46 Results for biology

A century and a half ago, a man by the name of Charles Darwin went on a journey around the world. This trip sparked an idea that would permanently alter the future of biology, and in conjunction with a certain Alfred Wallace, led to the publication of one of the most controversial and earth-shaking ...
Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, revolutionized biology with histheory of evolution through the process of natural selection. Herbert Spencerwas the major philosopher of biological and social evolution. Spencer's worksignificantly influenced 19th century developments in biology, psychology,so...
In his 23rd year of life, Charles Robert Darwin set sail from England for an around the world journey that proved to be the biggest turning point in biology and genetics ever. The surveying ship H.M.S Beagle's voyage would last five years, mainly concerning the South American coast. This trip would ...
Many things have been said about life, and many explanations have been made to try and explain this \"life\" and how it came into existence. About 150 years ago a man by the name of Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution in an attempt to explain the world from a scientific perspective. Cha...
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." (Albert Einstein, What I Believe) Science. I was sitting in the last row in biology class, pretending to take notes. I was trying to listen to the teacher, but what she was ...
Charles Robert Darwin is considered by many to be the father of modern biology. He introduced the theory of evolution and natural selection to a time in which science was based of the words on the Bible. He revolutionized the way life science was studied. Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 18...
In The Best Interest Of Science In reading and reviewing Gould's essay on the morals of nature called "Nonmoral Nature, he gives us a brief overview of the age old religious philosophical point of view God has his reasons and we're on a need to know basis and we don't nee...
In the middle of this century, bot biological and cultural anthropology experiences a major change in theory. In biological anthropology, biological anthropologists adopted an approach which focused on the gene. They saw the human evolution as the process of genetic adaptation to the environ...
Gregor Johann Mendel was born on July 22, 1822 in Heinsendorf, Austria (which is in the present-day Czech Republic) to peasants ("Mendel, Gregor"). In 1843, Mendel entered the monastery of St. Thomas in Brunn, Austria (which is in the present-day Czech Republic) ("Mendel, Gregor Johan...
Charles Darwin Charles Darwin was the first evolutionary biologist, and was the first person to start studying the evolution theory. His views were never accepted during his life and were often attacked at times. But Darwin wasn't one to stand down he defended his views no matter who was...
There are many different philosophies towards life. All these philosophies are based on the opposition of mythos and logos. The factor that changes most philosophies is the correct definition of the two terms. Philosophers have been trying to explain the difference between mythos and logos for ce...
Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the debate over evolution versus intelligent design appears to be how two individuals can consider the exact same evidence – a beautiful sunset, for example, or a baby's laugh -- to arrive a diametrically opposite conclusions concerning how the worl...
Evolution is the change in a gene pool of a population over time. It is the theory that groups of organisms change with passage of time, mainly as a result of natural selection, so that descendants differ from their ancestors. In order for this theory to hold true, some things must be observed. F...
After the French Revolution, the second half of the nineteenth century was dominated by science and industrialization. New ideas began to form in the progressively secular culture. "Realism, positivism, Darwinism, Marxism, and liberalism all reacted against romantic, religious, and metaphysi...
Introduction Psychology research and studies have come a long way in learning more how the human brain affects the way we think, learn, and behave throughout the stages of life. Psychology first sparked a huge interest for further experiments and research when people were unable to recall memories...
E.A. Hooton defined race has a "great division of mankind, the member of which, though individually varying, are characterized as a group by a certain combination of morphological and metrical features which have been derived from their common descent." Race is a term sometimes used by bio...
Many factors contribute to the idea of gradual speciation, but all fall under the same theory of evolution. Webster defines evolution as \"the theory that groups of organisms change drastically and smoothly with time, mainly as a result of natural selection or chance, so that descendants differ morp...
Many factors contribute to the idea of gradual speciation, but all fall under the same theory of evolution. Webster defines evolution as \"the theory that groups of organisms change drastically and smoothly with passage of time, mainly as a result of natural selection or chance, so that descendants ...
This is a thesis analyzing the evolution of teeth. However, the knowledge concerning teeth has evolved quite dramatically. One of the first to scientifically analyze teeth was Pierre Fachard. His book "Le Chirurgien Dentiste" published in1728 was revolutionary. It was the first book ...
INTELLIGENT DESIGN: A VALID THEORY? The term natural selection was discovered by Charles Darwin in his search for the way in which life and is processes evolved. The result of his studies has caused much debate throughout science. The concept created by Darwin is the theory of evolution, ...
Charles Darwin\'s On the Origin of Species was published in 1859. In it, Darwin described the idea that animals evolved through variation and natural selection of those fittest to endure in particular environments. In 1871 Darwin applied this theory directly to human beings in The Descent of Man. Be...
Interest is growing in the application of evolutionary and genetic behavioral ecological theory to problems of human lifetimes age specific fertility and mortality, population growth, and emerging population-environment interactions. An understanding of human evolution, particularly the effects of e...
The Present is the Key to the Past" James Hutton was born in 1726, a geographer, was named "the father of geology" who believed not that catastrophes built the earth as it is today, but rather the origin of rocks happened through slow processes and time by gathering observations, the changes that to...
Jean Baptiste LamarckThe French Naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck pronounced the first comprehensive theory of evolution in the beginnings of the 19th century. His theory, the theory of acquired characteristics, had three parts and is as follows:1)Theory of need- the production of a new organ or part...
Now Showing Matches 1 To 19 Field Guide to Geology A 6 page book report on "The Field Guide to Geology" by David Lambert. Lambert is known for his clear and unique style of cataloging information so that laymen can read...