59 Results for security

Since the creations of airports, airport and in-flight security have been issues of serious concern for the United States Government, and governments around the world. The Government, which has turned to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to secure airports, has passed and redone countless b...
The Power of Actions United States of America was attacked on September 11, 2002 by a terrorist organization. The terrorist hijacked Boeing passenger airplanes and crashing two of them into the side of the World Trade Centers in New York City, New York taking the lives of many working citizens...
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" (Egendorf 12-13). These people, be them terrorist or freedom fighters, have, for many years, killed innocent men, women, and children for no reason. In recent years, biological weapons have taken terrorism to a whole new level. Not only can terr...
Politics in American is at most, very depressing. You have the mud slingers and the muckrakers, the big money campaigns of presidents, Congress and Gubernatorial elections and those which barely scraping by as in the local county commissioner, who was urged to run by a couple of friends but had n...
Abstract This paper will attempt to discuss the various issues surrounding gun control, the positive and negative aspects of it. It will also discuss gun control measures already in place, and their efficacy, as well as the delicate balance between protecting the public and ensuring that individ...
The Poverty Poverty is a global problem, and it has existed from the beginning of civilization. Hunger, homelessness, and lack of health care are major aspects of this world-wide dilemma. Many countries are in complete poverty and the majority are third-world countries. Within the United Stat...
What makes the United States of America different from any other country in the world? The one thing is that most all of the people that live here are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Immigrants are people who left their own country to make a new home in another country. Immigrants built ...
The Freedom of Information Act: Serving and Protecting The United States of America is founded on democratic ideas and the security of individual rights and freedoms. Citizens are given freedoms to fulfill their aspirations and attain their goals. In order to fully protect our country's...
In a time of war, it is far too easy to get caught up in the violence and forget that the true goal is peace. Hate, death, and pain make it difficult for the belligerent nations to think rationally and come up with a plan to end the violence. This is why a third party is necessary. A third party see...
Does the Fourth Amendment Work? The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America arguably has to be one of the most misused, misguided, and misunderstood laws ever written It was adopted as protection against unreasonable searches and seizures being exp...
Globalizing and localizing forces at work in the world today are generating a need for a new solution to meet the demands of both. The traditional sovereignty of the nation-state is being corroded by increasing interdependence with other countries and by internal factions struggling for independenc...
The world as we know it is a tumultuous place of anarchy, malevolence, and controversy occasionally inhabited by able intermediaries and keepers of the peace. Within societies, due to what appear as irreconcilable differences, periods of discrepancy arise. These divergences sometimes can result in...
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Those words make up the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Those are the words our country's founding fathers wrote when the United Sta...
The Manhattan Project On the morning of August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber named Enola Gay flew over the industrial city of Hiroshima, Japan and dropped the first atomic bomb ever. The city went up in flames caused by the immense power equal to about 20,000 tons of TNT. The project was a success. Th...
There are many controversial issues in our world today. Every issue has various standpoints, no matter whether it is a social, a psychological or a spiritual dilemma. One issue that people are faced with is the death penalty. Many believe that it is an unreasonable form of punishment, while other...
Introduction: Politics, have always existed since the dawn of time, they exist because people argue and disagree, about how they should live, who should govern over whom and how power is distributed or monopolised. We all have different views/beliefs/opinions that we believe to be true and righ...
The use of polygraphs, voice stress analyzers, and forensic testing in sensitive areas, such as the questioning of suspects in criminal cases, recruitment processes (e.g. by the FBI), investigation of insurance fraud and interrogation of current or potential employees raises certain ethical issues. ...
Japanese-American Relocation Camps On December 7, 1941, the Japanese made a surprise attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. (Fremon 6) Right after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war against Japan. (Fremon 7) On February 19, 1942, as the U...
"Their [Russia's and America's] starting-point is different, and their courses are not the same; yet each of them seems marked by the will of Heaven to sway the destinies of half the globe," Alexis de Torqueville, late 19th century. De Torqueville's prophecy came true by the 1940s when the two super...
"Their [Russia's and America's] starting-point is different, and their courses are not the same; yet each of them seems marked by the will of Heaven to sway the destinies of half the globe," Alexis de Torqueville, late 19th century. De Torqueville's prophecy came true by the 1940s when the two super...
Overpopulation "The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970's the world will undergo famines-hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death ...
Push and Pull Essay Mexico vs. United States There are many different push and pull factors that push migrants away from Mexico and pull them into the United States, especially California. A major factor that encourages migrants to go ahead and move is the proximity. California is across the b...
September 11, 2001 - a date carved into history'Oh my God!' screamed passer-bys as thousands of people came running out of the World Trade Centre, New York - the WTC. New York City has never been in such a depressing situation. Screams of horror and cries for help filled the town as two hijacked air...
In the early 1950's the United States was worried about the spread of communism in the world. The United States provided many forms of aid to countries that were about to fall to the communist government. The Truman Doctrine, Eisenhower Doctrine, and the Marshal Plan provided food, weapons, and c...
Legislation and Legalization: A Study of the Inconsistency of the Application of the Death Penalty A well-dressed, young-looking businessman casually walks into a soaring skyscraper filled with over a thousand people who are all going about their normal lives, carrying out their daily routines. ...