76 Results for German

In 1990 the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 57,985,595 people in the United States claimed some measure of German ancestry. This makes up almost a quarter of the U.S. population. German immigration started as early as 1607. The first three Germans to migrate to the U.S. were, F.Un...
The Impact of the P-51 Mustang 2 Not until the advent of the North American P-51 Mustang fighter, and all of the improvements, benefits, and side effects that it brought with it, that the Allies were able to achieve superiority over the Germans. The Allies knew that they would have to drive Germ...
Unfair Treatment for Native Americans Our forefathers forced thousands Native Americans were forced to leave their homes. They faced massacres that caused their population to decrease immensely. Between 1880-1980 half of Native American Children was drove form their home to boarding schools hun...
Ejection seats, how to save your life it Although real emergency situation are rather rarely in modern aviation, the necessity of ejection seats is still given. This can be caused by many different failures or malfunctions of the plane, by errors of the pilot or simply through hostile action. Ma...
To many life is a never-ending game. We struggle to keep going, and very few of us ever make it to a "winning" position. Those who we do consider the winners of life we secretly envy and wish to be more like. Often, we develop a strong dislike or even hatred for those of which we believe ...
U.S. Involvement in European Conflict In the year 1939 when World War II broke out, President Roosevelt was quick to declare the United States a neutral party in the conflict. He felt this best for our nation, as did the American citizens. We wished to avoid all foreign entanglements. On December ...
The United States entered World War 1 in 1917. We went on to support the Triple Entente as one of their allies, and helped them to their victory. The main reason for the U.S. entry to the war was due to the Zimmerman Note. This was a message from Zimmerman, a German general, to the Mexican govern...
The discovery of the America's was originally and accident. It was thought that the new world was the Eastern Indies, which is why Native Americans are called "Indians." Even though Columbus set out to find a new route to the Indies to find riches, the later colonies weren't n...
It was as early as 1564 that a "pencil" similar to what we know today was in use. That year, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, a deposit of graphite (black carbon) was found in Borrowdale, Cumbria. It was so solid and uniform that it could be sawn into sheets and cut into thin square sticks....
The Holocaust MisconceptionThe Holocaust is likely one of the most misunderstood historical events of modern times. There are those that underestimate the extent of world knowledge about the German atrocities. There are also those who are ignorant of the way in ...
World War II was simply the bloodiest war the world has ever known, killing some 60 million men, women and children. The war transformed America into a superpower that would influence events around the world for 50 years. When World War II began in 1939, Germany was the aggressor, it was later join...
In the early days of the First World War, the United States was desperate to stay out of the European war and institute a neutrality policy. However, the two sides fought for U.S. support, often even at a danger to the U.S. The passive stand that America took in involvement in World War I only pr...
The Good War, An Oral History of World War II, by Studs Turkel, is a compiliation of multiple accounts from servivors, on their personal experiences of the war. Each person with a differnt storie to tell; allowing for a very vivid description of the war, from various differnt perspectives, and poin...
The Holocaust is likely one of the most misunderstood historical events of modern times. There are those that underestimate the extent of world knowledge about the German atrocities. There are also those whom are ignorant of the way in which the Jews reacted to their situation. The incredible ex...
To speak more than one language or not to speak more than one language- that is the question. The dilemma between making English the only official language in America or having multiple official languages is an important issue that affects everyone that speaks a language in America, especially thos...
In times of great hostility throughout Europe, America sought to remain neutral allowing Europe to handle its own affairs. In these times of uncertainty came the preparation of a country. With this call for neutrality caused a situation to erupt where the war ended up being fought on two differen...
For the first American immigrants, religion wasn't just an attribute, it was a way of life. It defined what kind of lives they lead and how they were viewed by others in their new community. In some cases, religion determined where people could live. It became a regular financial expense s...
U.S. 1 E #1 Cultural cross-fertilization is the foundation on which the United States sits and has sat for hundreds of years. It is the mixing of cultures (English, African, Scots-Irish, Native American, etc.) that inevitably occurs when different groups of people live in t...
The Home Front Civil Defense and Race Relations in World War Two Civil defense and race relations were two current topics during World War Two. There was a plethora of racism throughout the country at this time. At the same time because of the possible threat of bombings by Hitler's Luftwaff...
From 1860 to 1900 nearly 15 million \"new immigrants\" came to America from the Southern and Eastern European countries of Italy, Poland, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Greece, Turkey, and Syria. Of these \"new immigrants\" most were single, young men with few job skills. This differed from the immigratio...
Well Mr. Bonham you served you country well. You made the world safe for democracy. If it weren't for brave soldiers, such as yourself America wouldn't be the way it is today. If we didn't have brave soldiers we could very well be under the rule of another country. Sometime sacrifices...
The United States had many reasons to abandon its neutrality, and choose to go into the war on the side of the allies. It would be hard for a country to remain neutral and help out other countries; for example, France wanted America to help out their government by giving them a loan. Then, if Fran...
In the nineteenth century, supporters of slavery in used legal, religious, and economic arguments to defend the institution of slavery. Southern plantation owners depended heavily on slavery. Cotton, their main export, required tedious slave labor. Thus, southern supporters of slavery employed whate...
Reparations Justified The question of Reparations, has been the subject of many arguments, and will continue to be. Now, throughout history, man has self-defin...
Kel Hayes Ethnic Studies November 7, 2000 Summary Essay "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me." These words welcomed millions of emigrants to the United...