179 Results for security

The relationship between the United States and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has been very unstable. With most of the international conflicts that occurred during and after the Cold War, the United States has constantly found itself on the defensive with the U.N. and other nations. Wh...
Established with both the unscrupulous inaction of the League of Nations and the decisive effectiveness of the coalition against the Axis powers, the United Nations seemed to provide a multilateral, enforceable approach to international law and order at its inception. The bipolar world of the Cold ...
1. The most intense event in terms of national interest is obviously the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. There are several explanations that place this event on top of the list. First of all, this is the first significant attack on US soil. All the other conflicts that the US h...
World events after 1939 drew the United States into greater international involvement. These events forced the United States to abandon its isolationist foreign policy in favor of more active global involvement. The need for military security and the protection of democratic ideals have shaped ...
The latter half of the twentieth century has been dominated by the Cold War and the actions and events surrounding it. During this period different alliances and treaties were formed and many of these were institutionalized. One such alliance was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This...
In the following paragraphs, we will be an analysis and discussing the formation, the contribution, and the security of the United Nations. We will also be offering our personal assessment of the success and the failures of this task, along with our personal future prospects of this organization. ...
The film Contact addresses the complex question of whether extraterrestrial life exists. In the beginning of the film, the idea that there could be any form of extra terrestrial life seemed ludicrous and Ellie was made a fool for believing in the possibility. Once Ellie and her fellow scientists ...
NSC vs. State: Efficiency in Foreign Policy Production The National Security Council, housed in the Executive Office of the President, is one of the most efficient bureaucratic organizations in our government. The U.S. Department of State, located less specifically but more ominously in the Exec...
For hundreds of years Korea was dominated by the Chinese empire. After Japan was defeated by the allies in WW II., Korea became occupied by the Russians in the North and the Americans in the South. Both the U.S. and the Soviets realized that Korea was a strategic country. It was important to occupy ...
Atomic Diplomacy Revisted: U.S. Nuclear Security Policy, Kennen to Kissenger The emergence of the United States as a dominant party in balance of power equations is a relatively new phenomenon in world history. New military technology coupled with increased global integration has allowed the United ...
Bill Clinton assumed the Presidency in 1993 with a full foreign policy plate. The humanitarian military mission in Somalia, the downward spiraling situation in Bosnia, sustained defiance by Saddam Hussein against United Nations sanctions on Iraq, political and economic chaos in the former Soviet Uni...
After the Potsdam Conference, which took place from the 17th of July to the 2nd of August 1945, the Allied countries, mainly the USA, the UK, and the USSR, were moving steadily apart from each other in terms of their interests, leaving Europe torn apart into the eastern and the western blocs. The en...
GuatemalaDuring the Cold War, the United States found many countries as a threat to the changing government of Democracy. In 1947, when President Truman signed the National Security Act, enabling several Top Secret government agencies to form, he formed the CIA. One of the countries that posed a t...
The Warsaw Pact of 1955 The Warsaw Pact of 1955 was an alliance of countries similar to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization of 1949. These countries which were subjugated by the communist regime of the Soviet Union which included: People's Republic of Albania, the People's Republic of Bulgaria...
There are considerable differences in approach by academics and historians when looking at the Cold War. It is these differing approaches that historians take that I will examine in regards to my chosen texts. In 'We Know Now' by John Gaddis he sees the Cold War's origins as p...
Upon the conclusion of World War II, a new era began. An era of diplomatic manipulation, paranoia, heightened security, intensive economic development of awesome weapons and even awesomer weapons, and yet an era where the greatest of all weapons were words and threats. This was the Cold War era. ...
The Space Race grew out of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the most powerful nations after World War II. For a half-century, the two superpowers competed for primacy in a global struggle pitting a democratic society against totalitarian communism. Space was a crucial are...
The origins of the East-West conflict stems from multiple events. This tension brewed into a bitter and long conflict known as the Cold War. The struggle for dominance and world power was masked with differences in ideas of political, social and economic ways of life. At the climax of the Cold Wa...
In the past, the United States has pursued its own vision of international security based upon a particular conception of politics. Its policies have naturally included the use of physical power to underscore strategic aims. This paper seeks to canvass the nuances of US military engagement in the s...
What has been termed as \"the long peace\" by some has proven to be the most intense time period in world history. A historical rarity, two superpowers fought rigorously across the globe for support, each carving out their own sphere of influence. The bi-polar of international affairs resulted in ...
As one looks at international relations in this post-cold war era, it is important to know that the liberal-realist ideologies are crucial elements to understanding post-cold war conflicts. Realists believe that wars arise from the efforts and desire of states to obtain power and security in an ana...
During the twentieth century, conclusions of wars created the conditions for subsequent wars. Whether it was the conquered or the conqueror, few ever remain content past an initial truce. Two examples of this can be found in the events that lead up to WWII and the constant conflict in the Middle Eas...
The Monroe Doctrine The nineteenth century was an exciting and vibrant era that not only dramatically altered the physical face of our nation due to the rapid development of large cities and manufacturing facilities, but also helped modify and shape the values that have come to define our Amer...
Harry S. Truman Harry S. Truman was sworn into office on April 12, 1945 as the thirty-third President of the United States of America. He did not win an election, but he was the Vice President under President Franklin Roosevelt who had died so Harry Truman became President. On August 6, 1...
Without a doubt, almost all of the attempts to contain and deter the current Iraqi regime have eventually failed. The only policy that has a proven success against Saddam Hussein has been the use of military force. As the world's only superpower, the United States of America has the capabili...