34 Results for Latin

Los Reyes Magos Los Reyes Magos is the third of the three Christmas-time celebrations. The first is Los Pasados, which is a twelve-day celebration from December 12 to the 24. Following Los Pasados is of course, Christmas. After Christmas is Los Reyes Magos. Los Reyes Magos is a Latin American, ...
\"Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...\" Matthew 28: 19-20 Many of the sacraments that are celebrated today involve the use of oil. Baptism and confirmation are the two principle sacraments involving...
In terms of the number of adherents, Christianity is by far the largest religion in the world and the most active of all faiths with 1.9 billion Christians spread across the world. Christianity originated in Israel, on the birth of its founder, Jesus of Nazareth in Bethlehem. Jesus, born of the Virg...
Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church early in the first century A.D. The basic organization of the Church was also put in place during this time, but the organization is something that has evolved, and continues to evolve, throughout the past two thousand years. Yet to say that the Roman...
Christianity is a fascinating world religion that grows in importance everyday. There are many things about this faith that interests people around the world. For example, the history, philosophy and its relevance in today's society makes the religion fascinating. When did this interesting beli...
History and Symbolism of the Celtic Cross There are many variations of the legends about the Celtic Cross. In modern times the ringed cross is sometimes a symbol of faith or to show ones Irish, Scottish or Welsh identity. An Irish Catholic priest might tell you that the circle on a Celtic ...
(A cult in the webster's is defined as," a system of religious worship, especially with the reference to it's rites and ceremonies".) The word cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means "worship". "In this sense the cultic act is an act of worship, involving external rites and ceremonies a...
The story ¡§A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings¡ is full of symbols that carry the real theme of the story. First, the appearance of the angel was old, with bad smell and parasite grown on the huge buzzard wings. The wings were dirty and half-plucked, and were forever entangled in the m...
Believe in Nothing The depiction of Jesus we see all around us. We see him in books, we see him in churches. We see him on the internet, we see him on television. We see what is an assumption of Jesus' appearance. One man made a guess of what Jesus looks like based on the appearance of an averag...
II n t r o d u c t i o nOn June 3rd 1989 over one hundred thousand pro-democracy protesters demonstrated within Tian'an Men Square, China. The Communist Government, under control of the Premier Li Peng, declared marshal law and the People's Republic Army marched with guns and tanks over the sprits...
II n t r o d u c t i o nOn June 3rd 1989 over one hundred thousand pro-democracy protesters demonstrated within Tian'an Men Square, China. The Communist Government, under control of the Premier Li Peng, declared marshal law and the People's Republic Army marched with guns and tanks over the sprit...
The Eucharist is a sacrament and a sacrifice. In the Holy Eucharist, in the symbols of bread and wine, the Lord Christ is contained, offered, and received. The Eucharist goes beyond being a sacrament. It represents the body and blood of Christ: to God, Himself, made man. Jesus gave the Eucharist fo...
The Institution of the Eucharist is seen in all the gospel as well as Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. Although all the testimonies seem to be about the same there are subtle differences that hold different meanings. The first letter to the Corinthians was written during Paul's st...
Is the war against terrorism in Iraq necessary and are we fighting for a true cause? For many years several people have argued about the moral reality of war and if it is right or wrong. One possible basis for this position is that war occurs between nations and morality is normally considere...
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Riju was born July 15, 1606 in the town of Leiden, Netherlands. One of seven children, he was the only one who received a higher education; all of his siblings went into the trades. Leiden was a University town with favorable education atmosphere. Upon graduating from the L...
When it comes to powerful religious figures, the Virgin Mary seems to be alone in a Boys' Club. Many people look at the Christian faith and assume it favors males because all of its spiritual leaders are male (Jesus, the Apostles, and even God is called "He"). However, the Virgin Mar...
THE BOOK OF REVELATION Composition 1 The date CONTENTS PREFACE, OR ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii INTRODUCTION n I. General Information About Revelations II. The Rapture III. The Seal Judgments IV. The Trumpet Judgments V. The Bowl or Woe Judgments VI. ......................................
Eusebius of Caesarea: An Historian Mary Bivins THE 334 08 September 1999 Eusebius of Caesarea is considered by many authorities to be the first church historian . His life would span from 265 -–330 AD. Some claim that this is an estimated date, based on ...
The Real Jesus Due to the fact that there are only small amounts of historical evidence about the life of Jesus and what he taught, no one really is for certain who the real Jesus of Nazareth is. The four canonical Gospels, Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John, are four separate accounts of Jesus' life pre...
Footsteps of Christ Houston 1 " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." These are words spoken by Jesus Christ according to the Book Of J...
Culture is a catch-all term that is used to describe the various rites, traditions, and rituals attached to a specific group of people. A people's culture encompasses more than his or her religion; it encompasses everything from political beliefs to family traditions. While culture certainly...
Conversations about the differences and similarities between Fundamentalist and Catholic beliefs usually end up being more like heated debates than conversations. A major difference between the Catholic and the Fundamentalist is how they see the Bible. The source of the Fundamentalists' faith is the...
In search of the truth, I found life. Researching this book has opened my eyes and my mind to understanding my faith. Through eyewitnesses and Biblical accounts, historical facts and archaeological findings, we can develop knowledge of our faith through substantial evidence. The historicity and t...
Introduction: The General Concept of Angels in Catholic Doctrine Angels are integral to the Catholic experience, doctrine, and cosmology. Defined most simply as a "pure spirit created by God," Angels were mentioned in the Old Testament as well as the New ("Angel Pages"). However...
The altar panel of St. Clare in Assisi One painting is often reproduced in practically all guidebooks of any language on Assisi – one that little attention has been paid, and is usually outshadowed by the San Damiano Cross. It is the altar panel on the right transept of the Basilica of St...