changing the humanity. At first we did not had any kind of technology, all the work was done by hand and we had no form of technological communication, we only had to speak person to person o...
Imagine a world full of high technology machines. Robots doing the chores for us, cars flying in the air. Such an exciting and fun cite indeed. At the rate our technology is going today, this may not be a far-fetched future for us. Today we have phones that can connect to any phone in the world, cle...
Fahrenheit 9/11 I saw this movie as an eye-opener. It was a real hit in the head for me since I was so clueless as to Bush and his administration. I couldn't believe that a man that we put all of our trust into is really a cold-blooded killer. I mean, that's really what it all comes do...
The Terminator The Terminator film series was the tremendous popular success in USA for a few reasons. First, I think it's because the main character, Arnold, was very poplar at that time because he's so masculine, most audience want to see him. Second, I think because the producer spent a...
Technology is a wonderful thing, because there are so many ways we can put it to use. We can use it destructively or let it do our dirty work. In the last century we put our technology into computers. They have been a great use to us in terms of finding information, communicating, writing, drawing, ...
The novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and The Matrix directed by the Wachowski brothers, are very similar with respects to their characters, and settings, and yet so different at the same time. A futuristic society, based on the three principles of the state COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, and STABILITY...
In Ayn Rand's book, Anthem, Egoism played an extremely big part but wasn't revealed until the end of the book. Ego means "lacking in ones own interests" meaning that you don't do what you like to do and don't have your own feelings. During the book everyone who was living in the society was lacking ...