62 Results for Italian

The seizure of power in Germany and Italy by fascist movements in the 1920s and 1930s was based on a weak and inexperienced government and the humiliation of both countries by the winning powers (United States, France, and Great Britain) after the Great War. These totalitarian right wing movements f...
At this point in 1930 it would be difficult to switch from fascism. For the past decade fascist ideas have constantly been reiterated in almost every aspect of society and it has become a part of every Italian's life. Democracy would have worked if we had kept it going in the right direction ...
A Decade of Uneasy Peace World War II was the worst war that was fought in the 20th Century, and perhaps the worst war in the history of man. The loss of lives in World War II was a staggering 50-60 million dead (Mitchner, Tuffs Global Forces of the 20th Century 130). World War II also ushered in t...
The League of Nations 1919-1939 On several occasions during the period between 1919 and 1936, the League of Nations failed to deliver international peace between nations. This is one of the factors that ultimately led to its demise. Firstly the role and influence of the League itself will be ...
Nationalism has played an important role throughout world history. The quotations below express various views about nationalism.Count Camillo di Cavour expressed the view that Italy should be free of foreign rule and that the Italian states should unite to form a single nation for the peninsula. I...
Only thirty years after the Piedmontese army marched into Rome to unite Italy under one government, the country suddenly found itself on the brink of the twentieth century and a rapidly changing world. The twentieth century would mark the beginning of great changes throughout Europe, and Italy woul...
Nationalism is a popular sentiment that places the existence and well-being of the nation highest in the scale of political loyalties. In political terms, it signifies a person's willingness to work for the nation against foreign domination, whether political, economic, or cultural. Nationalism al...
A Farewell to Arms, by Earnest Hemingway, is a great novel about the pains of life including the great sorrow that comes with loosing those you love. Frederic Henry, the protagonist of the story, is an American Lieutenant in the Italian Army during the First World War. This fact is significant in le...
Mussolini and the intervention crisisBenito Mussolini was born in Predappio, near Forli, in Romagna, on July 29, 1883. Like his father, Benito became a fervent socialist. He qualified as an elementary schoolmaster in 1901. In 1902 he emigrated to Switzerland. Unable to find a permanent job there and...
ERNEST HEMINGWAY BIOGRAPHY On the date of July 21, 1899 Ernest Hemingway, a now known brilliant writer, was born. Hemingway was conceivably the only writer to achieve the combination of international celebrity and literary stature in the twentieth century. Hemingway was brought up in the village ...
In the beginning Frederic Henry, a young American ambulance driver with the Italian army in World War I, meets a beautiful English nurse named Catherine Barkley near the front between Italy and Austria-Hungary. At first Henry wants to seduce her, but when he is wounded and sent to the American hosp...
During the 1930's Italy and Germany followed a policy of aggressive territorial expansion; they invaded weak lands that could be taken over easily. The dictatorships (led by Hitler in Germany, and Mussolini in Italy) knew exactly what their goals were, to form the empire they didn't achie...
A Farewell to Arms is about Frederick Henry, an American second lieutenant in the Italian army who falls in love with an English volunteer nurse named Catherine Barkley during the first World War. After Henry is wounded, he is sent the hospital where Catherine is stationed. This where their love aff...
Ernest Hemingway\'s life in his novels \"Write about what you know.\" A famous quote by little known author Rob Stevens holds true now and has held true in earlier times as well. When trying to write a novel, the author cannot simply create work from nothing; intense work, deep levels of feeling, a...
The Italian public had always loved a leader taking action and uses violence, previously before Mussolini and fascism, a man called D'annunzio had tried to clam a city called Fiumie with a seize, even though he didn't gain much from this what could only be seen as a side show; Mussolini s...
In January 1919, the leaders of America, Britain, France, and Italy met at the Paris Peace conference to decide on the terms of the Treaty of Versailles that would be presented to Germany to pay for damages and, this treaty officially ended the most horrific war up until that point in history. At th...
Fascism Fascism is defined as a system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. Fascism takes many forms, but de...
The question of whether or not Germany was to blame for the instigation or World War One has been a key question which many historians like, Ficher, and many others have tried to rationally answer but there is a level of controversy involved. The common belief is that the assassination of Archduke F...
In 1912 the term Balkanization was coined and describes the region formerly known as the Balkans. It can be defined as a region broken up into smaller and usually hostile units. The region known as the Balkans is where the Slavs meet the Germans, Greeks, and other different ethnic and religious g...
The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations were major contributing factors into the rise of totalitarian dictatorships, especially in Europe, following the First World War. The symptoms of the treaty led to hostilities in most of Europe, and the lack of power propagated throughout Europe by...
The Treaty of Versailles: Cause of World War II The First World War ended with the Treaty of Versailles going into effect, followed by the Great Depression, collecting German aggression on new limitations, Italian hostility, and Japanese belligerence. Pre World War II conditions were favorable...
Why had international Peace collapsed by 1939? Hitler came to power in 1933. In 1942 he wrote a book entitled "Mein Kampf" describing what he would do if the Nazis ever achieved power in Germany. When Hitler did come to power he has 3 main aims. His first was to abolish the treaty of V...
1. Open Door Policy - United States and Great Britain were concerned about the integrity of China. A series of notes were issued stating that the United States favored a policy of "the open door," This meaning that China should not become the sole influence of any single nations or small group...
The League of Nations and its Impact on World Peace Through my studies and research I have come to the following conclusion about the League of Nations: despite all of President Woodrow Wilson's efforts, the League was doomed to fail. I feel this was so for many reasons, some of ...
WORLD CONFLICT IN THE 20TH CENTURY 1 The 20th century was the bloodiest 100 years in human history. Based on numbers killed, in warfare, the 20th century exceeds all other centuries combined. The three major conflicts between 1901 and 200 were World War I, World War II, an...