24 Results for abortion

Moral Relativism At first glance, moral relativism appears to be an appealing, well though out philosophical view; the truth of moral judgments is relative to the judging subject or community. The basic definition of moral relativism is that all moral points of view are equally valid; no single ...
What is Sex Education? Sexuality education is a lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs, and values about identity, relationships, and intimacy. Sex education is composed of information; feelings, values, and attitudes; and communication and decision-making skills....
As a young woman in the early seventies, I knew a few girls in high school who found themselves pregnant and yearning to find a way to "get rid of it", dreaming of legal abortions, or even a way to find an illegal one. And of course, the rest of us were just glad not to be in their shoes....
Women RightMillions of women through out the world live in conditions of abject deprivation of, and attacks against, their fundamental human rights such as right to speak freely, right to have abortion, to earn equal salary as men and right to have equal opportunity, And this is for no other reason ...
Euthanasia Euthanasia is the act of deliberately taking a persons life, also it is known as "mercy killing." Is euthanasia ethical? There are many different opinions on this issue, but in my opinion there is no question: it is unethical. Many people believe that euthanasia ensures a pain...
As societies across the world continue to grow, with populations never before conceivable, one of the biggest concerns is food. Not only is it the concern as of right now, it is one of the largest and deadliest problems, not only in small third world countries but even in America we see issues with ...
"What if the Age of Aquarius Had Not Been?" The year 1969 brings back memories for many people. Some have good memories while some have bad. Today some people are still living in the late sixties and early seventies while some regret this era ever existed. What if these years had not e...
"Human and Animal Cloning Should Be Legal" We are making technological and medicinal advances very rapidly in today's society. We have found cures for diseases we never thought could possibly be cured, and it seems that we will be living forever if we keep it up. One of the most c...
On May 25, 1961, John F. Kennedy delivered one of the most memorable State of the Union addresses in the history of the United States. "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the ...
Miss America: Is She Dying To Be Pretty, What's The Skinny?Every September, the entire nation looks forward to watching their televison sets, watching a beauty queen parade down a 125-foot runway in a scantily clad bathing suit of some sort. Not long after the talent competition is over, many people...
Divorce: What About the Children? Today we face a whole new era concerning the collapse of marriages and families. It is now estimated that one in two marriages will end in divorce. Lately, many consequences are being exposed because of numerous self-centered actions. It is unfortunate that it is...
There is a growing trend in America today that something drastically needs to be changed in our school system. The public is scared to send their children to a place where they could potentially be shot, stabbed, beaten, or be subjected to drugs on any given day. The morals of this country\'s youth ...
The role of women in American society has changed dramatically over the last one hundred years. Women were originally seen as daughters, wives and mothers but are now viewed in a totally different light. Women's views are now respected and sort after and this is why they will play an important role ...
We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal." Thomas Jefferson wrote these immortal words in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. One has the right to impose the question "Are we truly equal?" simply by taking a look at American society. Presently, the United ...
why or Teaching about Teenage Pregnancy why not?What is sex education, "Planned Parenthood of America defines sex education as a learning responsibility and the ethical behavior stressing the importance of understanding sexuality in all its aspects, humane growth, sexual development, social developm...
"...That these United Colonies are, and of Right out to be, Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved..." It was that spe...
Sex and the City Television is an immense force that can push a society in certain directions. Billions of people watch it daily for its news, information, and entertainment values. As America has changed over the years, the television industry has changed with it. One can not say weather tele...
"Defining the Cultural Forum"Defining the cultural forum, Newcomb and Hirsch explain that television serves as a medium whereby "contemporary cultures examine themselves through their arts." Examining current television programming, an argument can be made that the medium has and continues to benefi...
Child DevelopmentBabies grow and develop at a very rapid rate during the first year of life. They grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. In this paper I will discuss the physical growth and development patterns of an infant all the way through adulthood. Development is the baby's i...
ÒMarriage has changed to suit society throughout timeÓ (Economist 161). From interracial marriages to procreation views, society has allowed itÕs favourite institution, marriage, the flexibility to change and grow with the times. Then why can society not accept the addition of homosexual marriage...
"Hello, can I speak with Greg please?" (pause) "This is Greg.""Hey this is Angie...we need to talk.""About what, we don't go together anymore?""I'm pregnant......"Everyday another young girl is finding out that she is pregnant and telling their partner. Why are more and more young girls becoming pr...
The American people have a serious identity crisis. It's rare while in the country to hear someone say that they are American. People say that they are Irish, Scottish, German, Italian, African, English, West Indian, etc. Often people are a combination of these. For black Americans it becomes e...
Government Term PaperAnti Hand Gun ControlsThe Constitution was created to succeed where the Article of Confederation had failed. One of these areas where the Articles of Confederation failed was that the states were able to overrule the national government. For this reason, the Constitution is sup...
Part One: A Question of Perception. The words were wholly ironic:"We must pursue a strategy that prohibits one party from taking us for granted and another party from writing usoff."Jesse Jackson, when addressing the Republican National Committee in 1978, said this about the black vote in America, b...